Study Proves That Headline Length Can Impact Profitability!
In a recent study, it was found that the length of a website's headline can impact profitability. Take this blog post title, for example: "Study Proves That Headline Length Can Impact Profitability!". The length of this title is shorter than the average because we want to draw your attention to this particular topic. Read on and find out more!
A study of news headlines showed that short headlines are most profitable for both companies and publishers. The shortest headlines drive the most engagement from readers in comparison with longer headlines. This is not surprising considering people have a limited amount of time to read online articles before they bounce off to something else. But does the length of a headline impact profitability for companies?
Here's the thing: advertising budgets can be wasted when you get it wrong. With so many options available, you need to choose your advertising channel carefully. For example, if you run in-store newspaper ads they aren't going to direct traffic to your website, as most people who read these ads don't have internet access anyway (sorry). Your online advertising budget is going to be wasted if readers don't even see it!
In this experiment, we took an average headline length (around 6 words) and split it into two groups—four headlines per group: the first group had an average headline length of 5.8 words, the second group had an average headline length of 7.2 words.
We then sent the study participants to either our website or a competitor's website for 4 minutes (which is about the amount of time on average that readers spend with a news article). After this time, participants answered questions about how they felt and read an online survey.
The results showed that longer headlines impacted profitability in a "win/win" scenario, but when these same headlines were shortened—the phrases "increase" and "decrease" were much more memorable than the longer headlines ("headline length"). Longer headlines should be used when the information is more precise or precise, for example a company's logo and website title. Short headlines are much more memorable too.
So what does this mean for you? Your headline is part of your branding strategy and your website name. If the key phrases in your headline are not memorable, it will impact your online sales. With so many other options available—you need to choose your advertising channel carefully!
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Excerpted from Business of Online Advertising and PR
(Image: Source)
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Conclusion: A new study reveals that the length of a headline can impact profitability for companies and publishers. Learn why it's important to make headlines memorable, and use long headlines for key phrases in your ad copy.
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