Quiz- Do You Deserve Promotion?


 Quiz- Do You Deserve Promotion?

Do You Deserve Promotion?

How well do you know your company? Do you know all the guidelines for promotion, who to go to in order to get it, and who they report to? Have you ever heard of a "performance coach"? It's time to stop asking yourself whether it's your turn and start getting ready!

1. Have a plan. There are three steps that must be accomplished before a promotion can be awarded:
2. Get feedback on key metrics from their performance coach. You'll want their help with this step so they can see how well you're performing in relation to other employees with different skill sets and responsibilities.
3. Provide your proof of work to the boss. Bring up any outstanding problems or concerns, like a lack of experience in a certain area. Your boss will want to evaluate your performance and decide whether you've earned the promotion.
4. Get their approval before going above their head, such as reporting to one of their superiors or accepting an offer from another company for more money and stability.
5. Expect to be on more than one occasion for an official review from your boss so that nothing is overlooked in the process.
6. If you don't see an immediate response after a promotion review, check in. Check in with what's happening and what must be done for the process to move forward.
7. Present materials on how you'd like to be recognized for your success and what you'd like to receive as a reward. It's all about "you" at this point.
8. Get additional support from your parents, significant other, and friends so they can help promote your success once it happens by telling friends and family how good of a job you're doing and why you deserve the promotion above anyone else.
9. Don't be offended if your boss says you'll have to wait a while because they don't want to create a shortage of hired employees. If you've put in the work, though, give your boss a heads up so they can be prepared.
10. Be persistent and work hard during each review period so you can show how well you can grow and what value you bring to the table.
11. Buy yourself a new suit or dress shirt if it's one of the first times your boss has seen you since your promotion! Don't be intimidated by their presence if he/she is nice or even if he/she is especially mean to make sure your promotion sticks! Get ready for a positive experience!
12. Don't be too aggressive, impatient, or shallow. It's not always about who knows the most people or who can do the job in the shortest amount of time. If you're nervous or uncomfortable on your path to success, it will show through your body language and voice tone when you're presenting to your boss.
13. If they don't call you back with an answer right away, give them some time so they can "think" about it! They just might need a little breathing room!
14. Follow up with a phone call or email so he/she remembers you by name before you walk in for your check-in meeting.
15. Once the process is complete, remind yourself to love your boss because you've put your name and "value" on the line. You've earned it.
16. You've worked very hard for this promotion, so enjoy it! Smile, laugh, and have fun with colleagues as you move up in a new direction with fresh opportunities to grow!
17. Tell your mom, dad or significant other how proud you are and how happy they should be that they supported you at every step of the way!
18. If you don't hear from them after a while, check in again. It's probably nothing; just remember how valuable they are and what they stand for!
19. Be patient. Your promotion may not be a direct result of you putting in extra hours, but someone may have recommended you for your promotion silently in the background. You can feel their approval, even if they won't tell you!
20. Keep in touch with your boss so they know how well you are performing and how much value you bring to the company. Don't let them go without a say!
21. If your manager has accepted another offer from another company, it's time to move on so a new employee can be promoted into your job. A good way to leave is by saying good-bye at a meeting or event where all employees will see the change up close and personally.
22. Accept your promotion and say thank you to your boss for believing in you! You're ready to take on the world as a professional now! Enjoy the journey!
23. If your promotion means moving up in pay from low- to medium-to-high, now is the time to ask for it so they know what they can expect from you. Your boss will be impressed with how well you figure out what to do, who to go and ask questions of, and what will work best in order to succeed!
24. Have one last meeting with your manager if it's more convenient so they can present all of the details of what's going on.
25. Stay positive, enthusiastic, and prove to your boss that you deserve more responsibility in the near future.
26. If needed, fill out a new job application with your new boss so they can get a head start on writing a job description for you to fill out in preparation for future promotions/responsibilities!
27. Ask for a raise if it's appropriate for the time and expenses of your situation. This will help you to keep up with changes in the market and make a better wage than what you're making now.
28. Prepare yourself for a productive year as you get to know and work with new people, visit new places, and make your way up in the company. Enjoy the ride!
29. If you don't think they'll be able to keep up with what's going on and how you think it can be handled better, go ahead and ask them if they need help! If they do, go ahead and offer your assistance so they can get back on track.
30. Don't let anyone take advantage of you at this point in your professional life.
31. Don't let your boss/supervisor or any other employee take you off your path to success. Stand up for yourself and file a complaint or report if needed!
32. If you feel like you're being taken advantage of, go ask your boss if they've seen what's going on. If someone is trying to make you look bad, it's probably the last thing they want to hear about!
33. If he/she doesn't want be bothered or isn't willing to listen, politely tell him/her that it's not going to work out and then leave the room slowly. Don't lose your temper so you can avoid trouble!


… and there you have it! If we've missed anything, please feel free to let us know in the comments. We're here to make your life easier so you can get back to focusing on your work!
And if you need more management tips, check out these other great posts: 10 Easy Ways To Boost Productivity 30+ Ways To Boost Your Job Interview | 90+ Job Interview Tips  29 Signs That You Should Start Learning Some Management Techniques These are awesome people. They are so good at what they do that they were born with a gift of being leaders worth following. In order to become a great leader, we need to learn how to lead ourselves.

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