Squidoo is a social website for learning about different topics. What makes it stand out from the rest of the websites is that it takes you to a community site where people talk about things similar to your interests. You can join in and ask questions, share your passions, form friendships and read up on what other people have been talking about in their blogs. The site is very easy to navigate. The banner at the top, featuring a squid with the slogan "Join the Wow" is one of their most popular staples and has stayed consistent throughout all of these years.
The site offers three different membership plans, Gold, Silver and Black. You can join as a guest, which allows you to browse freely, but limits your ability to comment and post blogs on the website. The second level of membership allows you to create an account and start posting your own blogs. Here you can also invite subscribers or follow other users' blogs to get up-to-date news on their discoveries (via RSS feeds) or they can be added in your favorites list if they interest you. All of this can be done on a free account, but the benefits of the second membership level are:
▷ The ability to create an account and post your own blogs.
▷ All posts can be saved.
▶ You can receive notifications via e-mail when others comment on your blog.
▷ The ability to reply to comments or directly respond to other users' questions or comments.
▶ The ability to view user profiles and receive messages from them. Recommended for intermediate users and above.
Black membership is the most expensive but offers the widest range of options. You can view other users' blogs, post blogs and make comments on each other's posts. You can also create groups and follow people who are in those groups. The main benefit of this membership level is that all posts are saved, so you don't have to worry about losing any of your discoveries. It is however recommended for advanced users due to its use of advanced functionality and for its flexibility in sharing.
Squidoo is also one of the three most used social networking sites in Europe (second most widely used in Germany, first most widely used in France).