New Business Names: Naming With A Story


 New Business Names:  Naming With A Story

Sometimes a company can have a great name. It sticks in your head, it draws you in with its allure, it becomes your go-to when looking for something new or different. Sometimes however, the same name can sound uninspired and passé. However there is hope for that business that’s just looking to get their brand out there! There are plenty of ways to make your business seem modern and fresh without changing its name or adding some awkward acronym after it’s legacy. The key is in laying the foundation of a good story.
The words that you use are the most important things in any business. They can make or break your company, not only how you do business with others but how they perceive you as well. In this day and age, we’re surrounded by stories - global narratives that intermingle with our own lives and those of people close to them. It’s no surprise then that people are looking for brands who can tell a story about themselves and what they do.
A strong story brings an emotional element to your brand, one that is intimate and inviting to customers, clients and partners alike. In the digital age, these stories are becoming more and more connected thanks to social media and word of mouth marketing. This is a very positive thing for your company because you’ll be able to tell your story in a way that connects with people in a meaningful way.
Storytelling as a tool can used on any level - from an individual level all the way up to creating a full narrative for your company as a whole. How can you tell these stories? Well it starts with naming!
How do you choose an appropriate name for your new business? It all begins with coming up with the right story. It could be about how a symptom of your company's name has been met with success, a key part of your new business model, or an interesting way you've seen an idea that you want to turn into a reality. Once the name is chosen and the story is understood it can then be used to develop a logo that expresses this story in each graphic element.
When people are introduced to your business you want them fully engaged in your story. With a name like Bank on It! they'll think that this company is going to be one full of optimism, excitement and success. You can't really get a stronger story than that!
I think it's important to try and stick with names that are somehow new or original rather than ones that have been used over and over again by other companies in the market. Of course there are exceptions to this rule, but generally we're trying to come up with something that stands out and has some weight behind it. Most of all though, you want your name to be as relatable as possible for people who don't know anything about you or what your business does.
When it comes to choosing a name for your new business, you want to dig deep and find the most important transformative aspects of your business. You want to tell a story about how you're going to change the way people interact with you or think about your end goal. If you're looking for a company that can help you with this feat, check out our web design services. We can help guide your brand into the right direction!
Title: Common Mistakes Made When Using Social Media Marketing
If there is one tool that has changed the way we communicate and reach prospects online, it’s social media marketing. In the past, marketing and advertising were centered around a broadcast message to your potential customer. A survey was sent, an ad ran in a local newspaper and soon it was on your customer’s radar. Now we put out content that is broadcasted to our entire audience online with the ability to be shared with all of our prospects in an instant.
Here are three mistakes that companies make when using social media marketing:
1.) Repetition: This can work, but it should be used sparingly so as not to bore your audience.
2. ) Nothing at all: If you aren’t on social media marketing then you are making a grave mistake.
3.) Lack of Quality Content: If your content isn’t interesting than neither will your followers be. Social media is here to stay, and the sooner you jump into the game the faster you can start sharing your message and telling your story to the world.
Title: Google+ Pages Can Have Circles
Google+ has seen a lot of changes since its release, but none more exciting than their announcement that users can now have personal profiles and Google+ pages . There have been rumors circulating for months regarding this change, but today we see it in action.

Google+ has the potential to be a great online business marketing tool thanks to its new Google+ pages. It will be interesting to see how users take advantage of the concept and whether or not it becomes a viable solution for small businesses. Regardless, it is yet another social media platform that businesses must consider in order to reach their intended audiences.
Title: How To Get Google And Bing To Trust Your Site
Now that you have your site ready for prime time, you need to let the search engines know so they can start crawling it. That's where your sitemap comes in handy.
Google and Bing use XML-formatted sitemaps as lists of URLs representing resources (HTML pages and images) available through a website.

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