No High School Diploma? Get Your Career on Track


 No High School Diploma? Get Your Career on Track

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Don't let the lack of a High School Diploma hold you back from reaching your goals!

The Introduction Paragraph is the first paragraph in any blog post where readers will be informed about what they can expect from reading this blog post. This paragraph is a part of the 'Introduction' section of your blog post. It is a place where you can briefly summarize your blog post and why you are writing it.

In this first paragraph, you should focus on what the core message is. You do not need to make it sound ‘blurb-like’ but at least try to present your thoughts in an interesting manner without going into the technicalities too much.

The Introduction Paragraph should cover:

This sentence will begin with the opening sentence from your blog post. This is best quoted in full or at least very close to full so that people can easily understand what exactly the opening sentences means.

The first paragraph should also contain a brief summary of the opening sentence but this should be placed at the end. By briefly summarising and summarizing, you get the important points across which is good for SEO.

This is where you will include your blog post title in full along with a short summary of what it’s all about. You might want to include an image or a video as well. This allows the reader to further understand your post if they can’t understand your writing (like some people can’t read English).

This is where you will include a link to your blog post. You don’t have to worry about creating a bulleted list of links immediately below the title, but what you do want to do is create an image of your blog post and use that for the first link.

This is where you can also include other content in this section like a link to your website. You MIGHT have to add an introduction from this point too so that people who are not crazy into blogging know what they are reading.

This is where you will briefly describe your main points and how they apply to the reader. This should be enough for people who aren’t even interested in the rest of the blog post though...

This is where you will include the first point that you want to make in your blog post. This should be a point that you want to get across or something about your topic that may not be common knowledge.

This is where you will include the second point. Like I said, it does not have to be anything amazing, but it will help your reading if there is an example or two with the points being made.

This is where you can include an image or video to help make a point more interesting. This can add some humour and make things easier when they are visual rather than just textual.

This is where you will include the third point and repeat the process for the fourth point.

This is where you can include some other points that fit your page but these should be optional. You could also add a link to sign up or register to your blog if they are not on your ‘secondary’ page. This is optional though so don't think that it will hurt your blog post.

This is where you will re-cap what was stated in the previous section, basically restating things to catch people up if they missed something important. Use this section as a method of summarizing what you’ve already written and why it’s important for them to read it all.

This is where you include a link to the next section. This is for people who are interested in more details about the topic, but should be optional.

This is where you include a link to the ‘next’ section of your blog post. Keep it short, if you find yourself getting into long-winded paragraphs then you might want to re-think your point or start off with a new one so that people don’t get confused by what they are reading.

This should be your final paragraph before including your closing sentence. This should be a short summary of the entire blog post and will finish off with a short call to action.

The Conclusion Paragraph is where you can thank your readers for reading as well as include some links to other posts or even your own social media.

This is where you can include an image that you think might help with further marketing.

This is where you will include a link to your latest blog post which could be related to the one being read. You could also mention one or two other posts in case someone missed them since it can’t hurt to have more traffic on your website. At the very least, you should include links to your social media accounts.

This is where you can thank your readers for reading and remind them to follow your blog and any other relevant social media sites.

Conclusion: Writing an Introduction Paragraph

This was a long one! I know that you learned a lot from it. Take some time and think about how you can make your introduction more interesting to your readers.

Writing an introduction paragraph is not that hard but it is a little different from writing a blog post. That is why I mentioned it in this chapter as well as because you need to be sure that you finish off the reading experience with a good ending which includes some kind of call to action.

By following all of these steps, you will certainly gain some great results for your blog posts. These steps will allow you to easily gain followers and other interested people who might even start a conversation about your blog.

SEO in the Introduction Paragraph

Remember, if you are unsure about something or have questions about how to help get your blog post ranking on search engines, then we can definitely help you! If this is something that you’re concerned about then it’s best that you speak with a professional SEO expert rather than try to do it on your own. Contact us today at Digital Mojo SEO if you would like more advice on SEO and blogging!

Chapter 11: Tips for Writing Blog Post Titles

Here is another chapter that may come as a surprise.


Yes, although I am not sure if there will be much more for you to learn about this.

Titles are very important though because they determine if readers will continue on to read your blog. In fact, the title is almost as important as the introduction paragraph of any blog post. This is especially true if you want your blog post to go viral and show up in Google searches or on social media sites like Twitter, Pinterest etc. You don’t have to worry about Facebook since it tends not to share posts as often as Twitter.

How Do You Write an Effective Blog Title?

According to a study that I read about a few years ago (yes...

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