Starbucks: How To Recruit For The Love And Meaning Of It.


 Starbucks: How To Recruit For The Love And Meaning Of It.

Starbucks is a company that has grown tremendously in recent memory, especially due to the chain's corporation's ubiquitous presence and popularity. Starbucks aims to make every customer feel as if they are in a special place - whether it’s their first time meeting the store or their 100th time. Starbucks exists not just as a coffee shop but also provides volunteer opportunities for those who want to give back to their community. Starbucks is trying its best accommodate everybody in an equal manner, which means making sure customers have all of the information they need when it comes to moving through the store, finding directions and ordering products. Establishing this relationship between baristas and customers has led some people to call for even more change within our favorite coffee stores...

This article aims to address ideas for the next expansion of Starbucks' recruitment strategies. Many people believe that Starbucks is a company that does not allow for many opportunities for new and younger employees. One idea to fix this problem is to make all the baristas at least 18 years old, since most high school students cannot work during school hours. This would alleviate any issues of a lack of employees and also ensure that children under the age of 18 are not exposed to working in a coffee shop. If this idea were implemented, Starbucks would be expected to hire more employees with higher education levels, who then could create better drinks than those made by teenagers who aren’t as skilled as in other jobs...

In addition to this idea of hiring more employees with high school diplomas, Starbucks could also create a study program for college students. However, this suggestion will not be relevant if the company is not willing to implement their current education policy, which states that future baristas must have a minimum of a high school diploma...

As it is well known by now, Starbucks is an establishment that does not allow for constant cashiers. This can be a problem for frequent customers who would prefer to buy and pay for their coffee in one trip rather than have to wait in line. A solution would therefore be to hire more full-time cashiers/coffee servers. This would also help with the problem of scheduling employees, as there would be a greater need for full-time employees now that the company has established itself as an international store...

Starbucks could also become more involved in the lives of those they are hiring by bringing in Campus Ambassadors. These Starbucks-sponsored students will help spread the word about Starbucks through campus activities, parties, and community service. Not only is this method a more efficient form of advertising but it also provides job opportunities for those who already work hard on their campuses to build up their resumes...

Another solution to current problems that could be implemented is a barista training program. This would allow potential employees to develop their skills before working on a real job, so that they could be more confident in their abilities. For example, the training program could require baristas to make latte art, since it is something a lot of customers respect and look forward to. Having baristas struggle with this task would not only make it harder for them to find work but would elicit negative responses from the customer base...

Some people have suggested personalizing Starbucks experiences through bracelets or membership cards. By introducing a membership system to Starbucks, customers would be able to earn points for certain actions that take place within the store. For example, if you bring your own mug, you could receive a free drink. The membership cards could also be made into key chains or have words displayed on the front. This would give customers something fun to look for and collect in their free time...

A final suggestion that was brought up was the complete removal of advertisements and promotions inside Starbucks stores. Since this is such an important topic it will be discussed exclusively below...

The idea of removing all ads and promotions within Starbucks stores has been met with mixed feelings by many. On one side of the argument, many people enjoy being able to look at something besides a blank wall. On the other hand, this could be an issue if the advertisements begin to overwhelm customers...

One idea that may solve this problem is having ads on one wall in each Starbucks store. This would give customers something to look at while they wait in line...

Another solution is not having any ads or promotions at all. However, most Starbucks stores earn their money off of these promotions and advertisements, which means no more profit for the company if they are removed...

An idea that people have suggested which would both allow for privacy and also provide entertainment for customers is the implementation of a video system within Starbucks. This would be implemented by cameras that could scan the faces of customers in order to display them on a screen, allowing each customer to watch their face on the screen and see them when they enter...

As with all the other suggestions, this one has had mixed feelings. Some people think that Starbucks is already a well established company and should not have to worry about promoting anything else. While others argue that this is something new that Starbucks can adapt to in order to gain more popularity and keep customers coming back...

In addition to these ideas there have also been several criticisms of Starbucks use of its employees. The main ones that have been brought up argue that Starbucks jobs are way too hard and require a high level of work ethic, which is not something many employees realize when they start the job. Some of these critics have even gone so far as to say that many baristas do not even want to work for Starbucks, because of how stressful and difficult the barista jobs are...

The most common idea that has been suggested to fix these problems is to bring back benefits. When Starbucks first began selling coffee in the mid-19th century, it was a small business that had only one employee: its owner. In 1914, however, the company began providing health insurance for its employees when it was sued for its unfair treatment of workers...


The main goal of this paper is to understand some of the problems that Starbucks currently has and to present possible solutions for these dilemmas. Needless to say, it is not easy for a company to have as much success as Starbucks has. Yet, it is just as hard when you are dealing with your employees and they do not like their jobs because they do not know what they are doing or how to do it.

No one can predict the future, but with good ideas, commitments, and hard work there may be some improvement in the quality of life within Starbucks stores.

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