Six Tips to Improve Your Customer Loyalty


 Six Tips to Improve Your Customer Loyalty

In this blog post, we'll explore six ways you can improve your customer loyalty.

1) Get To Know Your Customers

The best way to make customers return is by understanding why they left in the first place. Maybe your customers were unsatisfied with how long it took for you to respond, or maybe they found your pricing to be too expensive. Whatever led them away from you, take that feedback and use it as an opportunity for improvement.

The most effective way to get customers to return is to get to know them. Customers usually have specific preferences when it comes to their experiences with a brand, and relying on customer service advisors or customer service representatives will only lead you down the wrong path. Customers are free to voice their opinions about your product at any time, and there's no shame in asking for customer feedback.

2) Respond For Free

Many small businesses use price as a way of enticing customers in, but that strategy doesn't always lead them back. In some scenarios, customers don't seem interested in returning because they feel like their business experience took too long, or they felt like they were mislead by a sales representative after they purchased your product or service.

One way to keep customers coming back is to offer them a discount for returning. After all, a customer who's happy with your product or service probably has some money left over in their wallet from their first purchase, and letting them keep some of that will help encourage them to come back for more.

It's important, however, that you don't make your customers feel bad about paying for the initial service. If using discounts feels like an obligation, it won't matter if you have repeat customers.

3) Allow Your Customers To Return Products For Refunds

If you put your products through excessive wear and tear over time, allowing returns will allow you to fix any damage that may have been done. By allowing for returns, you not only save a significant amount of time, but you also greatly improve your customer retention.

The most effective way to increase your customer loyalty is to allow customers to return products that they are unsatisfied with and get money back. That way, you can ensure that all of your customers have the best possible experience when it comes to purchasing your products or services.

4) Allow For Part-Time Customers To Return Products For Refunds

Are there people in your community who aren't able to shop at the same times as everyone else? If so, consider allowing them to return products for refunds if they are unable to come into your store (or another location) and buy something every single day.

By allowing part-time customers to return products for refunds, you can ensure that they are satisfied with the product or service they receive, and that they have a continuous relationship with your business.

5) Create A Loyalty Program

Creating a loyalty program may seem like a great way to get customers to return — after all, people love free stuff! — but you should know that loyalty programs are not always worth the cost. In most cases, loyal customers have other options when it comes to purchasing products or services.

On top of that, offering a loyalty program will leave your customers feeling like you're forcing them to purchase your product or service. That's not something that you should do, especially if you're in the business of selling products or services. That's why it's important to focus on creating a truly amazing customer experience, and that starts with making sure your customers have a great time when they come into your business.

6) Optimize Your Storefront When Customers Return

The storefronts of many small businesses are poorly designed and easily forgotten about, leaving many customers feeling like they've wasted their time once they leave the store. By making the storefront more aesthetically pleasing, and allowing customers to use their own containers when they return products, you'll improve your customer loyalty, while also increasing the likelihood of repeat visits.

In Conclusion

Customer loyalty is a critical part of the business world, but it can be difficult to achieve. By keeping your customers coming back and having a great customer experience, however, you'll be able to increase your customer loyalty, which will lead you to building a much larger customer base in the future. In fact, it could even lead you to being one of the most successful small business owners in your community.

About the Author: Suzy Kerr is an expert on creating and maintaining small business websites. She has over a decade of experience in website design for companies that serve small businesses and professionals, and she can help you set up your website correctly from day one. To learn more about her, visit

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comments Last modified February 5, 2018 @ 10:00 AM by Suzy Kerr Suzy Kerr is an expert on creating and maintaining small business websites. She has over a decade of experience in website design for companies that serve small businesses and professionals, and she can help you set up your website correctly from day one. To learn more about her, visit close Why do we see so many lawn signs around town during political seasons yet rarely see anyone picketing against the things that are going on in Washington? Who wants to stand up on a street corner with a sign saying “Pro-Assad” or “End the War Now!”? Especially when it’s freezing cold outside and you have bigger things to worry about then some politician in DC who isn’t going to listen to you anyway. So let’s talk about how you can make a difference with the most powerful resource we have as Americans–our vote. Vote With Your Money If you’re looking to make some noise, don’t waste your time with signs and protests. Just remember that “vote” is short for “voice”. You want to show the people in Washington that they should be listening to us and doing things the way we want them to be done. And what better way to do it than by spending our money? Buy from companies that support your political views, and boycott those who don’t. Use your power as a consumer to put more money into the coffers of businesses that share your view on the world. Much like an election, those who show up with the most cash are going to win the game. For example, many companies are now trying to become “green”. You can bet that there is a much larger percentage of people who want to buy products made by green companies, than those punk kids who want to toss their fast-food wrappers on the ground. They may not be willing to stand in front of a store and protest it, so they just show their support with their wallet instead. Use your strength as a consumer, and direct your purchasing power towards companies that you believe in.


The world doesn’t need a lot of protests. It needs leaders who will step up, and stand up to protect their fellow citizens. We have so much power as Americans, and it just takes a little effort to wield that power. I’m not suggesting people stop protesting if they so desire, but I am saying that we can make a difference with our money. When more people buy from companies that they believe in, those companies will be less likely to do something that they don’t want them to do. And when those companies choose to do things the way we want them to be done, the politicians will want to follow our lead because of the easy cash flow we are about to give them.

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