Multiple Streams of Income – 5 Reasons Why You Absolutely Need it


 Multiple Streams of Income – 5 Reasons Why You Absolutely Need it

Working hard to make money is a battle that most people don’t win. In this economy, it takes more than just your time and effort to earn a living. However, there are ways to gain multiple streams of income that can further expand the profit margins as well as open up new opportunities. So let’s take a look at 5 reasons why you absolutely need multiple streams of income in your life!

A Multiple Streams of Income – 5 Reasons Why You Absolutely Need it
There are many ways we can earn money; however, the struggle is always with those who want to make enough money relying on only one source, usually their job. Some people have what is described as a “job”. This is their income, but it is not their life. They may have a second job; however, that is rarely steady and can easily be taken away from them at any time due to factors outside of their control. These “jobs” are not careers and rarely can provide a secure financial future for the person doing them.

In today’s economy, to have money coming in without relying on someone else for approval or when you decide to quit your other jobs completely you will need multiple streams of income flowing into your life on a regular basis. This way you can build up your wealth, have the cash reserves necessary to weather any storms and know that you will be okay even if you lose your job or it becomes less secure.

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Before we look at the 5 reasons why anyone should have multiple streams of income, let’s take a minute to define what we mean by multiple streams of income. This is simply where you earn money from more than one source. For example, if your job was providing you with $1000 per month and then another $400 from a side hustle or two that would be two streams of income for the month.

We can have a lot of different jobs, side hustles and other sources of income all coming in at the same time that could potentially work together but it is not necessary. You can say you are working at two jobs and then you go home and do your painting gigs or freelance. This is fine and works great, however, when you look at the 5 reasons why you need multiple streams of income we will be looking more deeply into the different ways we can make money on a regular basis to become more secure in our lives whether we are working or not.

To be successful today you need to have multiple streams of income. Here are the 5 reasons why you absolutely need multiple streams of income in your life today:

One source of income is not enough – The American Dream is to be able to work for yourself and do what you love. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of people succeed at making this dream come true. You must have multiple streams of income so that if one job goes away or becomes less secure, it does not take down the rest of your life with it.  You will always have something to fall back on – When you only have one stream of income and it becomes threatened, the stress level increases greatly as well as the levels of anxiety in your life. Having multiple streams of income means that you can take your time to find another job or business if the current one becomes less secure or does not pan out. Having multiple streams of income means you will always have something coming in, even if it is a small amount. This is a great feeling and can give you the peace of mind so that you are not stressed, worried or living from one paycheck to the next. Multiple Streams of Income Means Financial Security – Even if you have the traditional 9-5 job, with additional income coming in from your side hustles you will be more financially secure. This allows for more savings and puts you in a position to make investments, take risks and do things that could potentially make more money for your family in the future. You can find your own American Dream – The American Dream is to be able to create a life of freedom through hard work, but only a few people can do this today. The reason for this is because the majority of people do not have multiple streams of income. You need money coming in on a regular basis through multiple sources in order to be free from the day-to-day struggles of living. You can start up a business, go out on your own and take risks knowing that you are financially secure and that you will never be homeless or homeless again. You will get wonderful tax deductions – One of the best things to come with multiple streams of income is that there are many tax deductions you can receive. This means that you will have more money available for other things and so by being an entrepreneur or side hustler, it means you may actually be able to save more money than if you had a traditional job. Having multiple streams of income means you can get more money back if you are spending money on the right things.

So now that we have looked at the 5 reasons why you absolutely need multiple streams of income in your life today, there are many different ways to earn additional income. The first place to start would be talking with your current employer. They may be willing to add some additional jobs or tasks to increase your job security as well as give you more hours and a larger paycheck. This is always a great place to start but does not always pan out for everyone, which is where we look into some alternative choices for increasing our side hustle income.

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There are many different ways to increase your income if you have a job that is not paying you enough. Here is a list of the top 10+ side hustles that can help anyone make additional income on a regular basis.

Top 10+ Side Hustles & Multiple Streams of Income Ideas:

Become an Uber Driver – Working only a few hours a day, you can make some good money driving other people around. This can be great for getting out of the house and being your own boss while making some good money to add to your multiple streams of income.

Conclusion: The number one thing to look for when you are considering becoming an Uber driver is some kind of insurance policy. If you do not have some kind of insurance policy then driving for Uber probably is not for you. It also may be a great time to sign up for the free month trial of one or both of these insurance policies:

Driving & Roadside Assistance (Road America)

Emergency Auto Glass Coverage (The General)

Become a Lyft Driver – Similar to Uber, becoming a Lyft driver can mean doing the same thing without all the negative press that Uber gets. Sign up here and get your first month free by using my referral code: www.lyft-20off.

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