Modified Animal Meat and Online Surveys


 Modified Animal Meat and Online Surveys

 Modified Animal Meat and Online Surveys

You've probably heard the word "monetize" on your favorite social media platform. If you're not a social media addict, monetizing simply means "earning money from goods and services". 
Monetizing other platforms is hard when you have little expertise with them. Luckily for us, we are experts in Facebook and Instagram. We're going to show you 2 methods for earning cash with these networks. The first method is modified animal meat and the second is online surveys. You will have to have a minimum of 100 followers for the online survey method to work.
The modified animal meat aspect is pretty simple and straightforward. Basically, we're going to buy a whole bunch of cheap cuts of meat at the supermarket. We'll then cook these meats in different ways and take pictures of the process and post them on our social media accounts.
There are 2 ways to accomplish this task: you can buy cheaper cuts like chicken breast that are not very popular on social media OR you can buy more expensive cuts like beef tenderloin and pork ribs that are more popular but still cheap enough to make money off of relatively quickly.
We're going to stick with chicken breasts because they are relatively cheap and reasonably popular. The key is to cook them well and take photos of the process. It's best if you can combine 3 or 4 different basic recipes together in a single post so that people can see how the meat changes color, texture, etc. If you just cook chicken breasts, it's easy to end up with boring looking pieces of meat.
Once you've got a supply of chicken breasts and have figured out your recipes, it's time to get cracking!
Making money off Instagram and other social media platforms requires a somewhat technical approach. If you want to make money off of Instagram, you'll want to first build up your audience. This is going to be similar to the way you built up your readership on Facebook. You'll need at least 100 followers on Instagram and on other social media platforms if you want to make money off of them. The more followers/subscribers you have, the easier it is to monetize your content because people will see your posts more often, they'll be more interested in following your posts, and they'll like them more.
The second step is find a way that people can pay for what they're interested in seeing for free.
Here's where things get sticky... we don't have access to your Facebook, Instagram or other social media account. If we did, we'd just be able to download them and post them on our own account. Luckily, there are a few workarounds that you can try out yourself.
One of the most popular ways is to use a service called "Instart Logic". They let you use their system to track what you're doing on Instagram and other social media platforms like Google+. You can then post screenshots of your post on your own website AND they help you find people who want to buy the stuff you're promoting ( is another service that does this). From what I can tell, they mostly deal with posting ads on your website. I'm not too sure about the fees or if you can use their services to post links on your social media accounts.
If you don't want to post ads, you may want to look into how to post links on your social media accounts if you don't already know.
Now that we've covered the basics of monetizing social media, here's a quick overview of what we're dealing with:
Modified Animal Meat – This is using inexpensive animal cuts and cooking them in a variety of ways to show off the texture and flavor of the meat while also showing people that there is more than one way to cook each animal cut.
Online Surveys – If you have a lot of followers, it's easier to convince people to take surveys. We can just give them our email address and they will be directed to a survey website where they will fill out surveys for us. Who knows, might make extra money doing it!
Creating high quality content is key to getting your followers/subscribers and making your posts more interesting so that they are more likely to share or like them with their friends and family.
In the upcoming weeks, we'll dive into what you can do with each of these strategies.

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