Mortgage Marketing With a Blog


 Mortgage Marketing With a Blog

Mortgage marketing is a form of advertising that uses the internet to spread an idea or specific fact about a company's products or services. It is typically used by mortgage lenders to market themselves and their services to the public, but has also been successfully used by homeowners in spreading word about their property values. Blogs are a great way to drive traffic, learn new ways of marketing, and increase your visibility on the internet. This article discusses some of the basics of blog marketing for mortgage companies.

What You Need To Know:

• There are many different kinds of blogs out there with varying topics and formats - this could make things difficult for you when it comes time to choose one for yourself ... but don't be discouraged.

• The easiest and most popular blogs tend to use the "RSS" format - these are called RSS feeds. With an RSS feed, you can automatically subscribe to a blog using any program that allows you to read web pages. This is great because it means that your blog will show up on your own personalized page or within whatever program you are using to read web pages - no need for constant refreshing!

• You should also make sure that your feed is marked as "XML" - this means that it is more easily accessed by more computers and mobile devices. This will help ensure maximum views for your blog entries.

• Another great blog feature that can add a lot of value to your own blogs is the ability to include photos, videos and even email addresses. Make sure you have these features if they are available to you. It will give you an advantage over other mortgage marketing companies by making your information a little bit more personal and interactive!

• Blogs also appeal because they are constantly being updated with new information, meaning that visitors will always be able to come back for more. Mortgage marketing is about building relationships ... so blogging is a great way to stay in touch with consumers.

• It is important that your blog has unique content - the whole point of blogging is not to simply lie around the internet collecting dust. You want to drive traffic and relate to your audience by providing them with content that is interesting, thoughtful, and informative.

• Try adding a different spin on things - don't be afraid to throw in a little humour into your blog if you think it might fit well!

• The goal, of course, is to spread awareness about your mortgage services. Have fun doing it!

Some Traffic Building Tips:

• Join online forums related to the topics you will be writing about and include links to your own blog posts in these discussions ... this is a sneaky way to drive traffic to your site while helping out others at the same time.

• Get more people to subscribe by putting a featured image into your blog header - this will make it easier for new viewers to find you online.

• Incentivize people to subscribe by offering them something in return ... maybe it's a free newsletter or an opportunity to enter contests by signing up for your RSS feed. Either way, you are building a database of potential customers!

The whole point of mortgage marketing is not just to gather more customers and increase your loan portfolio ... it's to gain a personal connection with your customers. By blogging, you are adding more personality, passion, and personalization to your website and helping to turn them into loyal customers. Pretty cool stuff!

See Also: Mortgage Marketing Tools – Blogging In A Nutshell For Mortgage Lenders
Mortgage Marketing With A Blog | Business Opportunities In Mortgage Marketing
Posted by: Thomas R. Croston at 10:34 AM
Back to Home Mortgage Marketing Blogs Return to Mortgage Blogs Buy and Sell Foreclosed Homes Blog Pickers of Houses on the Internet A blog about buying houses, foreclosure houses and moving into foreclosures. Disclaimer: I do not personally own any of the homes shown here, but it is simply my opinion that they are worth more than the appraised value listed. I do not make any claims or warranty related to these homes in anyway or represent any of them as being in a safe, fixed or otherwise good financial condition. The opinions on this site are based on factual, real life experiences and statistics every day. My belief is that the majority of houses do not appraise for nearly their true market value and equity. The movement of housing prices are in our opinion are manipulated by large companies that own thousands and thousands of homes such as banks, mortgage companies and insurance companies, who control the market by purposely keeping prices low due to their over abundance of inventory. If you want to learn more about what I believe then please visit some of my other pages on my website... CLICK HERE to purchase a book about Housing prices: That's Why (the title says it all) CLICK HERE for the FIND HOUSING page... a list of cities where real estate prices have gone way up, or down. I posted the list of all 50 states with the cities that are increasing (and the few cities that are still negatively affected by the housing crisis. The "FIND HOUSING" page will show you in a very simple language what I am talking about... CLICK HERE to see my TOP 5 REASONS why Housing Prices will continue to Rise. CLICK HERE for my REVERSE FORECLOSURE section... a list of houses that were foreclosed on and sold at foreclosure auctions and what was their final selling price.... This is not a good sign for Richmond, VA...or any other city like it.


If you are going to invest in buying distressed properties, then you are gambling and this is a losing proposition. There is no doubt that if you could get 4 or 5 more years out of your investment it would work out, but the odds of this happening in the next 5 years are slim. So unless you want to rent a place (and if so where on earth can you find decent tenants) then as much as I live my life by the motto "Live For Today," I just don't see how anyone can afford to put their money into foreclosure properties at these prices. It's a fool's game...

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