Turn Your Marketing Pieces into Marketing Masterpieces with These Five Design Techniques
It's easy to get lost in the sea of marketing pieces – company brochures, ads, flyers – and often it feels like there is little you can do as a designer. So what should you focus on? What should you paint your masterpiece with? Marketing masterpieces are something that carry the brand across all mediums. When they're done right, they come alive on paper or digital screens. They enthrall audiences and convey the true meaning of your brand without fail every time. Here are five design techniques to create marketing masterpieces that set themselves apart from the crowd:
Acknowledge Your Audience
When designing a marketing masterpiece, think about who is going to engage with your piece. Who are your intended recipients? Think about what they care about, if they know of your brand, and if they want to engage. Then paint your masterpiece thinking about how they will interact with it.
Choose an Iconic Symbol
Sometimes the right symbol can accomplish more than words ever could. Think of the Nike emblem, Coca-Cola's logo, or even Apple's icon. These symbols are instantly recognizable and resonate with just as many people as they did at the time of their inception. Simply put, a symbol is a powerful way to grab people's attention in any medium without fail.
Be Simple, Yet Effective
Simple designs can often be more effective than overly artistic ones. Think of the Twitter logo and Facebook icon. They both have a very simple design, but they are instantly recognizable and have become iconic in their given fields. If you're designing a marketing masterpiece, keep things clean and simple; a simple logo can be just as powerful as an artistic one.
Do Your Research
The world is full of inspiration when it comes to designing effective marketing masterpieces; so go out there and pick up anything you see that grabs your attention. Take inspirations from the advertisements at your local bus stop or even fashion magazines; just don't be afraid to think outside the box and look for inspiration in all forms.
Remember the Little Details
Even the smallest details are something to consider when designing a marketing masterpiece. If you're designing a logo, for example, watch what it looks like when resized; make sure it can still be read and that it doesn't lose its integrity when you shrink it down. Small details such as these can make or break your design and your brand's reputation.
With any marketing masterpiece, there are no rules to follow; all you have to do is create an effective piece of art that connects with people on an emotional level and carries your brand across the board. Your creativity is your main tool to accomplish this goal – so go ahead and use it.
Title: The Power of Catchiness
Description: In branding, you need catchiness. Catchy marketing pieces always get the attention they deserve because people are drawn to catchy things. Just think back to the commercials you remember – they were catchy, right? Catchy marketing pieces are memorable, and they'll carry your brand across all mediums; plus if you want to get a catchy song stuck in people's heads there's a certain type of music that always does the trick. This article offers some insight into how to make sure your songs are as catchy as possible.
Source: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/albertosage112526.html
Title: How to Choose a Catchy Song
Description: You've got an awesome new song you want everyone to hear, but how do you choose the right catchy song to get people's attention? Everyone has a favorite catchy song and when that one song gets stuck playing in your head over and over again it can be somewhat maddening. However, if you have someone else's song stuck in your head it can get annoying real fast – especially if they're trying to sell something. So what are some key factors that go into making a catchy tune that will have people singing along with you every time? This article explores the ways of choosing a catchy song.
Source: http://www.makingmusicfun.com/how-to-choose-a-catchy-song/
Title: How Catching Techniques Can Make Your Song Catchier
Description: You've got an awesome new song you want everyone to hear, but how do you choose the right catchy song to get people's attention? Everyone has a favorite catchy song and when that one song gets stuck playing in your head over and over again it can be somewhat maddening. However, if you have someone else's song stuck in your head it can get annoying real fast – especially if they're trying to sell something. So what are some key factors that go into making a catchy tune that will have people singing along with you every time? This article explores the ways of choosing a catchy song.
Source: http://www.makingmusicfun.com/how-to-choose-a-catchy-song/
Title: History of Catchy Songs in Advertising (1950s–Present)
Description: A catchy song can sell anything from soda to cereal, and if you're looking to sell something with a catchy song there's no time like the present. The more you know about the history of catchy songs in advertising – especially when it comes to marketing songs – the better you can put together your own marketing masterpiece. This article offers some insight into the tactics used to make catchy songs.
Source: http://www.adweek.com/news/advertising-branding/history-catchy-songs-advertising-1950s–present-148958
Title: How to Choose a Catchy Song
Description: You've got an awesome new song you want everyone to hear, but how do you choose the right catchy song to get people's attention? Everyone has a favorite catchy song and when that one song gets stuck playing in your head over and over again it can be somewhat maddening. However, if you have someone else's song stuck in your head it can get annoying real fast – especially if they're trying to sell something. So what are some key factors that go into making a catchy tune that will have people singing along with you every time? This article explores the ways of choosing a catchy song.
Source: http://www.makingmusicfun.com/how-to-choose-a-catchy-song/
Title: How to Choose a Catchy Song
Description: You've got an awesome new song you want everyone to hear, but how do you choose the right catchy song to get people's attention? Everyone has a favorite catchy song and when that one song gets stuck playing in your head over and over again it can be somewhat maddening.
Creating a marketing masterpiece takes dedication; the more effort you put into it, the better your end product will be. No matter what you're designing, whether it's an advertisement, logo or song, there's a certain type of creativity that goes into making an effective masterpiece. However, once you've created your masterpiece the true test comes in how well it works as a tool for marketing. Once it can draw people to your brand without fail and simultaneously convey your message in a way that sticks with them for years to come – you know you've got a winner!
About The Author
Lisa Reichelt is the Content Director at MusicPromoBanner.com . She writes blogs about music promotion and marketing trends .