Small Business Marketing: Are We There Yet?
The world is changing and so are the needs of small business owners. Their demographics have changed, their needs have changed, and they need help marketing themselves to the right audience. With new technologies, modern marketing methods are easier than ever before.
But no matter what advances we make in technology or innovations in design, the one thing that will never change is this: small business owners still struggle with marketing their businesses without giving up time of sleep or family time. Can we just create a machine that does all these things for them?
I hope not because I believe this would be dehumanizing a vital component of our society - Marketing.
How are marketing professionals supposed to make a living? How are they supposed to grow their businesses? Small business owners need help and that's okay because it shouldn't be like this.
The economy is slowly improving, small business owners are slowly upgrading technology, and the world is slowly changing. Unless we continue to use outdated methods of communication and advertise ourselves in a way that will always be new then how can small business owners get access to the right audience at all times?
The answer is simple - We need a new strategy for small businesses that allows them the ability to reach out to the right people at all times. We need a marketing platform that is flexible enough for anyone to use for any given situation. LeadsFlash is an intelligent, global marketing platform that allows you not only to reach out to the right people at all times, but also helps you get them to convert.
It's time to move forward into an age where small business owners can easily and effectively market themselves using a platform that is designed for the future. Welcome to the era of modern marketing!
From: Susan Merritt <> To: Julie Austin <> Date: 2014-12-05 12:54 Subject: 2012 Report
Hi Julie,
Thank you for all the work you do with LeadsFlash. We are throwing a grand opening party on January 8th and invited over 1,000 people to come to our event. We are completely sold out of tickets and the event is going to be amazing. We have another party on February 6th and we will be selling tickets to that one as well. We have an event on February 27th and are trying to figure out how we can let people know if they want to attend this party. Do you think LeadsFlash would be able to create a mailing list for all our events? Let me know what you think!
We were also curious about who our customers are and what they do with the information that they collect from LeadsFlash, My email marketing software.
Thanks so much,
Susan __________________________________________ Hi Susan,
I am very happy you contacted us again. I have been promoted to the Marketing Director of LeadsFlash.
We do have a mailing list created for you but I need a little more information to put it all together. What type of events do you host?
Once we have this information we will be in touch with the rest of your account activation and setup. __________________________________________ Hi Susan, I am so glad you contacted us again. I have been promoted to the Marketing Director of LeadsFlash, and I honestly would love to help you out with this mailing list application. What type of events do you host? We are having a grand opening party on January 8th, 2014 and invited over 1000 people to come celebrate with us. We will be having another party on February 6th and we will need to know how many people are interested in attending. __________________________________________ Hi Susan,
What is the event you are planning on holding? The other party is on February 27th so let's gather some more information first. What time of year is this event? We would need to have a count of how many people will be attending each party before we begin the mailing list application.
We are having a grand opening party on January 8th, 2014 and invited over 1,000 people to come celebrate with us. We are completely sold out of tickets and the event is going to be amazing. The other party we will be having on February 6th will be in the evening time.
We have another party on February 27th and we will be selling tickets to that one as well. We are trying to figure out how we can let people know if they want to attend this party. So far, we have a Facebook page and Twitter account that we use for updates about our business events. Our email marketing software allows us to send an email notifying our customers about upcoming events and sales that may interest them.
It's really hard to come up with a plan of action since there is a lot of information that we will be gathering. We have a mailing list on our email marketing software but I need to know if it is possible to create one in LeadsFlash so that we can send out messages outside of the calendar application.
We have already purchased our Facebook and Twitter accounts, and we are going to be using their paid software (not free) for those accounts. I would like to start working on this mailing list now. We do have a Facebook page and we will be using Facebook ads for the upcoming events.
We will not be using Twitter for anymore advertising campaigns. As far as the mailing list, we would like to create a one for both of our social media accounts and use those in conjunction with our email marketing software.
This is a little confusing, but it makes sense. The reason why I am confused is because you mentioned that we already have a mailing list on LeadsFlash, but I do not see it anywhere! Where do you have the mailing list?
Thanks so much, Susan Merritt __________________________________________ Hi Julie,
Let me go ahead and explain my business plan to you so that everything will make sense. First off, I do not have a mailing list yet but I want to create one in LeadsFlash. I will need to gather the information that we need so that LeadsFlash can provide this service for my business.
I do have a Facebook page and Twitter account set up, and I am going to be using the free versions of these tools. When it comes time to advertise at my party on January 8th, 2014, we will be using Twitter Ads for our ads (not free). We are going to use Facebook Ads as well but our budget is very small so that is why we are going with the paid versions.
Susan's business is doing very well for itself. LeadsFlash was a great template for this company to use and the result was an effective and successful marketing campaign. Overall, LeadsFlash is a light and easy to use tool for the small business owner or the enterprise marketer that wants to increase their email list by promoting their products or services. The free version of LeadsFlash allows you to create an account, add contacts, and send email marketing campaigns quickly. If you're interested in using LeadsFlashe more extensively, check out our Lead Generation software , which allows you to pick your customers from your database, then monitor them through your reporting tools and email campaigns.
Check out LeadsFlash at leadflash.