Marketing: Your Brand Is About More Than Just Good Looks


 Marketing: Your Brand Is About More Than Just Good Looks

 Marketing: Your Brand Is About More Than Just Good Looks
Don't get me wrong, marketing is important. It's vital to your brand and building a customer base. However, too many people look at it as the difference between being successful and not. They think that if their company can't market then they will be doomed to mediocrity. This couldn't be any further from the truth!

I am going to show you how marketing doesn't just mean putting up signs on street corners or having a logo, it means understanding your target demographic and taking the time to adjust your business practices based on what you learned about them! 

Write an intro for a blog post about getting rid of bed bugs.

The article would be about how you can get rid of these pesky little critters without spending a large amount of money. There are many do-it-yourself bed bug treatments, most of which only require the use of vinegar, water and dawn dish soap. It is important to understand that not all treatments will work equally well on every person or every infestation. So it is important that you do some research before picking out a treatment kit to use.

One problem I run into with clients is that after I've gotten rid of their bed bugs, they will go to another company and have them put down pesticides that may be dangerous for both pets and humans. Not only can these pesticides not guarantee that they will get rid of your bed bugs, they can also be toxic to animals and humans!

After my blog post is done I will also submit it to relevant groups and forums who are into organic methods of getting rid of pests. I will also be sending out a press release to local papers and other news outlets that might have a story in it for them.

This will be the first step in improving my bed bug problem that doesn't involve using excessive amounts of chemicals!

Answer questions on Quora.

Submit a guest post to an authority website like Huffington Post or on the topic "Businesses And Customers In The Age Of Social Media".

A massive fire.

You are already past your bedtime and in bed, but you hear a loud explosion. At first you think it might be the neighbor's car backfiring or something similar, but then you see bright orange flames shooting out of the window of your one bedroom apartment.

You crawl out from under the covers, burning yourself on the hot wood frame of the bed. You quickly turn off all your lights and pull on a random set of pants that are laying nearby along with a t-shirt. You grab your dog's leash and try to find your keys in all the clutter on your desk before fleeing down the stairs as fast as possible with both pets in tow.

You are a young professional who is only able to afford one bedroom apartment and it is on the fifth floor! However, you have skillfully avoided the fire exit, saving your pets and yourself from losing everything.

The only problem is that you don't know what has happened!

You will be asking yourself questions for the rest of your life "What does this mean?" "Why?" "How did I get here?" and so on. These very same questions will plague you when you are out at a bar on Saturday night feeling depressed about your situation for no reason at all. This will make eating at a restaurant difficult and you may even miss out on some great opportunities.

While this won't be your only defining moment as a young professional, it will certainly shape your experiences moving forward.

Brainstorm 10 topics you can write about for online press release companies.

Brainstorm 5 interesting facts about the human brain.

Think up 10 interesting, but weird facts about human beings (e.g. We have zero body fat).

Brainstorm 10 things that are bad for your body that people do on a regular basis.

Write an article about going green.

Write an article about recycling in your city or town.

Write an article about young professionals who live with their parents.

Write a blog post about why people should stop wasting paper, but still print off documents for convenience.

You are very motivated and love to think about the future, however you know that the path that you are currently on is not the right one, so instead of quitting school you decide to apply to a program called "Coding Bootcamp". This will allow you to get all of your bad grades off of your transcript and start fresh.

Now you have the opportunity to get a lot of high paying jobs in the programming field and gain a substantial amount of money. However, you are also discovering that your skills in coding are not as good as you thought and it will take a lot of training and education to become an even better programmer.

In addition, you have discovered that there is no future for people who do not have any kind of computer science degree. As time goes on you will realize that just having good grades in high school does not mean much anymore as almost all businesses require workers with some kind of CS degree nowadays.


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