Sexual Harassment Training


 Sexual Harassment Training

In the workplace, sexual harassment is a real and dangerous problem that is often difficult to report. In order to address this problem and make it easier for victims to come forward, organizations have created sexual harassment training courses.

Sexual harassment can mean that the perpetrator makes unwanted or inappropriate advances towards someone in an attempt to get sex from them. These unwanted advances are sometimes called "predatory behavior". This behavior can include unsolicited touchings of people, staring at people's bodies, making sexually suggestive comments about others' appearance, or insisting on dating others without their consent.
These behaviors can be a form of gender discrimination because they reinforce gender stereotypes by reducing people into one category - either sex object or stud animal.

In the workplace, a common sexual harassment training course consists of three components. The first component is called the "gender sensitivity" component. This component explains how gender stereotypes and how these stereotypes contribute to sexual harassment. It explains how people can be discriminated against based on their gender, which is called gender discrimination. It also discusses sexual harassment as a form of gender discrimination and this type of discrimination that is different from other forms of discrimination such as age or race discrimination.

The second component is called "the role of the individual". This component explains that most sexual harassment takes place in small groups and therefore the person being harassed may not even know who has been harassing them. This is a common cause of confusion that may prevent people from reporting sexual harassment.
The role of the individual component also explains that most sexual harassment takes place in small groups and therefore the person being harassed may not even know who has been harassing them. This is a common cause of confusion that may prevent people from reporting sexual harassment.
This component also explains what it means for someone to be a bystander, or not intervene in or report sexual harassment. It suggests that when a person hears about, sees or experiences sexual misconduct - it is very important for that person to speak out and stand up for the victim because this type of behavior will only continue if nobody stops it. In order to do this, anyone who witnesses sexual harassment must first recognize what is happening. They must consider the consequences of not speaking up and whether that could make the harassment worse. They must consider whether they are comfortable addressing the situation and what benefits doing so will produce for them.

The third component is called "the role of the organization". This component explains that when organizations create an environment where sexual harassment is tolerated, it sends a message to all employees that it is acceptable behaviour. It also sends a message to harassers that they can get away with this type of behavior in their workplace and the organization will support them. While the organization is ultimately responsible for how it handles complaints and harassment, the individual victim also has a responsibility in this situation. The initial step in resolving any sexual harassment problem is to report it to management. Only then should the victim contact a supervisor or human resources.

Companies like the Association of Human Resource Management (the industry's professional association) offer sexual harassment training courses in part because they believe that sexual harassment training will help prevent sexual harassment and work on preventing it, rather than just reporting it after it happens. They feel that having knowledge about sexual harassment will help people recognize when this type of behaviour occurs and make them more prepared to intervene if they see or hear about inappropriate behaviour happening around them.

Other companies, such as the Human Resources Institute (which operates under the Human Rights Commission of Ontario), believe that sexual harassment training is necessary in order to prevent sexual harassment and it will help people deal with this form of discrimination. They feel that without knowing what sexual harassment is or what their legal rights are, it is hard for people to know how to deal with this type of discrimination and try to prevent it from happening. This is why the human resource institute has created a course about sexual harassment for workers.

The Association of Women in Law Enforcement (AWLE) does not offer sexual harassment training courses but they believe that it is important for police officers to be aware of all aspects of police ethics. They feel that sexual harassment training is important for the police force because they have a role in enforcing equal employment opportunity legislation, which includes sexual harassment training. This regulation requires that all employers take action when they know that their employees have been discriminated against based on sex. If a police officer knows or observes discrimination, they are legally required to take action as well.

In today's society, it is not very unusual for people to be sexually harassed at work. The statistics show that there is an ongoing problem with unwanted sexual attention in the workplace and many people do not report this type of behaviour because it can be difficult to speak out about it and deal with the consequences. Some workers say that they are afraid of losing their jobs or have concerns about being retaliated against when they report this type of behaviour. Employees who do not report sexual harassment may also experience job loss because a company has to incur additional costs to deal with an investigation and complaints procedure.

The Labour Code prohibits employers from firing or refusing to hire someone because the employee complained about a sexual harassment complaint, but an employer is allowed to terminate employment if it is found that the conduct complained about constituted an essential part of the person's job. If it is found that sexual harassment by a company is not tolerated, this will reflect poorly on all members of staff and may cause damage to their reputation and work relationships. Employers who do not take incidents of sexual harassment seriously may have to deal with complaints from other employees as well.

If an employee is being sexually harassed in the workplace, they should report it to management or human resources department immediately. The Code dictates that employers are obligated to protect their employees from sexual harassment and work towards preventing it from happening again. They are also expected to do their best to resolve the situation in a way that provides protection for both parties involved, acts in accordance with their anti-harassment policy, maintains trust within the organization and does not have a negative impact on productivity.

While conducting an investigation, employers will begin by speaking with both parties involved because they need to get both sides of the story. The employer will then decide whether or not the sexual harassment was serious enough to warrant disciplinary action or if they will deal with the issue internally. Once they determine how to proceed with the investigation, they are expected to provide information and documentation about what happened, who was involved and what type of disciplinary action was taken. The Code also states that employers must intervene if someone is being treated unfairly because of their gender.

If you have any questions about investigations or disciplinary actions taken against you for sexual harassment at work, contact a lawyer at Kaufman & Green by calling 416-963-9525 or toll free in Ontario 1-800-265-9525.


While the harassment of employees by co-workers is more common than many people think, employers are still obliged to deal with such situations without fear or favour. If you have been sexually harassed at work and want to speak to a lawyer, then call Kaufman & Green as soon as possible. Our Toronto employment lawyers can review your case and tell you what your legal options are so that you understand your rights. In certain circumstances, we may be able to help negotiate a settlement with the company instead of taking a formal legal action.

Please note that some companies may use different names for sexual harassment in their Code or Legal Policies.

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