Looking for Career Longevity? Jewelry Is Forever


 Looking for Career Longevity? Jewelry Is Forever

Getting an education and working in your field are important factors when it comes to avoiding a short, painful career. However, these aren't the only deciding factors. What about longevity? The average person's work life expectancy is about forty years — long enough to be away from school and experience a few decades if you're lucky enough! But what are some other industries that stay relatively competitive for longer periods of time? Enter jewelry making! Someone who starts designing jewelry after the age of thirty is considered "old" in the industry. This can actually be as good as retirement, as many designers start their own businesses while they're still young and retire at fifty-five or sixty years old.
While you can't make your own jewelry, you can start by learning how to set stones and create your designs. Simply looking online will give you hundreds of designers to follow, or pick up a book on jewelry at your local bookstore. A good place to start learning is craft fairs, where you can meet like-minded people who love to share their craft with others. You could also enroll in a class — many schools offer classes in various aspects of jewelry making and design.
If you're interested in lasers, consider classes at the  Institute for Laser Applications (ILA) in Alpharetta, Georgia. There are two levels of laser programs offered through the institute: one for cutting stones and one for gem cutwork design . You should also consult your career counselor or read up on your options through sites like the Art Institute of Atlanta  and the American Gem Society,  both of which offer vocational training in the field. And if you're getting tired of pounding away at things with a hammer, there are even classes offered in using a 3-D printer to make jewelry designs.
For those who have more unique ideas for jewelry design, consider starting your own business — this will allow you to stay involved with your customer's needs as well as create more unique pieces for yourself. Whether it's setting stones, designing a new piece, or creating an art piece in general, there are hundreds of ways to make money in the industry.
And if you're interested in becoming a designer, consider getting involved in the International Society of Jewelry Designers (ISJD).  This is a nonprofit organization that cultivates creativity, knowledge, and professionalism within the jewelry design industry. The ISJD is an excellent resource for education programs, networking opportunities, and professional development.
With all of these options for education and careers , it's easy to see why jewelry making is considered a lifelong career. If you decide to pursue your gift for this craft, you could potentially be working into your eighties! Keep looking for new ways to add value to objects around you . . . and just keep making.
ArticlesBase.com - Looking for Career Longevity? Jewelry Is Forever
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The full article can be read at ArticlesBase.com - Looking for Career Longevity? Jewelry Is Forever .
Looking for Career Longevity? Jewelry Is Forever by Blogging Pro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License . Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at Legal News Blogging.
ArticlesBase.com - Looking for Career Longevity? Jewelry Is Forever
is a blog that focuses on Canada Career News and related issues. This blog will talk about job market trends, employment listings, career trends and others related issues. Please feel free to browse the articles posted here. Contribute your ideas and thoughts as well.
The full article can be read at ArticlesBase.com - Looking for Career Longevity? Jewelry Is Forever .
It's like a major midlife crisis all over again when you realize that it's time to start planning for retirement in earnest. But before you go into panic mode, consider the benefits of a part-time job, as well as ways to make money in retirement. The following are some ways that working in retirement makes sense.
Making Money There's no question that one of the best parts about retirement is being able to spend free time doing the things you love. But with only a few years ahead of you, consider what you could do for additional income. If your spouse is retired and makes good money, look for opportunities to supplement their earnings — starting as early as possible is a good idea before retiring. If your spouse doesn't make much money, consider finding part-time work — perhaps at home or with friends — while they're still working full-time.
As a retired person, you have the opportunity to reconnect with old friends. This allows you to provide mentoring and coaching, as well as to build up your social network. This can be a great way for you to provide value in exchange for currency. Also, consider what else could bring in an income as well as other ways to bring in money.
If you don't have many skills in a particular area, it's easy to add value — even if it's just by taking on small assignments that need extra attention. In addition, look for ways to make money by selling your services in the form of freelance work. For example, if you're an artist, you can sell paintings or drawings online. If you're a web designer, you can take on additional projects that will require your services.
If you love doing crafts and hobbies and making things from scratch, it could be a worthwhile investment to purchase supplies and materials — such as beads or yarn — to sell at craft fairs or local shops. And if you love knick-knacks and have a knack for finding them at flea markets or garage sales, consider turning your hobby into income by selling them online.
The bottom line is that you have many options for making money in retirement, which will help supplement your income. A part-time job is a great way to make money, with the additional benefit of staying mentally active and continuing your network of friends and colleagues.
In this blog post I will be discussing the concept of self-directed, in-home caregiving. This article will include an overview of the types of services available and some resources to help you find one that works for you.
General Packages
Self-directed caregivers are professionals who provide a number of services including meal preparation, housecleaning, errands running and personal care. The majority of services comes in the form of a package, with rates based on the number of hours per week. Prices can range from $50-$150/hr, with most packages running around $25/hr. The majority of care is provided by women over the age 50, who are single or divorced.
Self-directed caregiving is an excellent option for people who want to stay in their home but still need assistance — not just physical help but also with their schedule or some daily tasks. It's likely that you're familiar with people using this service because it has been around for years and has become increasingly popular recently as an affordable and convenient way to stay at home without becoming completely dependent on others.

The concept of self-directed, in-home caregiving is growing in popularity as more and more people look for ways to stay active at home, without the need for constant supervision or assistance. It is a great option for those who want to meet their own needs and be their own advocate, but also want help with daily chores.
Accessibility by age: 70+ / 60+ / 50+
Fee structure starts from $24/hr. In some places you may have to pay an additional $10/hr for board (that includes full room, board and entertainment), additional charge is $60/day if more than one person in your house with another.

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