Legitimate Part Time Jobs…


 Legitimate Part Time Jobs…

The recession has been dragging on for a while now, and as time goes by, more people are looking for jobs to scrape together a living. But have you ever considered the possibility of going part time? It can be very beneficial in many ways: you only work the hours that suit you, yet still make the same income. You also have more free time to attend to other things in your life and get ahead at work (or apply for another job!). The best part is that you have the freedom to pass these jobs on to your friends, family, or even colleagues for extra money.
If you're working full time in a job that pays average and can't afford to stop working because of non-existent benefits or no pay if you miss a single day, then what I'm about to tell you is ideal for you. 
A few years ago, I was in the same position as many of us are today. I had a couple jobs that paid decent money but didn't give me enough free time. So I began looking for an extra job to increase my income and make some cash on the side. 
I found a part time job teaching basic computer skills to people in their home. It was a fun job, but the problem was that it just wasn't enough to make ends meet. So I began looking for more part time jobs and stumbled upon a service called VIPKID, which advertises online teaching jobs to Chinese children and allows you to set your own schedule. The pay is great as well! All you need is a computer and high internet speed and you can make good money from home. (The link below will give you $25 just for signing up!) 
There are many different companies like VIPKID out there, so don't be afraid to look around. Also, don't be discouraged if you can't find a job right away. Most of the first jobs I found were in the web development and graphic design fields. So if anything, trying to make extra money teaching can be a great way to get into that industry for cheap. 
So if you're looking for something to do on the side that's very flexible, is easy to get into and makes money, look no further than teaching online! 
What do you think? Have you ever thought about a part time job like this? Do you think it's beneficial or not? Please leave your opinions in the comments below!
(NOTE: I'm not associated with VIPKID nor the companies mentioned above. All suggestions and comments are 100% my own and I am not being compensated for this article.)
Tags: part time jobs, teach online
Posted by Keaton at 8:13 AM No comments: Links to this post
"Communication is the grease that keeps relationships running smoothly." — Edward R. Murrow Originally Posted on LinkedIn  by Greg Satell, Deputy Editor at Entrepreneur Now To any bloggers looking to add more content or expand their audience, additional resources are available online. Below are a few tools that will help you build a following. Blogging Tools   Blogger   WordPress is such an easy to use platform that it's no wonder everyone uses it. The learning curve is pretty low and the tool just works. Once you figure it out, it's very easy to use so you can get creating a lot faster than with most other blogging platforms.   Twitter   Twitter is an ultimate free marketing resource. The key to finding success on this platform is posting content that your audience will find interesting. Each time you tweet, you have a better chance of getting retweeted or favorited by others in your niche or industry in need of your advice on what to read next or how to grow their brand. Once you manage to get those followers following you, the rest is up to you to keep them interested and coming back for more.  MailChimp   MailChimp is a great tool that allows you to send automatic emails and form responses. You can send an email to your entire audience or segment of your audience, asking a question and the whole list will respond. This is perfect for reaching out to those who are looking for answers to certain questions or topics. For example, if you have a travel blog, you could send an email out asking who's interested in visiting the health spas in Costa Rica next year, and their entire list could respond. With MailChimp, all you need is an email address so there's no signup required.  Facebook   Facebook is a great way to help with SEO. Whenever someone visits your website, their profile will load with the things they like and the websites they visit. When someone likes your page, it shows up on their newsfeed and makes it easier for them to find you online again. To have a greater reach on Facebook, you could link to pages in your niche or industry in which users can further promote you and like your page. You can also add photos of places you've been, interesting articles or photos as "1-20", allowing others to easily find that information through their newsfeed.   Google Plus   Google Plus allows you to make an account for free and then invite people on there to subscribe to your channel. Once your channel is subscribed to, someone will be able to find every single article you post and follow every new one that appears on your page. It's a great way to reach out to more of the population and make sure they are able to find your content.   Infusionsoft   Infusionsoft is a tool that allows you to have a website through which you can upload all of your content and have it managed by an administrator who can then send out newsletters or emails directly from the site. To manage your site, you can choose different pricing plans which enable you to make it free to manage or charge per month.  If you spend $20 a month, you will be able to have a personal website so that your visitors can contact you directly. This is a great way to get sales through your website as well.  It's also great if someone is interested in purchasing some of the products or services on your site and need more information before they buy.   Reddit   Reddit is an excellent resource for growing an audience and getting more traffic to your website and articles. It's a very interesting place to interact with people and typically has the best content related to your niche. It's been said that Reddit is the second-largest website after Google, so if you see someone else using it, chances are you'll find yourself in good company. Being an active Redditor allows you to get a large amount of traffic from other users in your niche or industry without having to spend anything at all. Making it even easier is the fact that Reddit has an RSS feed which allows people to subscribe so they see when your new content appears.  If you want more traffic for a new blog post, make sure you include relevant titles and tags in which your article will appear on Reddit when it goes live.

Conclusion . . .   If you're interested in learning more about the different blogging tools available, here are a couple articles I wrote explaining the difference between Blogger and WordPress:  How to Create a blog on Blogger vs. on WordPress "In Conclusion"    I hope this information helps you expand your blogging efforts and reach new readers.

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