Ruin Not Thy Word-of-Mouth Quest


 Ruin Not Thy Word-of-Mouth Quest

There is a vast and varied landscape of social media platforms in which to connect with others. You know what's not fun? Realizing that you just lost the shareability, likeability or influence on social media platforms because the content you posted was too dumb, too long-winded or just not interesting enough. But how do you avoid that? The answer is simple: don't post bad content.
Diane Mancuso, Founder of and @dianem on Twitter
Perfection is attainable if you find one social media platform that is right for you, your business or your cause. It's going to take some work to find the right fit. But keep in mind that the more social media platforms you are involved on, the more opportunities you have to grow your network, establish brand awareness and strengthen your reputation as an expert. (To learn which social media platforms are best for certain types of businesses and topics check out our free guide: The Best Social Media Platforms for Businesses .)
Here are some things to consider before you jump into social media:
What is the purpose of your social media presence? Do you want to build a network of believers, customers or fans? The tools available on each platform will vary. If you want to build a community around your business and share information in an easy-to-digest format then Twitter is going to be the best platform for you. But if you're focused on building brand awareness and increasing sales then Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest are more appropriate places for sharing your message. Think about what your goals are when developing your social media strategy. (For more on social business strategy check out our post: Developing a Social Business Strategy .)
What kind of content are you posting? If you are sharing stories and ideas that your followers can relate to then you will build trust and credibility with them. If, however, the majority of your posts are advertisements for products that your followers don't care about, then they will tune you out. The more engaged followers you have the more powerful the effect of your message will be. And the most effective way to build strong relationships with them is by sharing content (text, pictures or video) that matters to them.
How often will you post? The more time you spend posting on Facebook the more followers you are likely to have. But posting too frequently on Facebook can make your profile seem self-promotional. I'd recommend setting a goal that you hope to meet over a year or even three years, then post only when it makes sense to do so (if there isn't anything new to say). On Twitter it's best not to tweet every day or even every other day. I'd recommend doing some research and scheduling your tweets (see ). That way your Twitter account won't seem like an outdated travel agency's billboard.
Think about your followers and their needs. If you want to build a solid following on Facebook, for example, then you'll need to find a balance between informative posts and status updates about special sales, upcoming events or invitations to the office holiday party. Create content regularly and remember that there are two different sides to social media. There's being a good listener who replies to comments and questions from your network of followers. And there's also being an influential communicator who shares ideas, stories and information that fosters conversation within your network.
So how do you keep social media fresh? Invest in yourself! Take classes or hire someone who truly understands best practices. Make a plan and follow it. Develop systems and tools that make the entire process more efficient. And try to eliminate any negative emotions you might feel about social media because those feelings will negatively impact your results.
How you perform on social media platforms is an indication of what kind of reputation you are developing. The next time someone asks you: "what do you do?" or "where do you work?" be ready with an answer that leaves a lasting impression on them. In other words, how well are you doing with social media?
Do not post bad content . Give your followers something worthwhile to read and share .
Shannon Carroll is the founder of The Social Media Examiner and author of Filling Your News Feed With Meaningful Content And Taking Advantage Of Ease-of-Use Tools.
Posted by: Shannon Carroll on Friday, June 7, 2013
6.0 out of 5 stars Social Media for Everyone by Teresa McBain
"Social Media for Everyone will help you keep up with the fast-paced worlds of the social media universe, from Facebook to Twitter and beyond. The authors, Teresa McBain, an award-winning journalist who writes about all things business and marketing, and Wendy Grossman, a freelance writer, journalist and social media expert who frequently writes on digital marketing issues, team up in this easy-to-read guide that will show you how to use social media to advance your business. The book is short and anyone can read it, even if you just have thirty minutes at night before bedtime. It's the perfect primer for newbies and the next edition should be required reading for business school students. Social Media for Everyone offers great details about specific social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Blogging, Yelp and others. What I like most about this guide is that it shares both good practices as well as some bad behavior to avoid such as tweeting too frequently or posting a picture of yourself with a product you are trying to sell."
posted by: Amy Troszak at 12:00 PM
For better or worse, we have allowed the Internet to transform our lives. And just as the Internet has changed our lives, so too have the tools developed therefor. Social Media is both the largest and most important tool of the digital age. However, unlike so many others technologies such as computing or even mobile phones, social media does not improve with overuse. On the contrary, once you stop using it, you quickly realize how much better your life would be without it. Social Media for Everyone is a friendly guide to help you face these realities and adapt to them moving forward.
First is a description of how social media has become an integral part of everyday life for many of us: "We can't live without it." No longer are we forced to browse through a magazine before picking up a phone.

This book is meant to be read by anyone who wants to understand social media better. It could be especially helpful for those in the business world who may be using the technology for their business needs but don't really understand what it is or how it works.
posted by: Benjamin at 12:00 AM
Social Media for Everyone by Teresa McBain, Wendy Grossman is a guide that focuses on social media usage as a way to connect with others, promote your business, and help you grow personally as well. Today, individuals are urged to have a presence on every single social media site available.

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