Newsletter pain or pleasure?


 Newsletter pain or pleasure?

 Newsletter pain or pleasure?

If you are not a fan of subscription-based newsletters, you may want to reconsider. If your email inbox is clogged with unwanted emails, newsletters seem like a convenient way to cut through the clutter. But for those in the online business world looking for tips or out-of-the-box thinking, the value of a newsletter might be much more than just convenience.

Newsletters have been around for decades, but we've recently seen this form of marketing thrive on digital devices and social media platforms. To learn more about how newsletters and their value can help your small business flourish, continue reading this article. 

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "4 Common Causes of Fiverr Fail". This blog post should concisely explain each cause and then provide solutions for each:

1) Fiverr sellers do not use their buyer's keywords

2) Fiverr sellers do not edit the audio or video included in their gig

3) Fiverr sellers overprice themselves and/or under-deliver on time and quality of service.

4) Fiverr sellers who offer products that are too niche can hurt their sales potential.

The blog post should contain links to your podcast, twitter, youtube and a link to your website to encourage any readers to explore your website further.

Research 4 common causes of Fiverr fail, then write a blog post about it and provide solutions to fix the issue. You can include links to your blogger, website, twitter and facebook.

An article could be a great way to build relationships with your readers and improve SEO (search engine optimization) while also getting feedback on your content. But it's not easy—writing an article doesn't guarantee you'll get anything but blank stares or snarky comments. And if you're just starting out, picking topics can be tricky.

1) How to Write an Article

Let's take a look at the tried-and-true method of writing a great article that achieves your goal. This example is geared toward business owners looking to get in front of their ideal customer, but you can use this formula for any type of content. First, you'll need to figure out what your goal is for that particular piece. In most cases it'll be exposure or leads. You can also set a goal of establishing thought leadership in your industry or being featured as an expert on relevant sites. If you're trying to get in front of an influencer, make sure the article fits with that person's audience so they'll get the most exposure from it (i.e. if you're writing a fitness article, don't pitch it to an editor who covers finance).

Pick the Right Topic : The most important step is picking a topic that people want to read about. If you're familiar with your customer's thought process, body language and activities, you can nail down a topic they'll be excited to read about. Your ideal customer's choices are always one of the best ways to find topics to write about.

: The most important step is picking a topic that people want to read about. If you're familiar with your customer's thought process, body language and activities, you can nail down a topic they'll be excited to read about. Your ideal customer's choices are always one of the best ways to find topics to write about. Get Key Words : Your keyword research can come from a number of different sources, but we'll talk about the most common ones here. The first place you should go is Google AdWords . If you've got a solid budget, it's worth setting up an account and advertising on Google's own site. You can pay for certain keywords to be featured in the ad section on Google's search results pages, which could lead to valuable traffic if it's targeted towards your audience. You can also head to Amazon and check out the keywords people are using in their product reviews. Put the phrase you want to rank for in Amazon's search box and see what ideas come up. Just make sure it's a phrase you can create an entire article around, otherwise you'll just be spinning your wheels. You should also take a look at your Facebook page , Twitter stream or other social media accounts. Go through all the mentions, posts and comments your business has received over time, as well as all of your engagement with others on those platforms. You'll have to read through a lot of content from others to find the relevant information, but it's worthwhile because many people like posting about topics related to what you do for your business.

2) 3 Keys to Writing a Great Article

Once you've figured out the topic and gotten all the relevant keywords, you'll need to write the article itself. Your goal is to provide value to your reader, so make sure that happens at every point in your content. Here are 3 keys to keep in mind as you're writing: 1) Provide Value: People won't read an entire article unless they know it'll help them in some way. You have to not only show them how this advice will help them, but also sell them on why they should listen. This is key, because it's one of the biggest differences between a great article and an average one. 2) Create Urgency: Otherwise known as creating a call to action, your goal is to get your reader to act on this information. This could be taking the next step in the sales funnel, signing up for a newsletter or simply leaving their name and email address so you can get them on your list. 3) Use Emotion: If articles were nothing more than dry explanations of facts, no one would read them! Especially if you're trying to appeal to people in your ideal customer persona, tapping into emotion will be essential. Without emotions driving action, your article will flop.


In the past, blogging has been treated as a chore, something to be done in place of marketing. It's seen as a necessary evil to build your online brand awareness. And for many business owners, it's a necessary evil (at least at first). The truth is that content is a huge driver of traffic and should be considered just as important as your paid advertising (and much more so). Content marketing will help you generate leads organically and sell more products, which in turn will draw more traffic to your site. That's why you need to consider the process of publishing blog posts and articles one time-saving step when you're using Fiverr.

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