Recruiters - Why in the world would I GoRecroot


 Recruiters - Why in the world would I GoRecroot

"Recruiting is not an entirely new thing, but for tech companies, it is. There are many people out there that want to work with you and your company; as a recruiter, it's your job to find them. The question then becomes why in the world would I goRecruitroot? What exactly are these people looking for?"

This blog post will explore the reasons why a Recruiter would choose recruitment and how recruiters can maximize their success in the recruiting process.

This blog post discusses what recruiters should do when they find themselves with low productivity through lack of some type of content- like email or online lead generation pages.

Recruiters Are Looking For More

There are so many great benefits and opportunities that come with working with tech companies, but one of the most important reasons is the ability to leverage your own lifestyle. Recruiters are looking for unique workplaces that they can be passionate about and at the same time get paid to do what they love. The best part is that these types of companies don't usually care how long a recruiter works for them, or whether or not he or she gets a promotion. All they want from you is results and effectiveness. You will be paid well for your efforts, and in return you will be able to live out your own very successful and fulfilled career.

Recruiters are looking for people who want to change the world. People that want to change the world will be willing to take risks and look beyond the outside of a company's walls.

Recruiters Are Looking For Opportunities

A recruiter is going to seek out an opportunity where they can grow both professionally and personally, while also being compensated well for their efforts. Companies like Google, Apple, Amazon, etc., can offer you this type of opportunity through anything from managerial opportunities to marketing or business development programs. As a recruiter, you will have so many great opportunities for growth and success if you choose tech companies that allow you the freedom to be yourself.

Recruiters Are Looking For Great Environments

Not all opportunities are created equal. You want to be working with a company that is on the cutting edge and can offer you not just a great salary, but also a great environment as well. You want to be around people who are willing to work hard and be innovative, while also being open minded. Google, Apple, and Amazon all offer this type of environment for the recruiter that is willing to look past the obvious stereotype of the Fortune 100 companies.

Recruiters are looking for growth opportunities for themselves and their families. Growth opportunities are important to get your resume noticed, and you want to create this at a company where you will be able to grow with minimal supervision. Companies like Google, Apple, Amazon, etc., will not just offer great salaries and benefits but also provide the best development opportunities.

Recruiters Are Looking For Growth

Recruiters are looking for growth potential in their own careers or the possibility of getting promoted in the future. If you are looking to get promoted within a company, then you should look for a job that can help your career grow; recruiters usually seek out companies that can offer them great growth opportunities in both marketability and salary. You will be hard pressed to find a company that can offer you the skills and development needed to jump start or advance your recruitment career.

Recruiters Are Looking For Great Schools

Great schools are a sign of great opportunity. The best schools in the area are most typically linked with the most successful professionals. If you have an opportunity to send your child to one of these schools, you'll be wowed by their alumni network, which will connect your child with some of the best recruiters in the area and help him or her get involved before they even graduate from high school.

Recruiters Are Looking For Great Compensation

Recruiters are looking for adequate salaries and benefits, while also being able to enjoy the experience of working at a company where they can grow professionally and personally.

If you're interested in learning more about the reasons recruiters choose recruitment, click here to read this blog post.

We know that recruiting is hard! We put together these resources for recruiters because we recognize the challenges that face today's recruiters. We have broken down the key components of a successful recruiting strategy into four simple buckets: "Work Hard," "Have Questions," "Get Advice," and "Make It Happen." Check out below to get started.

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Recruiters - Why in the world would I GoRecroot? #digitalmarketing #jobboards #jobsearch #facebookads

I am the Recruitment Marketing Manager at Top Tech Recruiter. I've been in recruitment for almost 20 years, and I've been a digital marketing specialist for almost 1 year. After having time to reflect and learn, I have finally realized that these two industries work hand in hand. Recruiters and recruiters need to become digital marketers! When it comes to technology recruiters, there is an immediate need to get out of our comfort zones. With programs like Upwork, the market has changed forever. You can outsource almost everything (with exceptions of expensive positions). We need to change the way we think and approach technology, as a whole. Posted by Top Tech Recruiter on Monday, June 11, 2015

I am the Recruitment Marketing Manager at Top Tech Recruiter. I've been in recruitment for almost 20 years, and I've been a digital marketing specialist for almost 1 year. After having time to reflect and learn, I have finally realized that these two industries work hand in hand. Recruiters and recruiters need to become digital marketers! When it comes to technology recruiters, there is an immediate need to get out of our comfort zones. With programs like Upwork, the market has changed forever. You can outsource almost everything (with exceptions of expensive positions). We need to change the way we think and approach technology, as a whole.


I'm interested in learning more about the market that has changed forever. I know that many of our candidates are tech-savvy and have been working with social media for years. Can you share some information on how the market has changed? What is it specifically that tech companies are looking for when it comes to social media? What are some other ways that recruiters can use technology?

Posted by Unknown on Friday, October 10, 2015 at 11:14 AM

I'm interested in learning more about the market that has changed forever.


While the world of hiring is becoming more and more competitive, one thing that recruiters have in their favor is the fact that they are experts at finding, networking, and closing deals. Since the beginning of time, recruiters have been able to leverage their experience to get ahead in a tough job market. Recruiters will always be in demand due to the critical skills they possess; these skills are highly valued by employers who need to fill open positions. Companies should hire recruiters as a key cog in any advancement plan since recruiters possess unique expertise when it comes to recruiting new employees.

The world has changed completely and continues to evolve at an exponential rate.

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