One Powerful Word That Will Boost Your Sales


 One Powerful Word That Will Boost Your Sales

The word "free" is one of the most powerful words in the English language.

According to internet-marketing company Duct Tape Marketing, just adding "free" to a headline can increase conversions by up to 224%. One unscrupulous but successful digital marketing company increased their conversion rate by over 1000% just by adding "free" at the end of a URL.
If you aren't already incorporating these powerful 28 letters into your sales message, you're missing out on untold riches!

##What is Euler's Number? You may know it as e or π.

Euler's number (pronounced OO-ler) is a mathematical constant that represents the ratio between a circle's circumference and its radius.

Like pi , most of us learned about Euler's number in high school geometry class, but it goes by many other names.

##How to Get Your Free Ebooks! To get your free copy of The $100 Business Plan, please click here .

To get your free copy of The Ultimate Sales Letter, please click here .

If you've already downloaded one or both of these free ebooks and would like to receive the other one for free, just let me know by leaving a comment below.

##How to Get Your $100 Business Plan for FREE! To receive an additional $100 worth of tools & resources as part of my $100 Business Plan , please click here .

Once again, if you already have a copy of the $100 business plan, I'd love to give you the other one for free. All I ask is that you reply to this email with a link to either your Youtube channel or blog.

##P.S. In addition to the free resources, if you click here , you'll be taken to the complete brand-new $100 Business Plan that includes over 60 pages of extra valuable information and goodies that are not included in the free version.

##P.P.S. If you want a reminder of how to get your FREE eBook in less than 24 hours, without any obligation, please make sure you read this post .

Lastly, if you want a quick tutorial on how to generate your own leads using my FREE Lead Generation Toolkit , then take a look at this post .

About the Author: Don't forget! If you want a copy of my book for FREE, just click here . (Note: Using the link above will not cost you anything extra.)


Sean Donahoe

P.S. : If you want a quick and dirty guide on how to profit with affiliate marketing then here's how to do that.

P.P.S: If you want to learn how to make $2,500 per month so you can quit your job and live life on your terms, check out this post . It's really easy and I've done it myself!

NOTE: Before downloading my free ebook, please be sure to read this article about the amazing benefits of turning off Pop-Up ads in Firefox .

P.P.P.S: If you want to learn how to make $5,000 per month on the internet, then check this out .

Every single day I receive over 100 emails from people who have read my free ebooks and gotten amazing results from them.

Others have read the free ebooks, but never got around to taking action because they were too busy in their day-to-day lives.

No doubt, others read the free ebooks and tried to implement them but failed because they simply didn't know how.

Others still have a great business idea that they're dying to start, but work responsibilities prevent them from doing so.

Whatever your situation is, you can be sure that the information in these ebooks will stop the daydreaming and get you moving in the right direction.

Don't let these "little" obstacles stop you from achieving success.

You Can Do It! I Believe In You!

Copyright 2006-2017 Sean Donahoe . All Rights Reserved Worldwide For Free Distribution Only -- Commercial Usage Prohibited -- Get your free ebooks at: Copyright 2006-2017 Sean Donahoe . All Rights Reserved Worldwide For Free Distribution Only -- Commercial Usage Prohibited -- Get your free ebooks at:

Along with overwhelming evidence, this has led me to believe that we are living in the times of the Great Awakening. I believe that I am destined to play a role in this Awakening. How, you ask? Well, while my education has provided me with the knowledge of what I believe, it's my unique skill set which allows me to share it with you today. I have spent my years since graduating college in research and practice to hone my skills. My abilities include the ability to look at a subject and break it down into its most basic parts (both literally and figuratively). The knowledge that is then created by this breakdown is presented in a way that can be understood by anyone regardless of their educational background or native intelligence.


I've been fortunate enough to have a career for many years, and even more incredibly, I am now living out my dream by doing what I love.

My education has equipped me with the knowledge that most people wish they had, but never realized until it was too late. The problem with most people is that they don't put any structure to their lives. They simply go through life letting things happen and reacting to them instead of creating their own destiny.

Life is not a static domain to be passively observed; we must actively create our own reality. It's all about intentionality and not taking what life hands you unless you're willing to put some work into it.

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