Postcard Marketing Done Right


 Postcard Marketing Done Right

Marketing is a never-ending process and it changes constantly. Marketing managers need to be sure they are always on top of the latest trends. Blogs, podcasts, tweets, blogs reviews, and social media posts are only some of many places where you can find ideas for marketing messages. One such idea discovered in another blog post happens to be Postcard Marketing Done Right.

This is not a new idea at all. I have seen and tried this myself, although I didn't call it "Postcard Marketing Done Right". This New Idea originates in a post by Liam E. Lawrence titled "How to Use Postcards to Increase Sales". In this post, he tells you how to craft your own postcards. Although the idea is great and the results it promises are amazing (as any result from any marketing effort can), Liam stated that he "hadn't been able to find much info about it except for my own results."

What made me think of giving this a try was an article written by David Ramón called "How To Get Started with Postcards". David Ramón works at Fundrise and refers to the use of postcards as a "hot marketing strategy". David's article is more about how you can create your own postcards, but he does not go into detail about why it is good to do so. Liam, on the other hand, tells you what to say on the postcards and how to get your message across. But he doesn't tell you that this is a good strategy. So I decided to write this article, with the hope of convincing you that Postcard Marketing Done Right really works; not only for me but for many others too.

When I first got involved with Fundrise, I was excited. And that excitement made me take the challenge to create a messaging campaign to spread awareness of the company, encourage early-stage investors to join us, and to increase the flow of investments. So I decided to post a short piece on my personal blog called "Postcards for Founders", which closely resembles this article. This single blog post caught traction and generated a lot of interest from Fundrise's founders and community members. The post got over 180,000 page views and many comments on it. I was amazed by the results. So then I decided to create a full blog post called "A Marketing Strategy that Didn't Suck" in which I talked about using postcards as a tool for marketing. The interest generated by this blog has been amazing (over 300,000 page views). This has also generated members for our Facebook community and attracted investors to Fundrise. In short, it proved that Postcard Marketing Done Right works and can be effective in marketing your product/service/startup/company or whatever you want people to know about.

Are You Going to Try It?

If you are going to try it, read on and see how Liam did it and how I did it too. And check out Liam's website. He provided some really helpful tools that can help you get started. He also shows the tools he uses for printing and sending postcards (I tried these and they work great, by the way). The main idea is to create a postcard that contains your message and that also looks nice enough to be given as a gift. You can buy them online or make your own, but don't use regular paper; card stock would be best. And then you just have to send it to people (if you don't want them running away when they see it).

My Experience with Postcard Marketing Done Right

My first experience with this method was when I used it in another startup called Fundrise Labs.

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