Make Your Resume Count!


 Make Your Resume Count!

If you're looking for a new job, you've probably spent some time crafting a perfect resume. But have you considered what your resume leaves behind?

Many people don't realize that an average professional might spend up to three hours reading a single resume. To make sure that your application gets noticed, it's important to follow these simple rules:

- Keep your resume short and concise. There is nothing more disappointing than having to read through an essay because the applicant could not be bothered to cut out wasted space. Use bullet points in lieu of large paragraphs when possible for easier reading.
- Showcase the skills and qualifications relevant for the position at hand, no matter how minor these qualifications may seem in comparison to other work experience. Even irrelevant skills might be a good fit for your future boss.
- Proofread! Nothing is more frustrating than having to decipher typos and bad grammar. If you're applying for a job which requires writing, make sure to read your resume several times over before sending it off.
- Include everything that makes you stand out among other applicants. This can include certifications, degrees, hobbies and even volunteer experience (depending on the job).
- A good resume is only useful if it is properly presented. Use a clear and simple font such as Arial or Times New Roman and make sure there are absolutely no nasty accidents of light streaks or faded print on the paper.
- Make sure that your resume can be easily scanned. Avoid large margins, make sure your font is big enough (at least 11pt), and use relevant headings - especially if you've done extensive work experience or participated in a lot of extra curricular activities.
- Do not include anything irrelevant - it will only distract the reader from the important points of your application.
- Don't lie! Not only is this illegal, but it's also unethical, and there's no point in being unethical when dealing with large companies who have employees trained to sniff out false information.
- Be aware that while you might want your resume to stand out, there are certain rules of design (such as avoiding white backgrounds) which can be easily overlooked.
- Don't forget to clearly state your current contact information, and make sure that it is up to date!
- Make sure that you have permission to send your resume if this is required by the employer.
- If sending an email, attach only one document - unprofessional overkill in attachments will prevent the reader from reading your application. Also, most people prefer .doc or .pdf files over .docx or .pptx files.
- Don't be afraid to conduct a little research into the company you are applying for, and tailor your resume accordingly.
- Make sure that your resume includes any key words that might help it get through employee screening software.
Instead of an actual piece of paper, many job seekers now use an online resume builder to create their professional profile - this is an excellent choice, but because these services tend to "pack in" as much information as possible (for a fee), it is important to reread your profile several times and remove irrelevant details before uploading it.
An online profile can have the same potential pitfalls as a traditional paper resume, but these are often harder to see. The best way to ensure that your professional profile stands out is to present yourself in a positive light (as you would go about in a real life interview) and to include plenty of detail about why you would be a great fit for the company in question.
- Make sure to get an honest opinion from people you trust - this will help you find any errors, as well as make sure that your resume is coming across the way you intended it to.
- Emphasize on the positive aspects of your experience, but don't lie! Your future boss might find out.
- Remember to proofread - even the most honest people sometimes miss typos and spelling errors which can ruin everything.
- Make sure everything is accurate and that you have permission to upload it.
- Don't spam your profile with more information than it actually needs - keep your profile short and sweet, but do include all the necessary details.
- Make sure that your resume is optimized by using the services of a professional resume writer .
Unless you know what to expect, do not apply for an entry level position in a large company from home! While you might get lucky on occasion, this is a huge risk. By conducting a thorough job search, you can get the first interview in many cases. During your interview you will have not only a better chance to impress the recruiter, but also have more control over what you write on your resume.
In general it is best to conduct an extensive job search and to attempt securing an interview with as wide a range of companies as possible. This way you will increase your chances of securing an interview with companies which are not hiring for your desired position(s).
Do not apply for a position without doing any research into the company! If a company is very large, ask around to see if there people who worked there previously, and what their experience was like. It is very easy to find this information on the internet, and in today's age of instant communication it should not be a problem finding someone who worked there and giving them a quick call or email.
If you have an extensive network of friends and acquaintances, ask them if they know about any job openings - this will help you get your foot in the door. Use sites like Glassdoor and Indeed to see what other people think about companies you are interested in - this is still research, but it's also an excellent source of valuable information.
At the interview, make sure that your resume is up to date and that you are properly prepared. Remember to always be friendly and respectful to company employees!
If you're looking for work experience, why not get involved with a local non-profit?
Did you know that running a marathon can actually land you a job? It's true - volunteering your time is an excellent way to gain valuable experience in your field of choice. Volunteering for anything from fundraising events to being at a local charity organization can help land you your dream job!
It's no shocker that having a solid education background can help you land a job, but what is surprising is how this might not be as important as previously thought. According to the Harvard Business Review , " Workers with the least education and skills have the most job security " - because employers feel that employees with more experience, but less education, can be replaced easier.
Whether or not this is a good thing is up for debate, but it does reinforce the importance of volunteering - gaining experience in your local community will help you find an entry level position, or an internship which might lead to a full time job! This way you can get paid for doing work related to your field of choice (or something related) while still having time for all your other passion projects.

It is important to remember that the job search process is not only a numbers game - there are other factors which might influence your chances of landing a dream job. Knowing how the job market works, where you stand in it, and what to expect can help you better position yourself for success! Also, make sure that you follow these general tips when conducting a job search:
Keep a positive outlook - no matter what happens, life is too short to be stressed out about work. Keep doing things that you love and everything will work out just fine!
- Apply for jobs you really want.

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