Teach English: A Fulfilling Career That Will Take You To Great Places
Writing is one of the most common ways that people can translate their thoughts and emotions into a tangible form. It is a skill that opens up all kinds of opportunities. One in particular, writing for others, can be rewarding in all sorts of fields such as academics, journalism and even non-profit work. If you're interested in this field or simply want to learn more about how it works, here are some great websites to help you out.
Teach English: A Fulfilling Career That Will Take You To Great Places
Teaching English is an exciting career choice with significant growth potential and flexibility, but you should know that there are many paths you can take depending on your level and language skills.
Many people realize that teaching English is a great way to make money and live in a foreign country while doing something they love. However, it's important to remember that you don't have to teach students from the beginning of their lives to get ahead in this field. You can start out by traveling, teaching adults or children and even working with expats like yourself who are looking for jobs abroad.
You may also be thinking about this as a route to your desire to work in journalism, but it's not necessary because there are many similar jobs that can lead you straight into this field. Here are some fields in the writing world that will help you get started.
English Teacher
This is a great option for those who want a direct approach to get into the teaching business. People typically apply for this job right after college, but it's not necessary because there are plenty of opportunities to gain experience and further your education while working. There are many different approaches to this career, even like journalism or non-profit work, so you may have to do some investigating on your own. However, if you're committed to teaching, then you can stick with it and find a position that fits your interests while allowing you time off to travel and live abroad.
If you've always wanted to travel the world and write while taking pictures and doing other things, then this is a great place to start. You can start out by working as a journalist for a newspaper or magazine, but it's not necessary because there are many similar positions in the field of writing. You can also do some reporting for NGOs, but be sure that you like that type of work because it can get very tiring at times.
Writer or Novelist
Working as a novelist or writer is great if you love the idea of being able to create whole worlds and then bring them to life through your words. Many great novels were written by English teachers who wanted to take their skills to a new level. This can be a tough career choice because you have to get your name out there and face rejection. If you're up for the challenge, then get started on your first novel by publishing it online. There are many different websites like Amazon that will publish and sell books for free if you want to get started right away.
Editors play an important role in the writing process by making sure writers stay on topic and make the most of their ideas and points. However, they also need expert knowledge in their own field or genre, so they can help writers improve their work if they need it. You can become an editor with a major publishing house, so you get to write and research your own books.
Novelist or Screenwriter
This career path is different from writing for the screen because it usually requires an English degree as its prerequisite in jobs like this one. Basically, you will have to bring your stories to life through screenwriting. There are many different types of screenplays that are written depending on the job that is being done by the filmmaker and those who work on them. This career focuses mainly on writing the script, but it's important to know that there are many other people involved in the process such as directors, actors and actresses among others who help make everything come together for the film or television show.
Freelance Writer
If you have a good command of the English language and some good writing skills, then you can make your own hours as a freelance writer. There are many different types of people who hire freelance writers depending on their needs, but they usually need specific types of documents written. This line of work requires quite a bit of travel depending on the type of freelance work that you're interested in doing.
Content Writer or Content Manager
This is another great job for people who want to start off their careers in the writing world. You get to create and manage content for various clients, so it's perfect for people who want flexibility with their schedules. If you're an expert on a certain topic, then you can work directly with clients who will have specific requests for their content.
Photographer or Ghostwriter
If you love being able to see people's true personalities through the way they act and talk, then this is the career path for you. You can start out as a photographer, so that you know how to take pictures and make them look great. However, once you learn the ropes and gain more experience, you can move into ghostwriting by helping others get their lives story down on paper. Many great authors have started in photography before becoming well-known writers.
There are many opportunities for English teachers out there, but it's important that you choose one that is the best fit for both your interests and your career goals. There are many great jobs out there, so you'll have to do some research on the different fields within writing and see which one looks best to you before making a final decision.
If you love creating worlds with just a few words and pictures, then take a look at these complete guides to help get you started.
And if you're interested in other jobs that are similar to journalism, check out these.
What are you waiting for? Are you ready to start your journey out as an English Teacher abroad in Europe? What will it be? A high school teacher, ESL teacher or even a private tutor at home? There are more than enough opportunities abroad for anyone who wants to become an ESL teacher. And don't forget about teaching English online. First stop is the British Council. Check it out!
Photo Credit: FreeImages via Pixabay(creative commons) https://pixabay.
There are many great careers out there for English majors, but it's important to remember that they're not all going to be applicable depending on your goals. If you want a job that will allow you to travel abroad and teach, then you have to start by looking for English teaching jobs in Europe. However, if you have other hopes and dreams and don't care about getting your feet wet on the international scene, then stick with what makes you excited about writing; whether it's in the news or books with pictures.
The best jobs for English majors will come down to what feels right, so remember that these are just suggestions based off of some of the most common careers out there.