Marketing Comapny Info And Suggestions


 Marketing Comapny Info And Suggestions

Marketing is a moving target. Many companies are still running their marketing campaigns using the same strategies they did 10-15 years ago. It's time to take a look at what has changed and how marketers need to evolve with the times if they want their company to reach its full marketing potential. In this article, we're going to provide you with some of the most significant changes that have occurred in recent decades and offer some tips on how you can continue your success as a marketer in this self-paced era of technological advances.

The Top Three Marketing Changes
1) The internet has caused a shift from "push" marketing (pushing information at people) to "pull" marketing (people actively seeking out content). It's no longer easy to reach your target market by simply putting information out for people to find. Instead, you need to be proactive and constantly ask them if they want it or not. Marketing is the only profession that has become increasingly more difficult as its practitioners have become better at their craft.

2) The rise of social media has revolutionized marketing. It's not just celebrities who get fan mail on Twitter anymore—people are following brands and businesses on Facebook and Twitter, giving them access to a captive audience of potential customers. You might not think it, but your brand is likely your most popular Facebook fan. How do you know? Because people tend to friend those brands they love and interact with those brands on a daily basis. If you're not on the social media bandwagon yet, you're missing out on a large audience of potential customers who search for your products every month.

3) The economy has taken a sharp downturn in recent years, causing small business owners to keep their marketing budgets low. When the economy crashed in 2007 and 2008, many marketers were forced to cut ties with expensive agencies and seek out new strategies that would give them results without spending an arm and a leg. They found that the best way to get results was by appointing one person in their company to take over sales and marketing. This person tends to be the most tech-savvy individual in the company and is able to put together a solid marketing campaign with little overhead.

The Top Three Marketing Tips
1) Update your image. If your website looks 10 years old, it probably is. Many marketers don't realize this, but how their website looks can have a huge impact on how their brand is perceived not just by current customers but potential ones as well. You need to create a website that looks fresh and innovative, keeping people coming back for more.

2) Make a commitment to excellence. If you're going to be marketing your brand, you need to make sure that you're doing it right. Slapping a Facebook page up takes little-to-no money or effort on your part, but it will give you little results as well. To take things further, consider combining social media with influential bloggers in your niche and throwing together a few events in the offline world to help spread the word about your brand.

3) Find a partner and do joint ventures. If you can't find what you need in number 1 above, look for partners who can help fill the gaps. Read the blogs of other brands in your industry and find out who the bigger players are. Look for bloggers you like and send them some free product. See if they'll post an honest review. If you find a few good connections, consider doing joint ventures or cross-promotion campaigns with them to reach a larger audience and get your name out there in a big way.

In Conclusion

Marketing is all about learning from your mistakes and doing things differently. Most people who market their businesses do so by trial and error until they discover what works for them. There's nothing wrong with doing it that way, but as we've noted here, there are many new factors to consider in this ever-changing business environment. To stand out from the crowd and get noticed, you need to do things that make you stand out from the crowd. In our book Marketing for Dummies , you'll learn how to build your brand and promote your services in ways that will help you generate leads without having to spend a fortune.

Author Bio:

Julia McCoy is an award winning author of several books including Marketing for Dummies a leading resource on marketing tips and tricks. She is also an award winning writer with many industry and business articles published by popular media outlets. Julia has been writing for over 30 years, covering topics such as marketing, health, fitness and technology . She is a well known social media expert in the industry. To learn more about Julia McCoy or any of her other books visit or follow her on Twitter @jmccoy21


Social Media Tips For Small Business Blogs: The Ultimate Guide To Marketing Your Business On Facebook & Twitter [Case Study]
  Twitter and Social Media: How To Market Your Business Through Twitter and Social Media While Following the Rules [Video]

Marketing is definitely an important part of any business. Currently, social media is a very effective marketing tool due to its reach and the millennial audience it brings. With the increasing adapting of smartphones and social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, there's a lot marketing tactics that can be implemented on these platforms to help your small business get more traffic. Social media has put information in the hands of consumers which allows them to share their opinions freely. As a result, it is easier for businesses to hear what they have to say and respond accordingly.

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