Personalize Your Success


 Personalize Your Success

It's no secret that the world of work is changing. With a continually evolving digital landscape, it's more important than ever to be adaptable and flexible in order to succeed. To stay ahead of the curve, you have to be prepared for change - even if it means transforming your career completely!

If you are feeling stuck in your current role and want some advice on how to go about making those changes, then this post is for you! We'll discuss the benefits of career growth and personal development as well as how you can utilize these changes to help advance your current situation.

An Introduction to Personal Development
According to a recent report by Ernst & Young, "three out of five workers surveyed feel they have not achieved their full potential at work; 42% say they would have accepted a pay cut in order to develop new skills or work on a different project. In fact, more than half (55%) of managers would consider bonuses for employees who take on new responsibilities." Many people forget that career development is about advancing yourself and your current situation. This can be done through skill-building, exploring other opportunities, or even preparing for future advancement.

What's the Point?
If you want to be a valuable employee, it is important to support your company and organization. This can be done by taking on new responsibilities and learning how to take on more complex roles. Before we jump into how you can invest in personal development and advance your current situation, let's discuss some of the benefits:

More Responsibility - The first step in advancing your career is being given more responsibility. You will have more to do, but most importantly, you will be able to prove yourself in a new way.

- The first step in advancing your career is being given more responsibility. You will have more to do, but most importantly, you will be able to prove yourself in a new way. New Ideas - You will experience new challenges, which entails learning completely new skills. This will allow you to expand your knowledge of your current role and maybe even discover your next career move.

- You will experience new challenges, which entails learning completely new skills. This will allow you to expand your knowledge of your current role and maybe even discover your next career move. Keys to Success - Being given a higher level of responsibility may open the door to opportunities that were previously unavailable.

Take Action Now!

Below are 5 ways you can invest in your personal development and advance your career:

1. Ask for More Responsibility - In a job interview, it's common to be asked what level of responsibility you are comfortable with and why. Although this may seem like an intimidating question, it should be viewed as a valuable opportunity to discuss your abilities and what you are looking for. Doing so could lead to an increased level of engagement in your current position.

- In a job interview, it's common to be asked what level of responsibility you are comfortable with and why. Although this may seem like an intimidating question, it should be viewed as a valuable opportunity to discuss your abilities and what you are looking for. Doing so could lead to an increased level of engagement in your current position. 2. Learn New Skills - There are many skills that employers look for in today's market; critical thinking/problem solving, technology, social media, decision-making, conflict resolution, and teamwork. Most of these skills can be taught with online classes or by learning from co-workers.

- There are many skills that employers look for in today's market; critical thinking/problem solving, technology, social media, decision-making, conflict resolution, and teamwork. Most of these skills can be taught with online classes or by learning from co-workers. 3. Seek Out New Opportunities - Career advancement often comes through new opportunities. Learn what you can contribute to your current organization and then branch out to find other organizations that could use your talents.

- Career advancement often comes through new opportunities. Learn what you can contribute to your current organization and then branch out to find other organizations that could use your talents. 4. Be Prepared - Have a portfolio of work that exemplifies all the skills you have learned and accomplished in the past or present position. Update this resume regularly so it is ready at a moments notice when a potential opportunity arises.

5. Connect with Others - It is important to have a network of people that support you in your career development. Their feedback could help you advance in your current role and lead to new opportunities. Join professional associations or create a company group that meets once a month to share ideas and discuss relevant business topics.

As technology evolves, the fields of communication, marketing, IT/software development and management are constantly changing. This can be a difficult time for employees as they are being asked to find new roles and learn new skills, but this is where personal development comes in. This is where you will find yourself at a higher level of responsibility, be able to utilize your talents more effectively, and possibly discover your next career move.

It's never too late to jumpstart your career with some personal development! Click here for information on accelerated training programs.

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It is important to note that your professional development does not stop when you have your advanced IT certification. Even the most advanced IT professionals are still working to improve their knowledge and skills. If you are looking for more complex challenges, want to develop specific technical skills, and prepare for advancement, invest in your personal development!

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