Obtaining Links For Your Website


 Obtaining Links For Your Website

Links are one of the most essential building blocks of Web presence. They are the pieces of code that tell your computer to send traffic to your site, which helps you rank on search engines and generate revenue. Without them, you have no online visibility whatsoever!

When it comes to obtaining links, nothing beats article marketing. This method is free and keeps you out of all those pesky paid schemes that could compromise your site's performance and ranking. What’s more, article marketing will help you create a list of high quality related resources, which can be cross-posted on other websites like blog posts or social media profiles with ease. You can get people to link to your articles with ease!

The truth is, article marketing is a tried and tested technique that has been around for years. Before you go ahead and get involved, though, there are a few considerations and tips that you should consider.

Why should I use article marketing?

Articles are the foundation of any quality website. Your website is all about your content, -- so much so that many webmasters have started referring to their homepage as the 'home page'. However, since most webmasters have to resort to writing articles on a regular basis in order to maintain their websites, more traffic will always result in more potential site visitors.

A site that has more traffic will have more people reading its content, which will increase its credibility and authority. More people will be searching for your new content, and that means more advertising revenue - which is what you ultimately want!

When it comes to article marketing, the possibilities are endless. You can use it to direct traffic towards your own website or someone else's site too. What’s more, as long as you play by the rules and generate original content; you can use article marketing to build links back to your website with ease. Before we go any further though - let's talk about some of the other reasons why article marketing is essential for SEO purposes and your online presence as well.

1. It’s free:

When you consider some of the other marketing techniques that are available today; it’s kind of astonishing that article marketing is still a thing. It seems like everyone is trying to squeeze money out of websites (sometimes without any regard for online performance), yet article marketing remains one of the most effective, free to use techniques out there.

If you really think about it; the concept of making money online is pretty new and we've only really just started to realize how far this phenomenon can go. Even though there are still a lot of people that are skeptical, it's important to remember that there's money to be made.

Most of the promotions we see today on the web are based on an idea of questioning your ideas and how you do things. This is opposite to the concept of making money online; where you don't have to question your business or even ask for permission before pursuing an idea.

If you don't mind basic math, it's pretty easy to calculate the costs for various free programs such as article marketing and wordpress hosting. When you look at costs in terms of money; it makes perfect sense to use article marketing and wordpress hosting, since there's no need to calculate the numbers.

2. Inexpensive:

It doesn't cost you anything to promote your website on other websites, yet there's always a cost associated with this available piece of software called the internet. The fact is, not everyone can afford an expensive domain name and hosting package. Some have to deal with obvious disadvantages such as slow loading times, while others are simply unable to afford these additional costs. I myself am guilty of this at times!

I get most of my traffic through niche affiliate programs and free article sites (I'm currently writing an article on one right now!). The truth is, it doesn't cost me a dime to promote on these sites, and the traffic that I generate is more than enough for my needs. The fact that it's free and can still help generate results means that this method of article marketing and wordpress hosting offers a lot of value.

3. It’s quick:

There are so many things that we have to do on an everyday basis, which makes it easy to see why time management and productivity is such an essential skill in life. This is also true when you consider the time constraints we have to deal with every day as well. When you have to juggle multiple tasks, they tend to take longer than they need to. When there are multiple tools and techniques at our disposal however, the task will get completed faster!

Article marketing has been around for years, and this has allowed it to develop a lot of traction. The diversity in how it can be used allows you to get the most out of your time when dealing with article marketing. You don’t need a slow paced approach; you just need your articles online as soon as possible!

4. It’s scalable:

The truth is that many people dream about owning their own business online. We do this because we want to make a living, but it's also important to think about how your business can expand. The problem with many businesses however, is that they don't grow in a scalable manner. You might be making 60 dollars a month with your niche affiliate program or free article site? That's not enough for you to get ahead!

Can you imagine if you could access an unlimited amount of traffic and earn amazing amounts of money from that traffic? This is exactly what article marketing offers; the ability to scale your online presence without the need for more money in the long run.


As you can see, article marketing is a really useful tool to use on your website; not just because it's free and can generate results, but because it's well proven. The fact is that you need to take the time to understand what articles are capable of and exactly how they work. You can build a thriving online presence through article marketing, wordpress hosting and niche affiliate programs.

Just remember that article marketing isn't for everyone; there are some niche websites out there that don't allow this technique to work correctly.

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