Technology That Altered the Nursing Industry


 Technology That Altered the Nursing Industry

Technology has always been changing the world, and nursing is no exception. Instead of being a profession of staying at home and caring for sick children, nurses now use technology to care for patients around the clock. With smartphones and tablets in hand, they can diagnose patients remotely and administer medication when needed. And as tech continues to advance, these innovations within nursing will only move forward!
In today's article we'll be going over some of the most recent advancements that are transforming the industry today. We'll also be covering what other advancements may lie ahead in years to come!
Let's get started...
With most of us having a smartphone, there's no excuse for not knowing basic medical terms and giving good advice to your loved ones. That's why IBTimes reports that Google's Assistant has been added to hospitals around the world so that they can incorporate it into patient education programs. It uses google cardboard, so it can be used in any setting and any place. Heating pads are being given away with free smartphone cases for this purpose as well.
Nursing-specific programming has also been added to the app so that nurses can learn from one another and improve their skills. Information like what a normal heart rate should be, or how to get an IV started will be shared frequently.
The app also uses Google Earth so that the nurses can practice how to do needle sticks on a virtual globe and determine where their target is.
With all of these new advancements, the future of nursing is looking bright! The general public's perception of nurses has always been that they're helpful but not very smart. With these new educational programs and informational apps, this idea is quickly becoming a thing of the past! 
Next on our list is Ihealthbeat's article on how hospital systems are now easier than ever for nurses to navigate through. Nursing has always been a challenging profession and one in which a lot of new nurses struggle with. With some assistance, however, they can quickly start making an impact.
This is the perfect idea for hospitals who want to become more efficient but don't want to lose their nursing staffs. Nursing students are now required to take classes on how to navigate through the systems and find answers that may be needed for an emergency. This will make it easier for them to respond when something is wrong and prevent further complications from happening!
Wi-Fi connectivity is also being added around hospitals so that everything is in reach at all times. Nurses are now able to access emails and patient records through their smart devices which makes the whole process move faster.
According to The Telegraph , nurses are now being sent to hospital wards across the UK to improve the care they're receiving. They'll be working with patients who have recently had surgery. For these nurses, having a smartphone and tablet will be essential tools! 
Nurses will have access to all of their medical information as well as directions to different parts of the ward which can save time when they're unable to find something. It gives them a chance to learn more about their patients and feel confident that whatever they do, it'll be successful! 
This is also good news for the elderly who might not be able to remember or speak up for themselves. As the technology continues to advance, nurses will be able to learn about their patients at a more personal and detailed level. This will ensure that they're able to do their work and care for them in any situation! 
So there you have it, some of the ways that advanced technology is changing nursing today. It's no longer a profession where you just sit around at home and take care of sick children. Instead, nurses are able to use smartphones to treat their patients and feel confident in what they do! 
Other advancements haven't been made public yet, but it's good to know that there are other technologies on the way that will make the lives of nurses and their patients even better. Who knows what the future may hold in store for us! In any case, we're glad that you've joined us again and hope you'll stay with us in the future as well. 
Thanks for joining us today and make sure to check back next time so we can go over some more great nursing-related topics. Until then, keep learning, keep growing and most of all, keep nursing.
Dedicated to your success!
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Disclaimer: These articles are not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or cure any particular disease or condition. No action should be taken solely on the basis of the information presented in these articles. You should consult with your doctor (or other qualified health professional) regarding your specific health conditions and/or requirements.
Published in Health & Life Style | Health and Fitness Trends , IBTimes UK, January 09 2017
Google's latest project is called Google Duplex, which lets its AI call businesses on behalf of you when you're not around. We decided to do some investigating into how Duplex works, check out our findings below.

Conclusion: Google Duplex is a brilliant example of AI technology and its capabilities. Google have been at the forefront of the AI technology race and Duplex might just be their best achievement yet. We can now see how useful AI technology can be, even in our private lives, so if you're not sold on it yet… don't give up!
Duplex is an app that lets users build simple phone calls by downloading an app on your phone – you then connect it to a few more pieces of equipment that let this complex service work for you.
Duplex works by having two RCS ( robocall suppression ) servers: one in the US and one in Canada.

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