Tag Line Calisthenics


 Tag Line Calisthenics

A tag line is a short, catchy phrase that typically accompanies the name of a business, magazine or product. More often than not, tag line exercises are used by companies to build up their brand identity and create an individual and unique feeling to the company.

Tag Line Calisthenics is a few exercises that will help you write your own powerful tag lines for your business or organization.
Learn how to write powerful Tag Lines and turn them into powerful branding materials in this blog post!

Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "Why You Shouldn't Prejudge Others". The post should include a large amount of evidence and reasoning to support your main argument.

Write an introduction to a fictional work of fiction titled "My Day in the Woods". The piece should explain the description of a day in the woods through a series of events.

Write an introduction to a fictional work of fiction titled "My Difficult Day". The piece should explain the description of a child's difficult day at school through a series of events.

Write an introductory paragraph to an article titled "The Secret History of Two-Time Oscar Nominee Kevin Spacey", which details Kevin Spacey's rise from theatre actor to movie star, with references and citations for claims made.

Write an introductory paragraph to an article titled "The Secret History of Two-Time Oscar Nominee Kevin Spacey" which details Kevin Spacey's downfall from movie star to actor, with references and citations for claims made.

Write an introductory paragraph to an article titled "The Secret History of Two-Time Oscar Nominee Kevin Spacey", which details Kevin Spacey's rise from theatre star to movie star, with references and citations for claims made.

Write a short promotional pamphlet on the study of history as it relates to health and well-being. The pamphlet should explain the history of back pain treatment and other problems associated with chronic pain.

Write a short promotional pamphlet on credit card debt relief and bankruptcy. The pamphlet should explain the history of debt, budgeting and other financial solutions associated with such problems.

Write an introductory paragraph to a poem titled "Bark of the Leopard". The piece should explain how to improve your life through self-evaluation and improving your environment.

Conclude the introduction to an article titled "How I Learned How to Ask for Help". This article should describe how you came across this important skill and how it has helped you in your personal life, business or career.

Ideally, the introduction to this blog post will explain my findings while writing this work of fiction.

I hope you learned something new about writing a powerful introductory paragraph. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. I would love to hear from you!

To read more about the importance of powerful statements, visit How to Write Powerful Statements .

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You may also visit ProWriterTrainer.com , which is a website dedicated to teaching writers how to become professional writers and build sustainable businesses around their craft.

You may also visit The Writers Factor , which is a website dedicated to providing free content on writing, editing and publishing for writers worldwide.

You may also visit my writer website at http://www.petersays.com .

All the best,

Peter Petrick

Writer and Editor of ProWriterTrainer.com Article originally published at ProWriterTrainer.com . Used here with permission from the author. Published: 2015-07-21 00:00:00-0400 | Updated: 2015-07-21 00:00:00.-0400   Do you have a question or comment about this article? Please click here to send a message to Peter Petrick , or email him at peter@petricktraining.com . To learn more about Peter Petrick, please visit www.petricktraining.com .
© 2006 – 2015 Peter Petrick. All rights reserved.
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"Always, from the very first, have your story cut straight to the heart of the matter, because that is what will draw people in and keep them reading." - Martha Burt (author of The Book of Secrets)
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Like this? Share it with others! Tweet Peter Petrick   Tweet Peter Petrick "Always, from the very first, have your story cut straight to the heart of the matter, because that is what will draw people in and keep them reading. " - Martha Burt (author of "The Book of Secrets") Tweet Peter Petrick "Always, from the very first, have your story cut straight to the heart of the matter, because that is what will draw people in and keep them reading. " - Martha Burt (author of "The Book of Secrets") As a professional writer and editor, I receive many letters asking me how they can become professional writers and build sustainable businesses around their craft. Since I am more than happy to answer questions like these on a daily basis, I decided to make it my mission to gather a huge variety of information as well as share all this information with you. To help me achieve this goal, I created ProWriterTrainer.

Conclusion Writing powerful introductory paragraphs is one of the most important parts of an effective writing process. Without powerful statements, your reader won't know what to expect until they get to the end of the first paragraph. Your reader will be unable to dive in and officially start reading your article and reviewing your work as a whole. Therefore, it is vital you learn how to craft an effective introduction and description. If you have questions or need help while learning how to write a good introduction, please contact me today! You may also visit my writer website at http://www.petricktraining.com .

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