Marketing Pro Rod Stinson Introduces The One Step System
Learn How To Get The Job You Want More Than 100 Times Faster!
"I have been doing this job for 6 years. I know how to do it. But I haven't found success."
This is a common refrain from my coaching clients, who are just not getting the work they want in their chosen field. When someone like this comes to me, it really breaks my heart because I want them to succeed more than anyone else does. So recently, I created a system that helps people figure out exactly what's holding them back and give them the best chance possible of reaching their goals quickly and easily.
This system is based on a simple premise: the difference between success and failure isn't what you do or don't do, it's what you're willing to do.
Most people don't have the necessary skills to get big results fast.
If you want to build a $100,000 business fast, you're going to need a lot more than your average marketing skills or your unique selling proposition. The fastest way to do that is through automation. If your goal was making $1 million in one year, you'd need an entire team of people who could get things done for you.
But you don't have time to build a team.
You don't have enough money to hire people.
And you probably don't have enough patience to learn all the things that would separate you from your competition. You need something that will handle 95% of the work for you, so that you can focus on creating the killer steps that will put you over the top.
I've spent 9 years at the top of my field, building companies with millions in revenue. I've raised over $4 million for my company and been featured on ABC 7 News, and Huffington Post .
And I'm still not done learning – I'm in this for the long run because that's what keeps me coming back to the game. These days, most businesses are failure-proof because they use automation to overcome the biggest challenges that face entrepreneurs: cash flow, hiring, and finding customers. The key is to find a system that can handle 95% of the work but still get you results fast.
To find that system, I did a deep dive into the most successful companies in the world.
I wanted to know what strategies they used, how they executed them and how they were able to achieve a scale that many would think impossible.
Then, I came up with a simple one-step process that let's you replicate their success without getting lost in all of the details. It's so easy that my six-year-old daughter could do it (and she has on several occasions), but powerful enough to get results for people who want to generate $100,000 per month or more very quickly.
I'll be using this new process with my own clients and it will soon be available to you as well.
In the meantime, if you want to learn more about what I'm currently doing and why, check out my blog .
Best Regards,
Rod Stinson | CEO | Connect With A Pro Now [1] ARTICLE ENDS Here's a quick example of how this works: Let's say that you own a small pet store in New York City, and you're looking to build a new business around dog training services. The first step is that you need to find the right market for your product: the people who are most likely to buy your dog training services. If you were to put an ad out for this that says, "I will train your dog for $1,000," you would probably get very few responses. People who have a ton of money and live in the suburbs are less likely to be looking for a dog trainer compared to someone who lives in a big city. Also, it's easier to train dogs from the city, because they're closer to the source of supply (the store).
But if you were to advertise on Craigslist with the headline, "How To Train Your Dog For $1,000," you'd find a lot more responses because people living in cities are constantly trying to reduce their costs and live better by lowering their expenses. They're also more likely to want an in-person experience, so they can learn how to do things themselves.
So that's where you'd place your marketing, because that's the place where the people you're looking for spend their time. You've targeted a market, but you still have to persuade them to give up their email address. If you were using a "What's In It For Me?" strategy (the most powerful one in my opinion) you'd write an ad that says something like:
"I am going to show you how to train your dog for $1,000 and save over $900!" That is enough of a promise for someone who wants to save money and isn't afraid of putting in hard work.
Conclusion If you want to learn more about this strategy and how to use it in your business, be sure to sign up for my newsletter . I'll also be publishing a case study soon on the first person who used this system and got some amazing results!
Posted by Rod Stinson at 2:40 PM No comments:
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