Leaving The "Distinctive" Lifestyle -- Regaining Farm-Family Values In A High-Tech World


 Leaving The "Distinctive" Lifestyle -- Regaining Farm-Family Values In A High-Tech World

It is highly likely that you grew up on a farm, or in a small-town community like a farmers market. So did your parents. Pristine lakes and endless fields formed the backdrops of your childhood home and its traditions. There was always room for sunshine to play and for animals to roam about freely. The life of urban-dwellers does not compare well to the carefree life on sprawling green acreage with horses roaming about, cows chewing their cud, pigs snorting at an open window, birds cooing as they flit from branch to branch high up in the trees... [continued...]
There are certain things that, in a sense, define the life of the American farmer. These traits define the rural community around which you have grown up. So when these values are lost in today's world, it is not only disheartening but alarming. [continued...]
So what is going on with this small town America? With this "unique" lifestyle that rural families cherish and hold on to so dearly? Why has it been seemingly washed away in most areas? The reasons for these perceived changes are many and varied. Where does Main Street fit into all of this? Why should you care and why should we discuss it further? Well, I will try to provide some answers in this article...
In my opinion, there are 3 main pillars that have helped to shape the "distinctiveness" of our rural communities and lifestyles. These are:
1.       The county courthouse, its elected officials and the law enforcement officers that serve under these officials to keep our peace.
2.       The local farmers market and its vendors, who provide that crucial life-giving food supply.
3.       Rural religious institutions, such as churches & seminaries; some old, some new; which help to sustain many of our communities through their spiritual guidance and teachings... [continued... click on title to read full article]
"THEY DIDN'T WANT TO BE THERE."  (The people of France and the French Revolution of 1789. NOTE: This is a very long blog post, nearly 2700 words, but I believe it is a valuable resource as we all try to comprehend the nature of power, greed and tyranny in our lives today. Alexis de Tocqueville, a French aristocrat, who observed the unfolding events in Paris and throughout France for nine months during that fateful year was later inspired to write his two-volume book: Democracy in America . Please read this blog post carefully and you will learn some important lessons that we must never forget in the future.  ]
In the Name of God, Amen. I, Henry Thoreau, of Concord, in the county of Middlesex and State of Massachusetts do hereby affirm that I have taken upon me the full and entire responsibility for all mydoings herewith set down. I hereby solemnly pledge this my testimony to mankind.  I believe that everything has happened as it has been said to happen (be there or be there not) and its divine design. Casting myself free from all other obligations and considerations, I hereby declare my position to be as follows: First and foremost, I have no enmity or hatred toward any people. Neither do I have prejudice against any person living on earth. To the contrary, it is my wish that all people should be as happy and contented as possible in their lives. I see them as a part of God's own creation and hence worthy of his grace. They are not my enemies, nor should they be anyone's enemies. They are the earth and I am just a particle of it. In some aspects of my life, I have been a 'country boy' in feeling and fashioning myself. But for all intents and purposes, I am a city dweller today; this is how I live, think and act as I go about my day-to-day life. My standpoint from which to judge people is therefore that of a city dweller. The basis of all my views and decisions, the source from which my faith draws justification, is the law of God as revealed to us by the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), peace be upon him. That is: all people are equal before God; inequality among them is based solely on their deeds; there should be no discrimination between one race and another (or class) in any matter, including religion; all men are created equal in the sight of God and deserve to be treated as such this very instant they draw their first breath on earth; everyone shall reap what they have sown—no exceptions; there shall be no double standards that favor some and oppress others based upon nationalities or other divisions... [continued...

Conclusion: It is my sincere wish that this humble effort of mine helps you to gain a better perspective of the World and the Ummah today. My aim was just to give you some insights into these very significant events of our history, which are still unfolding in many ways before our very eyes. It is my hope that you learn from it, so that we may all benefit from it in the future–may Allaah guide us all to the Straight Path.

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