Turbo-Charge Your Rollout with ERM


 Turbo-Charge Your Rollout with ERM

This blog post is all about building an enterprise release management strategy to increase speed, quality, and efficiency. You'll learn what ERM is, how it differs from release management, and why it's a necessary tool for any organization that's looking to become agile. You'll also see how ERM can be used by you to implement change more quickly than ever before—without risking the software stability of your application or impacting your users negatively.

If you're ready to turbo-charge your rollout process, read on! 

##The Best Quotes From "Ready Player One"##

This blog post contains quotes from “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline.

First line: The word 'ready' is important. We're ready to play a game.
Don't let the past hold you back, we're ready to play.
Second line: I'm ready, on my way to hell.
I'm ready, on my way to hell.
Third line: If you think they can put out of the world the things that make us human, what we love most about ourselves, then your time here is done. And we will be better off for it. 
Fourth line: If I have only one request left after I die, it is that you remember me as I was... as long as that is still possible for you.
Fifth line: If everyone raced to be number one, we'd spend our whole lives inching forward, never losing sight of the goal. We'd never run faster than the person in front of us or break through a wall.
Sixth line: It was all there, ready to be found, just as we had always imagined it would be. All the answers in one place. All the things we had done and were going to do...
Seventh line: I am ready...
It's not me who wants to change the world, it's society that wants me to change with it. I'm afraid I'll never get my wings if I don't take that chance right now. I'm ready to die.
Fifth line: I'm ready to fart flames, man!
I'm ready to blast off. I'm ready to fly, but only if you're coming with me.
Eighth line: Ready Player One is a novel by Ernest Cline published in 2011 and reissued in paperback in 2014. It is set primarily in 2044 and follows Wade Watts, a teenager living within an impoverished community in the Stacks, a slum constructed of mobile homes piled on top of each other on highways leading out of Oklahoma City.

Ready Player One is a science fiction novel by Ernest Cline published in 2011 and republished in paperback in 2014. It is set mainly in 2044, although parts of the book reference the 1980s and 1990s, including a detailed description of one character's obsession with Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). The novel follows Wade Watts, a teenager living within an impoverished community on "the Stacks", an area comprising mobile homes piled on top of each other on highways leading out of Oklahoma City. The dominant form of entertainment by this time is the OASIS, an expansive virtual reality universe created by James Halliday and Ogden Morrow. When Halliday dies, he leaves his immense fortune to the first person able to find the Easter egg he has hidden somewhere in the OASIS. Wade finds the egg, and with it goes on a quest spanning both space and time.

-by Ernest Cline - Published August 29th 2011 by Crown Publishing Group

Film website: http://www.readyplayeronefilm.com/ 
Ernest Cline (born October 17, 1973) is an American writer who has written for television shows such as The Office and directed several short films; he was also a co-writer of Fanboys and creator of "Ascension" for Syfy. He wrote Ready Player One .

Cline grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He attended La Cueva High School, where he served as an editor for his school's newspaper and was a member of the team that won the state championship on Academic Decathlon. Cline received his Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of Texas at Austin in 1996. 
He married Alice Huang, who has also been credited for writing Ready Player One . Together they have two sons.
-Book: Ernest Cline - Ready Player One - (Ernest Cline) - 2011 (Seven lines from page 3)
-Subtitle: A Novel. - Sci-Fi - (Ready Player One Novel) - 2011

-Film advert for Ready Player One : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvicZw1OgjE
-Cast includes: Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke, Ben Mendelsohn and T.J. Miller 
-Director: Steven Spielberg - Writer: Ernest Cline - Produced by 21st Century Fox , Dune Entertainment , Weed Road Pictures & Village Roadshow Pictures . - Warner Bros. Pictures - Warner Bros. Pictures. - CinemaScore
-Release date: 5 December 2018
-Rating: PG-13 (for sci-fi action violence and language throughout.)
-Running time: 132 minutes
Ready Player One is a novel by Ernest Cline published in 2011 and reissued in paperback in 2014. It is set primarily in 2044 and follows Wade Watts, a teenager living within an impoverished community on "the Stacks", an area comprising mobile homes piled on top of each other on highways leading out of Oklahoma City. The dominant form of entertainment by this time is the OASIS, an expansive virtual reality universe created by James Halliday and Ogden Morrow. When Halliday dies, he leaves his immense fortune to the first person able to find the Easter egg he has hidden somewhere in the OASIS. Wade finds the egg, and with it goes on a quest spanning both space and time. -by Ernest Cline - Published August 29th 2011 by Crown Publishing Group
Film website: http://www.readyplayeronefilm.com/ 
Ernest Cline (born October 17, 1973) is an American writer who has written for television shows such as The Office and directed several short films; he was also a co-writer of Fanboys and creator of "Ascension" for Syfy. He wrote Ready Player One .
Cline grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He attended La Cueva High School, where he served as an editor for his school's newspaper and was a member of the team that won the state championship on Academic Decathlon. Cline received his Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of Texas at Austin in 1996. 
He married Alice Huang, who has also been credited for writing Ready Player One . Together they have two sons.
-Book: Ernest Cline - Ready Player One - (Ernest Cline) - 2011 (Seven lines from page 3)
-Subtitle: A Novel.

Conclusion: What an amazing finale to a wonderful journey.
-For the entire book: Ernest Cline - Ready Player One - (Ernest Cline) - 2011 (Five lines from page 8)
-Subtitle: A Novel.

-Acknowledgements: Ernest Cline - Ready Player One - (Ernest Cline) - 2011 (Three lines from page 135)
-Subtitle: A Novel.

Transformers (Artwork, concept and background). http://img3.wikia.nocookie.

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