Sum of Its Parts


 Sum of Its Parts

Some people are born with the gift of creativity, but many more have to work hard to cultivate it. In The Sum of Its Parts: A Theory of Creativity and Inspiration, Robert Root-Bernstein walks readers through a series of interrogations: what is creativity? Where does it come from? What is involved in the creative process? Root-Bernstein seeks answers to these questions while also shedding light on what makes an individual creative, and how they can improve their creative abilities or reignite a dying spark.

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The Sum of Its Parts: a Theory of Creativity and Inspiration
Robert Root Bernstein, Morris Cohen Chair in Science and Society, Professor of Chemistry 
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Library Journal Review August 2014
The Sum of Its Parts is a comprehensive examination into the evolution and development of creativity. Root Bernstein approaches the topic from multiple angles to determine what truly is creativity. He insists that creativity is not just for the arts world but it can be found in science, engineering and many other disciplines. Root Bernstein is an expert in the fields of cancer research, polymers and biochemistry. He uses these fields to show how creativity is not a new concept but an innate ability that can be harnessed and developed. Root Bernstein presents a strong case that creativity has been around since the beginning of time. He presents plenty of examples in his book showing the universality of creative thought and illustrates how it is not limited to the arts, sciences or communications fields. Root Bernstein presents plenty of evidence showing how this ability can be developed through various methods including games and toy making. Root Bernstein's book is an entertaining read that can be used to stimulate the minds of students and researchers alike. As Root Bernstein shows, creativity is not just an innate ability but a skill that can be developed and improved through various means. This is a useful book for anyone interested in the ways creativity impacts everyday life and how it can be harnessed for better results and results.

Highlighted in: "Science on Trial" by Robert Root-Bernstein, 2009

"The Sum of Its Parts is an accessible account of creativity from a scientific perspective. Root-Bernstein explains how the process of creativity is determined by the entire environment, with no single ingredient essential in its development." "—Booklist," Starred Review
"Root-Bernstein provides a gripping, engaging narrative that supports his assertion that creativity is innate and universal. He gives examples from science and art to back up this claim, carefully explaining the sometimes inexplicable connection between seemingly unrelated ideas and events." Booklist

Book description: After an astonishing career spanning many diverse areas of science, Robert Root Bernstein has emerged as one of America's most insightful thinkers on the subject of creativity and inspiration. In The Sum of Its Parts , Root Bernstein employs key examples from his research to provide an entertaining, accessible portrait of how creativity works and how it can be harnessed for better results in life and for better results in science. In the book, Root Bernstein introduces his "three-legged" stool of creativity, a model for understanding the driving forces behind his own creative process and a framework for understanding how creativity can be cultivated and expanded. Root Bernstein also examines the ways in which your own creative abilities may be blocked or diminished by psychological barriers, such as fear of failure or concern about being judged as wrong. The Sum of Its Parts is both an entertaining read and an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the ways creativity impacts daily life and how it can be harnessed to produce better results.


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