New Marketing And Promotional Ideas


 New Marketing And Promotional Ideas

Marketing is a process that needs to be constantly updated and challenged. The way people research, purchase, and use products has changed significantly in recent years. Gone are the days of just putting an ad in a magazine or on TV; consumers now research brands, purchase products online through a variety of retailers, make decisions about which brands to buy based on their social network influences, and find promotional materials like coupons through social media channels - not just traditional print media. As the power (and interest) of these marketing channels grows exponentially so must your marketing strategy. At this point, it's not enough to just send out email blasts or blog post update messages. The trick is figuring out how to appeal to as many people as possible, watching the trends in social media and communicating with them on their own terms.
By: David Smitley, Contributing Writer
Followers: 2K+ | Reposts: N/A
This has been sponsored content. I guess that means they will always be giving me free stuff to review.
This is a sponsored post from  Norman's Shoes .
I like to think that I'm pretty good at what I do. But the truth is, I'm a "pantser" when it comes to writing (no one told you this was going to be easy, right?). I have a few ideas that I'll sit down and write about at some point. Maybe someday they'll end up in a blog post or they might fall into the "too awesome" category, which means my brain will keep them around for whatever reason instead of getting rid of them because they don't make sense. But when it comes down to putting pen to paper and making those ideas into reality... well, that's another story.
I think it was someone from Larry King Live who said "writing is like making love to a grand piano." I would definitely agree on that note but, sadly, I've been known to bite off more than I can chew. In fact, this blog is proof of that statement, since it's a perfect example of how an idea can turn into something bigger and better than I could have ever imagined.
To be completely honest with you guys, this blog had its beginnings on Facebook. It was a spontaneous action that took place about two-and-a-half years ago and took off in a very big way. It wasn't something that I had expected, nor was it something that I planned on doing. I just started writing about things that happened to me in one day and then realized that people were actually finding my stories funny and entertaining.
That realization led me to set up a blog (which, weirdly enough, was originally called "Pants - Off" which meant nothing but became "David's Pants" in the end). I did it to make sure that whenever I made a comment on Facebook or Twitter, people wouldn't miss out on what I wrote. And before I knew it, this blog was getting more hits per day than anything else in my life. I'd never been in this position before and it was a strange, awesome feeling.
The blog eventually took a turn for the better, however. I started to see that people were connecting with me on a personal level and really getting into my stories about my experiences in life. That's when I knew it was time to step up the game and give you guys something even better than what you'd gotten from me so far.
So here we go! This is the first of many uplifting stories you're going to be receiving from this blog. It might seem kind of crazy, since this blog is also called "Novelty Revived", but I promise that every single one of these stories will be worth your time.
I hope you enjoy this first story as much as I did!
(~_~). ~_(~)
"It wasn't the best of times and it wasn't the worst of times."- Charles Dickens (A Tale Of Two Cities)
At one point in my life, I was into a lot of different things. There was the whole punk rock thing when I was younger, which led me to discover all kinds of interesting bands. Then I discovered that I loved writing, so I wrote a lot of poetry. And, as I got older, I realized that my interest in music wasn't just limited to the lyrical side of things.
So that led to me putting on shows with bands in my local area. We'd play our music and then dance the night away to all kinds of different music. It was really fun at times and there were even moments when we attracted a big crowd. But other times, it was just me and my friends trying to get people on the dance floor without getting booed off of it. There were a lot of nerves that went into those moments but I never let them get the best of me.
There was one time when we pulled together a small crowd at the end of the night and they actually dug our music. I think they were there because they all worked in the same place or something, but we didn't care. We just kept playing our music and hoped that they would keep dancing. It was fun to watch people get into it, especially since it was my music that they were enjoying (my band consisted of me on guitar, bass, drums and vocals).
To be honest with you guys, there are a lot of songs that I'll never forget from my days in the punk rock scene. One of them comes from a band called The Blackout. They were one of the bands that I used to listen to all the time, especially when I was working at a kiosk at an amusement park. The name of their song was "Shufflebrain". Get it? It's an oxymoron... but really it's just a great song!
But when it came to getting serious at one point, I knew that I had to go to college first.

So it wasn't the best of times and it wasn't the worst of times. I did some things that helped me to become a little bit more mature. I'll never forget them, even if some of them were scary. But that's the thing about life: It's full of surprises. You never know what things are going to happen from one day to another... so you just have to be prepared for anything!
Well, that's enough out of me for now! Thank you for reading my story!
(~_~). ~_(~)
This article has been sponsored content from Norman's Shoes . The opinions voiced in this article are my own. 
This is a sponsored post from  AllPosters .

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