Selling Food in Your Catalog


 Selling Food in Your Catalog

Selling food in your catalog is a great way to reach consumers. You can just launch a new product and start selling before you even know how well it will sell! Store-generated products make for excellent catalogs, too. You don't even need to cook or source these items; just buy them pre-packaged from an actual store or manufacturer. The best part about grocery products is that the market for them is huge and the prices will typically be lower than if you were to source them fresh yourself.
Longer-term food products are a great fit for your catalog or store. With a longer shelf life and higher demand, you can usually find a great deal on these types of items. You won't have to worry about customers returning them because they've spoiled; you should be able to get rid of food products directly from your catalog.
You'll also want to keep the cost low for these items in general, so that your profit margins are nice and high. You don't want to use a lot of space on your products, the type of product and its ingredients will affect this.
In this post we'll go over some of the best food products for your catalog or store to consider selling.
There is no reason why you can't sell vegetables in your store. While there are very limited margins on some of these items, the bulk discount that you get with wholesale can help bring those margins up and make them more profitable for you overall. You'll also want to keep these items in "season," as stores typically sell out on these items after a certain period of time.
Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes, otherwise known as yams, can often be found for about a dollar per pound. Try to buy them in bulk and you can get away with selling these items at a decent margin. These are an excellent way to include nutrients in your meal plan.
Spinach, Leafy Greens
Leafy greens and spinach can be great additions to many recipes; including salads, soups or other dishes. Find bulk bags of either of these products for about 10-20% less than buying them by the pound. Spinach is often used in quick meals too.
Dried Potatoes
You can buy bulk bags of dried potatoes or even the whole potatoes themselves. You can cook them, then dry them to use your product later.
Corn, Sweet Corn, Apples (Summer fresh)
Corn and sweet corn can be found in bulk at around 50-60% off retail price. You can also buy these in seasonal packages to maximize your profits during certain times of the year. This is a great way to use up produce that you might otherwise not use up in the kitchen because you didn't like it or because it was a little bit old.
These produce items will help you fill your store with a lot of food that you can sell at a decent price. You may be able to find some seasonal packages during the summer, too.
Fruits/Nuts/Yeast for Breads/Baked Goods
Make sure to check these items with your local grocery store to see how much they pay per pound. You'll want to keep these items in bulk, as they tend to have better margins even if they don't have the highest margin per ounce. Add them into pantry items along with grains and other baked goods that you make so that people are more likely to buy them in bulk.
You can also simply sell them in wholesale amounts and let your customers find their own recipes. This will allow you to make more profit on the product and give you more room to store your items.
Chocolate Bars/Nut Bars
These are some of the best bars for your store. They're high in demand during certain times of the year and people will typically be willing to pay for them, too. You can sell them individually, but they are also a great addition to your store as a gift package. Place them into a basket along with other snacks and you'll be able to sell the basket for around $30 or more without much effort.
Raisins, Dried Fruit
Raisins are another great snack that you can sell in your store. Many people will buy them in bulk to use for recipes or use as snacks throughout the year.
Tiny Rice Cakes (Rice Pudding)
Rice cakes are another great item that people will typically buy in bulk. You can also find them in bulk at the grocery store if you shop around for them. Just keep an eye out for sale prices on these products and you can potentially make a pretty penny on them.
These are just a few of the best food products to consider selling in your store or catalog. Look around for what's available in your local area and see what other items you can sell.  
Posted by Matt R. at 3:18 PM No comments:
Food is something that can always be sold; there will always be a demand for it and people will always need to eat. If you have a love for food, then this is an easy way for you to sell things in your store or online. You can also start selling foods right away without having a lot of experience with them; all you really need are some recipes so that you know how to prepare the items.
Check out these five items to sell in your store or on your website that are in high demand and have long shelf life:
Dried Goods
These are one of the best products that you can sell in your store. They aren't only valuable in using as ingredients in other recipes, but they also have a long shelf life and you can sell them in bulk. If you follow a bulk recipe, then you can even make money by selling some of the items that you dehydrated yourself.
Canned Goods
Canned goods are another item that people are willing to buy in bulk; especially fruits, vegetables and meats. Just boil or steam these foods to preserve them, then package them up with your seal and sell the products. You'll definitely want to keep the costs low for your products so that you won't lose money on it overall.
People love chocolate and will pay for it because of its high demand.

If you have the recipes for these products, then you can sell them in your store. Try to find ways to add value to the products that you sell in your store; some items, depending on the recipe, may be more valuable than others. Don't try to charge too much for your items because it will turn people away from buying them; keep your prices low and work with customers to help them maximize their profit margins.
Canned Goods
These items are incredibly valuable in terms of food stores and online stores; they have a long shelf life and they don't go bad quickly like many other foods do.

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