Marketing For Law Firms Via Attorney-Client Matching Services Part I


 Marketing For Law Firms Via Attorney-Client Matching Services Part I

Marketing for Law Firms Via Attorney-Client Matching Services Part I

In the spirit of aiding law firms, we are going to cover how attorney-client matching services can be used for marketing and lead generation.
This article discusses the ramifications of attorney-client matching service use in marketing law firms and provides guidelines on how to get started.
The first article in this series will discuss what an attorney client matching service is, and the benefits they offer. The second article in this series will provide a list of resources where attorneys can find such services, have them link up with potential clients, and retrieve more information. The third article in this series will discuss how to create an attorney client matching service and what organizations are available for attorneys to do this.
In the previous articles, we discussed that the key to lead generation is having the ability to come up with unique and creative ideas for making potential clients aware of your business. With that said, let's explore some innovative ways you can use attorney-client matching services.
Using these services makes it easy for business owners to communicate with their potential clients and creates a mutually beneficial relationship between them where both parties benefit.
Let's take a look at a few examples. A potential client, who is in need of legal representation, can review attorney-client matching services and search for attorneys in the field that they are interested in.
The same goes for you as an attorney. You can go online and check out the services of other attorneys and find one that is right for you. Then, you can use the link to connect with your potential client and ask questions about their needs and details about their case. Given the responses, you will be able to determine if this is an attorney who will be a good representative for your client or not.
Email marketing is another way to promote your law firm by using email software like MailChimp and AWeber . You can develop a newsletter that highlights new services, the types of cases you have handled, and the price range it will cost them to retain your services.
The email marketing should also include how to obtain legal services from you, how to contact you, and any specials that are being offered for for a limited time only.
Another way to use email marketing is by providing tips that are helpful for your clients who are currently facing legal issues. You can see if there is a trending topic in Utah or nationwide and create an article about what the state of Utah or other states are doing when it comes to that issue. Republish this information periodically in a newsletter format on how things have changed since the last issue came out.
Your newsletter can also be used by potential clients as a way to gain more insight about your law firm and what services you provide. For example, if you advertise that you are an expert in child custody cases, the potential client might ask you to draft a motion that will get them the custody of their children back after they have been taken away due to behavior problems or something else.
As an attorney, you can set up a blog so that your clients can have a place to go where they can read and learn more about their specific case or legal issue they are facing. It is possible to guest post on other blogs as well.
Another way to use a blog is to write about how you can help new and upcoming businesses with their legal issues. These blogs should be written in a very professional way and should highlight the solution your law firm offers as well as what issues are currently on the horizon regarding business law.
Using these tactics will help you connect with people or clients that have been trying to find attorneys through traditional ways such as personal referrals, networking events, or online searches.
These techniques also help law firms keep their lead generation techniques innovative and up to date with the latest technology on the marketplace.
The next article will discuss how to find and choose a legal matching service. These services offer a unique way to market a law firm and help you connect with potential clients faster.
This is part of our series on marketing for law firms. The next article in the series discusses how to find and choose an attorney-client matching service.
If you want more information about using attorney-client matching services, please visit my website . I have additional blog posts on this topic that are written from the perspective of business owners that are looking for new clients. Using this information can help you make informed decisions about your marketing for law firms campaign as well as your day to day operations at your Utah law firm.
As previously mentioned, this is part of a three article series. The next article discusses how to find and choose attorney-client matching services . For more information about attorney-client matching services and marketing for law firms, please contact my office today!
To read the rest of the Marketing for Law Firms articles click here !
You can connect with me on social media by clicking on the icons below!
Medium: @Shannon_Olpin Twitter: @ShannonOlpin LinkedIn: Shannon Olpin Pepper Facebook : Shannon L. Olpin Pepper Google+ : Shannon L. Olpin Pepper Pinterest : Shannon Olpin
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not create an attorney-client relationship.

In the previous articles, we discussed that the key to lead generation is having the ability to come up with unique and creative ideas for making potential clients aware of your business. With that said, let's explore some innovative ways you can use attorney-client matching services.
Using these services makes it easy for business owners to communicate with their potential clients and creates a mutually beneficial relationship between them where both parties benefit.
Let's take a look at a few examples. A potential client, who is in need of legal representation, can review attorney-client matching services and search for attorneys in the field that they are interested in.
The same goes for you as an attorney.

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