Q. Why Do Public Relations People Frequently Wear Red?


 Q. Why Do Public Relations People Frequently Wear Red?

In a culture where showy displays of luxury are frowned upon and signs that you've 'made it' are to be hidden or minimized, why would public relations professionals feel the need to wear such a color?

According to one expert: "Red is traditionally the color of passion, and marketing research has shown that purchasing decisions are more likely when consumers feel excitement." This can also be interpreted as a sign of dominance and aggression which is desirable in some social situations.

For those looking for even more information on this topic, check out our blog post: http://blog.fiverr.com/why-public-relations-professionals-wear-red/.

To put simply, in our opinion, this is because red is a power color.

With that said, we'd love to hear what you have to say. Let us know in the comments below!


I personally know a PR guy who wears loud red suits and ties. He says he does it for effect - to grab people's attention. When I asked him why he likes the color so much, he said that red "stands out," and being tall and lanky himself, it makes him feel more confident (and thus more powerful) when he wears it.

I've seen a few women who dress in this way, as well. They wear red or bright pink suits and blouses. This is different than the old stereotype of the secretary with red nails and lips - this is more power-playing than just trying to look 'hot.'

But I don't think I've seen a man wear a suit, tie, or shirt in this color that didn't work for him. Red is an attention-grabber for sure.

The converse of power colors is that colors that look more natural or muted act as a sign of submission (e.g., wearing black clothes and ties is submissive compared to wearing bright colors, which are seen as vain). Yet red can also be a feminine color. It can be both powerful and nonthreatening at the same time.

That's why I think nail polish is such a great way to work with this color - it's not permanent (or expensive), you can change it up easily, and it's not overly aggressive or in your face. If you want to use red but feel uncomfortable in this bold color, try doing your nails! It's a subtle way to experiment without going all-out.

How do you feel about the color red? Have you ever worn red and felt powerful (or want to)?

Jane Herra is a nail artist, writer, and speaker from New York City. She founded Pretty in Polish back in 2008, which has grown into a website with hundreds of thousands of monthly readers. Herra is also a regular contributor for NailPRO Magazine. She has spoken at many industry events such as NCLA's Round Up and China Glaze's Rock The Runway. She can be reached at her website: http://www.prettyinpolish.com/ or via Twitter @PrettyInPolish.


Okay, that's not a question but here's the closest I can get to it. There are a lot of things that have to go right to achieve any success with great color, but when you look at red you have an abundance of options. Red goes well with almost everything. It's one of the most dominant colors in our culture and goes well on brown eyes, blondes and brunettes alike. When you pay attention to the human form it shows us that red looks good on almost everyone and everything else looks better when accentuated by it.

I wore it once in college when I was going through a rather grubby phase. I don't know what it was about red but it was the color of the day. I'm never going to forget that day. It was also when I started playing a lot of paintball at a very young age so maybe there's something to be said for that too. Regardless, I have never been one to shy away from color and will go as bold as necessary until told otherwise.

The main thing I think about a color is how it makes me feel, whether or not the object or person wearing it makes me feel like myself. When someone else wears red, most of my mind sees them as powerful and aggressive but in reality they are just people just like everyone else. It's a color that I can get away with wearing, something that I feel comfortable in and am willing to let others know that.

I think the only way I'm ever going to dress in red is if it actually fits me. If anything, I'm more of a blue/green person but when it comes to red, it's all about the accessories. Red shirt = Caesar (Darth Vader) hair = David Beckham do = David Beckham. That's my normal so when you put all of those guys together you get a nice mix of how I look and what makes me feel most comfortable.

I think the difference between public relations and marketing is that marketing has to push people out of their comfort zone. That's how you get a sale. PR is more about being comfortable. You want people to like you, trust what you're saying, and see things your way. Marketing is about driving people crazy until they say 'yes' while PR is simply the art of having a conversation.

That's why I dress how I do, I'm just trying to have a conversation with my clothes. I never wanted anyone to respond to what was said but rather how it was presented and the conversation had with it. But that doesn't mean I don't use color as a tool for what makes me feel most comfortable. That's the way I dress and I'm okay with it.

I think it's important to know that red is aggressive. You have to be careful with that and be aware of how you're going to feel when you pull it off. Put yourself in that position, ask yourself if this color is right for me and not just whether or not other people will like it. If it's not, you should rethink it. I know a lot of people (especially women) who have put themselves in red but haven't taken the time to think about their reactions when wearing it.


I think that as far as men go, probably the most difficult color to pull off is Red. I have no idea why. There have been times when I've felt like a guy dressed in red was just asking for trouble. Sure, some people think that wearing a tie or shirt in red signals violence or aggression, which could be true….but there are also people who feel like they look too courageous or brave when they wear red….


I feel that there are a lot of ways to look at what it means to wear red. I think that the context and feeling behind a man wearing red is just as important as the color itself. Use your personal and professional judgment when deciding what color you should wear! That's all I've got for you today!

Until next time….Good Luck, Louder Than Life!

Photo Credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Photo by Mike Eldred on Unsplash; all others by me. Please do not copy or reproduce my photos in any way without permission.

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