More Marketing Dope


 More Marketing Dope

Marketing can be a massive pain. It's hard to know where to start, what to do, and how to do it. And that's not even factoring the job of figuring out whether or not your marketing plan is actually working! If you're looking for some help or just want a refresher course on lead generation, check out this post with advice from four marketing experts. They'll break down the basics of today’s world and give you some ideas for getting started tomorrow.

Whether it's inbound or outbound marketing that gets you going, these guys have some great advice for making sure all your efforts pay off big time.

Full Article: Marketing Dope – What's the Best Marketing Strategy for You?

Title: Water Watered Down! (Part 1)
by MajorPatriot on 4/5/13 3:46 PM
Posted by MajorPatriot 6 years ago , 979 views, 0 comments. Source: This is the first in a series of articles written by an engineer who has become increasingly alarmed at the  increasing levels of engineering support being given to the ridiculous, light weight, "progressive" political ideology known as "environmentalism," and has therefore been forced to seriously consider his loyalties. The purpose of these articles is not to fan existing flames but rather to encourage rational critical thought about environmentalism and its role in our society. Read Part 2 here: Read Part 3 here: But before we start, let's consider some important facts about water and its role in sustaining life on this planet, as well as its importance to the future of humanity. I would like to note that the vast majority of these facts have not been omitted because they are politically incorrect or inconvenient, they were omitted simply because they aren't relevant to this article (one can look up all the relevant references upon request). Water is by far the single most abundant substance on the planet: It covers over 2/3 of the Earth's surface, and human bodies are about 90% water. Water is a universal solvent that dissolves everything from acids to salts to dyes to other solvents (e.g. alcohol). Without water, there would be no life on this planet - ever. Our bodies are about 60% water by weight, and our brains are about 85%. We drink about 1/5 of our body weight in water every day, which equates to drinking 5 gallons of water per day if we weigh 150 pounds. So our bodies are essentially constantly being re-hydrated. Water is life. Further, water is the only universal solvent, which means that it can dissolve any element, whether it is in a liquid, solid or gaseous state. Our planet's surface may be covered with water and other liquids, but most of that water is in the ground or frozen in glaciers (it accounts for only 10% of the oceans by mass, and covers just 2% of the surface area of our planet). So if we want to live on this planet, we need to produce enough food and create enough biocapacity from renewable materials to replace everything we produce so that it doesn't disappear. In other words, water is our most urgent problem. This means that water pollution-reduction and wastewater treatment are also our most pressing problems. We have over 200 million people in the United States who are drinking water that is unhealthy to drink, and we have a lot of people who don't have access to fresh water (even in the United States). The 2009 Water Quality Report can be found here: This should disturb you, even if you live on an isolated farm in the Midwest. I happen to live in the middle of Detroit, which has been ranked among the most polluted cities in the world for several decades. There is an entire area of Detroit that is called "the poison zone" because it got so contaminated by industrial pollution and wastewater dumping (it was so bad that people who lived there couldn't even use their yards). That water can't be used for drinking or agriculture or anything else without treatment. The EPA ( Environmental Protection Agency) is supposed to protect and secure the health of our water supply, but their own report shows that we are in an entirely new era where even their protective measures are failing to protect our water supply. Of course it's hard to point the finger at all of these problems when you have a president who is more concerned with "global warming" than he is with dealing with one of the greatest threats to his country. That's right, I said it: President Obama has actually put the EPA in charge of pollution control (I know, shocker! ), and has actually banned oil drilling on federal land and offshore.

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