Pizza Operators are Making Dough Grow


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 Pizza Operators are Making Dough Grow

A new report by the United States Pizza Academy, a global culinary and event planning school based in New York City, has found that, while many Americans are eating pizza all year long, there is one day on which we devour even more than usual.

The research acknowledges that Pizza Day is observed annually on February 9th in honor of the first U.S. patent for pizza on February 9, 1884. It is a national holiday observed throughout the United States, Canada and Australia and celebrates pizza's role as America's favorite food.

Pizza is already enjoyed all year round but February 9th is one of the biggest days of the year for donut lovers. According to a survey by The Hartman Group, the celebration of the discovery of dough by accident (inventors have always discovered ways to make dough and then discovered why their creations worked) was created as a way to celebrate doughnuts' role in American culture.

Pizza may be the most popular food in America but it isn't the number one selling item.

The Hartman Group survey also uncovered that Americans love to celebrate other holidays, not just on special days, but all year round. The survey found that approximately 85% claim they celebrate Thanksgiving every year, even though it only happens once a year. Approximately 53% say they celebrate Christmas every year while 43% claim they are always celebrating St. Patrick's Day. Only a small percentage – 4%-- claim to never celebrate any of these holidays except New Year's Eve.

There are certain foods Americans love to overeat. The Hartman Group survey of more than 2,000 adults revealed that more than half of Americans admit they binge on bread, chip, pizza and doughnuts while 29% binge on ice cream, pastry and candy.

And in the end, whether we love dough or crave donuts or are just plain crazy for baked goods, one thing we all have in common is that we love to eat. And pizza is great for eating.


The United States Pizza Academy, Inc. is a global culinary and event planning school based in New York City. The company offers courses in pizza making, pasta making, culinary and event planning to students from around the world onsite at their facilities in New York City or online from around the globe. For more information please visit us at .


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The U P IZZA ACADEMY, INC. is dedicated to bringing those who are interested in the art of making pizza and other foods, the knowledge and skills necessary to make pizzas from their own homes or businesses. Our goal is to teach our students how to make pizzas like those served in restaurants or those pizzas available for delivery.

The Pizza Instruction Manual offers a wide range of classes and seminars for everyone including: recreational enthusiasts, people who want a career in this field, people who want to open their own business, people interested in learning about food preparation and presentation.

Pizza Instruction Manual has been concentrating on establishing its reputation as one of the best educational opportunities available by delivering high quality programs while providing training which leads to rewarding careers.

"The foundation of the UPIZZA ACADEMY, INC. is built on a firm commitment to excellence and innovation. Our instructors are some of the best available in the industry."

"Our goal is to help aspiring pizza makers set themselves apart from their competitors by adopting our company's mission statement as their own: "Provide unparalleled customer service, quality products and novel solutions that exceed expectations at every opportunity."

"In order to do this, we teach our students how to make pizzas like those served in restaurants or pizzas available for delivery."

"In today's fast-paced environment, customers expect better products and services. The one thing they request more than anything else is information. We help our students become the best in the business by teaching them how to make pizzas right, fast and easy."

UPIZZA ACADEMY offers a variety of courses for everyone. We feel that it is very important to have fun as you learn. We teach students how to make pizzas like those served in restaurants or pizza available for delivery.

UPIZZA ACADEMY also teaches classes on pasta making, culinary and event planning.

We specialize in personalized service and will work with you in order to help determine your interest, time and budget constraints so that you can work towards your individual goals and still have a good time.

UPIZZA ACADEMY is committed to the advancement of our students.

We look forward to meeting you and learning more about your goals, interests and desires. We will do everything in our power to make your experience a pleasant one.

What does The UPIZZA ACADEMY, INC. offer? Click here for more information…

"Your Moment of Zen!"

The UPIZZA ACADEMY, INC. offers a variety of courses for everyone. We feel that it is very important to have fun while learning how to make pizzas like those served in restaurants or pizza available for delivery.


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But is hell really a place where sinners go when they die? If it exists, what are its true dimensions? Where is this feared place actually located, and how do we avoid going there?

Some people say that hell actually doesn't exist at all, while other people say it will be a cold, dark place without any signs of life. Some people think hell is located under the earth in an underground cavern deep inside the earth's core. 

Others believe that even if hell does exist, Jesus will save them from ever having to go there. Jesus is always able to reach out from His holy presence and lift sinners from the hell that they have created for themselves. If God has made hell a real place, it must be a place that people can be saved from.

The Bible says that a person will be punished in hell for what he or she did during his or her lifetime on earth. Eternal punishment for all of your sins is the worst thing you can ever do to another person. But if there is a place called Hell, it would seem logical to believe that people are going there permanently when they die. 

There are no other logical explanations for eternal punishment unless there could be something else besides eternal punishment after death.


The Bible does teach about a place called hell that is real. If a person dies, he or she will suffer the consequences of his or her own sins. If there is no hell as some people believe, Jesus didn't warn us about eternal punishment when He said "Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." (Matthew 10:28).

In one way that Jesus made it clear that there are two possible destinations after death. Those who follow Jesus will go to heaven, while those who do not follow Him will go to hell.

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