One Little Secret that Makes People Listen to You


 One Little Secret that Makes People Listen to You

There are many secrets that a person can use to their advantage, but one of the best secrets you can use is the secret of personal presence. This secret includes speaking in front of people, giving speeches and presentations, presenting ideas to your colleagues or clients without losing credibility, and more.

In this article I'll go over how to develop your personal presence so that people will listen to you. You will not only be able to understand what some people are saying but also make it clear that you know what they're talking about and why they should care.

Some people just talk and talk while others listen and listen. The person who talks and listens is the one that gets ahead in life, not the person who just talks. The way to get ahead in life is to succeed at what you do, whether it's your job, hobbies or anything else you do. To succeed you need to:

Make good decisions Understand what other people are talking about Make sure others understand what you're talking about

You can never make good decisions unless you understand what other people are saying, so this is why listening is so important. The way to make sure that others understand what you're talking about is to use your personal presence.

When you decide to use your personal presence people will want to listen. If a person is afraid of someone else and starts talking, the other person will want to hear what the other person has to say even if it's not important. The reason why you should care about what other people have to say is that you can learn new things from them and they can help you with your goals in life.

Now that we got through all that let's discuss the most important secret, which is speaking in front of people. The way to speak in front of people is by using your personal presence so that people will listen.

The reason why people will listen to you is because of your voice and how you move, because when you move and talk the way that you should it makes the people around you feel safe. When people feel safe then they want to listen to what you have to say. The way for your voice and how you move is through breathing properly by using correct posture and walking correctly.

Breathing properly means that when a person breathes they take air into their lower abdomen and let it expand upward as well as outward a little bit. The way that this makes people feel safe is that the lower abdomen has lots of room in it so when the person expands their lower abdomen they won't get hurt or crunched into place. When the lower abdomen expands it does not push against the person's body, so the person with this type of breathing can't get hurt. The breath that expands upward is found in the upper chest and is only used when you breathe in so that you can take air into your lungs. The breathing that expands outward a little bit should be done when the person is exhaling (sweating out or releasing what they don't need). This breathing comes out of the side areas of your neck and chest which are not near any vital organs and it isn't a lot of air coming out, just enough to make people feel safe around you.

For correct posture and walking correctly you need to stand up straight, with your shoulders back and stomach in. Your lower legs should be together with your shoes or boots on as well. This posture makes the body feel safe and comfortable while giving off an image of stability to the people that see you. You should make sure that you walk in a confident way so that your voice and body movements will sound confident and convincing. If you're walking in a confident way then the people around you will feel secure and start to feel safe, even if they don't know why they should feel safe.

As stated before, when people want to stop someone from talking, it's easier for them if that person is sitting down or standing up really straight and facing them with their feet together. So if you want to get other people to listen to what you have to say, then sit down when you talk or make sure that you stand up straight and face them with your feet together. This makes the person feel safe and feel like they will trust what you have to say.

When people fall into place and pay attention to someone who is giving their ideas, they are willing to listen because they would rather fall into place then stand out of place (the opposite of falling into place). To achieve this you need to get other people's attention, which is done by calling their name or in some cases finding out someone's name before hand so that when it is time for them to speak, you can call their name.

Someone's name is much easier to remember then a person's position or title. If someone is standing in front of you and doesn't know your name, then ask them what their name is. If you're talking to someone but don't want to confuse that person over every little detail, then use the title of a section or a topic instead of their name. This way when they hear your question they will understand what this part of your conversation is about and are more willing to listen because of it.

This leads us into the second secret, which is presenting ideas in front of people (someone who can present ideas).

The way to present ideas in front of people is by using your personal presence and the right atmosphere. The right atmosphere means that you need to start the conversation with a topic that others are interested in so they are willing to listen.

If you want other people to listen then it's important that you start with a topic that they are interested in, so if you don't know how to start a conversation with them then ask them what they're interested in. If they can tell you what they're interested in then take note of it because this will make starting the conversation easier for both of you.


In conclusion, when you use your personal presence and the right atmosphere when you are talking to others then they will want to listen. This means that if you want other people to listen then make sure that they hear you clearly, that they feel safe and comfortable around you because of how you are moving. If they can't hear what you're saying because of how loud it is or if they feel unsafe don't talk to them again until they feel safer around you. So the way to make sure that other people listen is by using your personal presence and taking note of what other people are interested in so that when the time comes for them to talk, it will be easier for everyone.

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