Popup Display Design Tips And Tricks


 Popup Display Design Tips And Tricks

Images are inviting. They draw the attention of a reader and help them decide if they’re interested in reading on. One type of image that can be great for grabbing attention is popups, which can be used in many different ways to grab the eye and bring readers into your article.

In this post we'll discuss how to design popup displays for maximum effect, as well as some tips for perfecting make sure that your popup is effective and looks great on any device, no matter what size it is or what browser window it's being viewed in.

But first, let's answer a few questions that you might have about popup displays.
The first question is: why use popups?
The truth is that you don’t have to use popups if you don’t want to. There are other options for grabbing more attention, like smaller ads or image sliders, but from all of the display options out there, popups are some of the most effective. They're very easy to read and they work well on every device with little to no extra work required.
So why do people use popups? For the same reason that people use small ads, or image sliders: because it grabs attention. If you want to see a popup display that's so effective it'll make you change your mind about using popups, check out this post on using small images. Or just follow along here to see how we can use popups in our own articles.
The second question is: why not use image sliders and/or small ads?
If you want to find out more about other options, click and read this article on small ads, or this one on image sliders. As I mentioned, no matter what display option you decide to use, they all have cons. If you want to know more about the pros and cons of other display options, click those links above.
The third question is: why not just use regular text?
Like the second question, this one has a lot more detail for folks who want to learn more about popup displays. Click there for the answer.
As you can imagine, popups will get a lot of people reading your article and getting to the meat of what you're writing about. How do we make sure that they're effective and look great on every device they grace? First, we'll talk about something every popup display needs: a headline.

Headlines are the most important part of any popup display, because it's what the reader will see first. What you put in your headline will be the first thing that gets read. It'll determine if people want to read more about what you have to say or not. The headline will also tell readers a little bit about what they'll find in your popup display, so it should be descriptive enough of what they'll find.
In short: make sure that your popup displays have great headlines, because they're a vital part of making sure that readers are interested in what you're writing about and click through to read more.
There are two things that you'll want to make sure are in your headlines. First, it needs a title. It should be short, punchy and to the point. Here's a few sample headlines:
"You Won't Believe What This Guy Found In The Woods!"
"He Is Amazing! Meet A Man Who Can Twist And Turn His Body Into Any Shape."
"Do You Know How He Does This?"
As I mentioned before, headlines can be very different from what you might see on ads or as part of a blog post's sidebar. But don't worry; we'll go over some easy ways for creating great looking headlines in this article.
Another thing that you should put in your headline is a subheading. Subheadings should be a bit longer than the title, but shouldn't go into too much detail. It should just help to highlight a point that's being made in the popup display, or to tell about the rest of what's in it.
What are summarized things? Good question! Here's an example of one:
As you can see, it's not too long and it tells you everything that you need to know about what's going on here. If you want to read more about summarized things, click through and see how they work for other common display options.

To sum it all up, you should be putting good headlines into your popup displays, and you should use summarized things to help make them more clear.
Another thing that can make your popup stand out is a good image. Images help to demonstrate what you're talking about and also draw attention to the popup itself. Not only can images make your article better, but they also give readers a reason to click through and read the rest of what you have to say.
Just like with headlines, there's two ways to take advantage of the images in your articles: using stock images or finding your own. Today we'll be focusing on using stock images in your articles and how best to do that.

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