Turn Online Window Shoppers into Customers


 Turn Online Window Shoppers into Customers

Turning "window shoppers" into customers sounds like a pretty tough task, doesn't it? The truth is, you're in luck. There are tons of techniques for making your ecommerce store more attractive to online shoppers.

In this post we'll be going over all of these techniques and giving examples of the best ones so that you can set your store apart from the rest!

## Introduction to Informative Video Blog Posts ##

An introduction to a video blog post titled "How To Play Music on Car Stereo": 
I'm going to show you how you can play music on your car stereo. First, get some music onto a USB drive or SD card and plug it in to your car stereo.

Next, open the media player on your phone. I'm going to use Google Play Music since that is my favorite.

Then, you can browse music by song or artist. When you find a song or album you like, tap the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the selected item and hit "add to library." This will add it to your personal music player so you can listen to it without an internet connection later.

I like Google Play Music because I can download songs while I'm connected to wifi and not using any data. However, once I'm out of wifi range I can play that music offline. That way I don't have to rely on the radio and I can listen to the music I like!

Now your own video blog post about how to play music on car stereo:

This kind of content is insanely engaging and is a great way to get people interested in your product (if it's relevant). It's completely free, extremely easy to write, and if you do it well, you're very likely going to get some backlinks as well.

If you pick a topic that people are passionate about, you can convert the video post into an extremely popular blog post.

For example, there is a huge market for music fans who want to be able to play music on their car stereo without paying for streaming services like Spotify or Apple Music. I have written a tutorial on how to do it, which has been shared over 300 times: How To Play Music On Car Stereo Without Paying For Streaming Services.

I highly recommend making your first video blog post about a hot-topic that relates to your product or service. You might want to start off with something simple like how to download pictures from the web or how to start up your service.

Creating this type of post is incredibly simple and can get you some traffic as soon as you publish. Plus you will feel great since you're helping others and spreading the word about your brand.

And remember, once you have a video blogging service, like Videora, it's easy to create "How-To" blog posts like this one: https://videora.com/blog/how-to-make-yogurt/ .

## Easing the User Experience ##

Now that we know what to write about, let's talk about how we should go about writing it. When creating content for an ecommerce store, it's important for you to remember that your site visitors are busy and that they have a reason for being there (to buy).

This means you need to get straight to the point. If you waste your visitor's time with something like an introductory paragraph, they will be less likely to engage with your content.

You should make sure every sentence in your content is as relevant as possible. The last thing you want is someone coming to a blog post about buying a pair of sneakers and finding 3 paragraphs about the author's freelance work at some company he used to work at 5 years ago.

You want to create content that helps your visitors without taking them far out of their way. The best blog posts are those that give your visitor a reason to keep reading – especially if they're in the middle of something important.

Now, you may be thinking "doesn't this contradict what I said earlier about making sure my article is relevant?" The answer is yes and no. You want to make sure you are using the right language. It's fine to use specific, actionable language when talking about how-to topics because that makes it easy for readers to know exactly what they need to do when reading the post.

However, with something like a review post (i.e. a product review, check out product guide, etc.), you don't necessarily want to just write in "you should buy this thing because it's good." Instead you want to focus on your visitor's needs and let them know what they should be looking for.

At the same time, if you try to make that product recommendation too specific, it will be difficult for your readers to find something in their own life that you suggest they buy instead. Plus, you'll just come across as a "snake oil salesman"

If you are going to recommend a product or service, you should make sure it fits in with the topic of your article. A good way to do this is by finding an existing resource that talks about the same thing and then give your own opinion about it (i.e. "I thought [Company X] was pretty good but I found out that [Company Y] did this instead.")

This will let your visitors know that you're not a dishonest snake oil salesman who's going to try and sell them something or trick them in some way. You're recommending the best product for them or the best service for them because you've actually used them yourself.

Here is a blog post I wrote back in February '10 that's about how to shop on Amazon: How To Shop On Amazon: Steal Their Methods For Making Money Online. This kind of article is fantastic because it helps my customers by giving them tips and advice on how to save money shopping on Amazon. They don't have to figure out exactly how to find an article like this – instead, they can just read it and get the same benefit from it (as well as find out about new products that Amazon has added).

Now, it doesn't hurt that this article is on a "high traffic" keyword (how to buy on amazon) or that it's been syndicated on over 50 sites (i.e. even more people will be able to find it).

This is an example of how you want to write your blog post – you want to make sure you are always giving your visitors a good deal. Whether they're coming to the content for how-to information, a product review, or some kind of entertainment – they should always get what they came for (and then some).

## Final Thoughts ##

When thinking about a piece of content, don't just think about what the article is going to be about.

Conclusion: What is the purpose of this piece?

What is the purpose of this piece? Audience: Who will be reading it? Why are they on your blog in the first place?

Who will be reading it? Why are they on your blog in the first place? Structure: How should you present this information to your audience? Should you use bullets or paragraphs (or both)? What information and how much information do you need to include in every sentence to make it as useful as possible for your readers.

It all boils down to thinking about what specific action you want your visitors to take when they read or watch whatever it is you're creating. And then, create content that helps them do just that.

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