Tapping Into The Power Of Testimonials
Many people have trouble understanding testimonials and what they can do for them. With the following blog post, I hope to clarify some things that might be holding you back from maximizing your promotional effectiveness.
Testimonials are a powerful tool when it comes to selling your products or services. Unlike other forms of advertising, testimonials provide a personal endorsement from someone who has had first-hand experience with your company’s products or service. Testimonial allow for prospects to hear about how individuals like themselves benefited from working with you and might be able to benefit too if they choose to work with you as well. The bottom line is that testimonials can be a powerful tool, which is one of the reasons why more and more people are requesting that they are included on their website.
Within this blog post you will discover proven tips and tactics for getting started with testimonials as well as other things to consider when working with them.
What Is A Testimonial?
A testimonial is one or more statements from a third-party (not the person being sold to) which support a claim about the quality of your products or services. In a testimonial, the person being sell usually does not have to do anything else. The testimonial is often a passive form of advertising for the person being sold because all they have to do is write down their experience and then take a picture of themselves with or without your product or service. This might seem like no big deal, but I've seen some examples of boring testimonials that fail to show results.
So how do you put your product into action? There are multiple ways that you can use testimonials. For example, you can include them on your website, in an email message, in an ad or with an advertisement in print like in the newspaper etc. When you want to get more in-depth, here are some practical tips you can use as well as considerations to think about before implementing testimonials.
How To Get Started With Testimonials
Be aware that most search engines do not appreciate it when you include text in your testimonials that only self-promotes your business. Google especially frowns upon this type of behavior, so it is wise to use the reCAPTCHA security plugin with all testimonials. This plugin allows you to ask people who have visited your site if they agree to be part of a contest by solving a security puzzle. This type of contest works especially well with testimonials because if a visitor is successful at the puzzle, he or she will be able to read an article about the product.
One other thing that you should consider when getting started with testimonials is that people need to feel like they are getting something in return for their input. So keep your research simple and objective rather than writing long, rambling testimonials. Try and keep your copy short and sweet by only including information which a prospective customer might find useful in deciding whether or not they want to work with you.
Another way to get started is to offer your visitors a bribe in the form of an incentive or reward for participating in your contest. If a visitor tells you that they like testimonials, it might be worth offering them an incentive like a coupon code or other discount. You can also offer people who participate with your testimonial system the chance to appear on your Facebook page or newsletter.
What Are Some Considerations When Working With Testimonials?
Consider creating a separate page or even physical location on your website where you post all of the testimonials that you receive. This will help visitors easily access your existing and reputable testimonials without having trouble locating them on your website.
Consider including testimonials on your site in multiple places. Testimonials should be placed in a central location that leads to another page or location where you can follow more testimonials and continue with the current ones.
Think about as well offering different types of prizes to people who participate with your testimonial system. The rewards might include a scrapbook you create, an e-book containing the best answers given by the participants, a coupon code for future purchases or something else altogether.
Be aware of your content quality when it comes to posting testimonials. This means that you need to ensure that all of the information is accurate and doesn't present false information as real facts about your products or services. It is also important that you don't use testimonials which are outdated or no longer work.
If you want to track your visitor’s behavior when they visit your website, be sure to include a reCAPTCHA code on each of your testimonial pages so that you can track how many people who visit each page.
It is also useful to think about as well offering different types of prizes to people who participate with your testimonial system. The rewards might include an e-book containing the best answers given by the participants, a coupon code for future purchases or something else altogether.
Testimonial Tips And Tactics To Consider
While testimonials are great, there is no real formula for writing the best testimonial. Since you get to decide what information goes into your testimonials, you can use them to promote your business as well as other offerings that you have. This means that you need to be extra careful when posting actual customer feedback because this is one of the few ways for visitors to get an honest assessment of your product or service. Ultimately, in order for a testimonial to be effective, it needs to be related and helpful. It is also important that the testimonial comes from an honest source who will confirm it with a picture and testimony. Here are some more tips and tactics to think about when it comes to using testimonials.
If you want to get extra information from a visitor, try offering a free audit of their site. This will give you the chance to offer free services like SEO advice or other advice that people who run an online business might find useful.
Be aware of your content quality when it comes to posting testimonials. This means that you need to ensure that all of the information is accurate and doesn't present false information as real facts about your products or services. It is also important that you don't use testimonials which are outdated or no longer work.
You can also post your testimonials on your Facebook page if you use the “more” tab. The more tab will show all of the most recent posts on your page, so it is a great place to include some of your best testimonials.
Be aware that most search engines do not appreciate it when you include text in your testimonials that only self-promotes your business. So it is wise to use the reCAPTCHA security plugin with all testimonials. This plugin allows you to ask people who have visited your site if they agree to be part of a contest by solving a security puzzle.
Testimonials are a great way for you to build your brand, and we can give you some tips and tricks to help you learn how to create the best testimonials possible. You can also use them to generate leads in your marketing efforts by using them on your landing pages and even in your email newsletters. Think of testimonials as an asset that will power up any marketing campaign, so be sure not to waste them.