Two Ways to Market Yourself Without Spending a Dime
While marketing yourself can be extremely costly in the beginning, there are ways to market yourself without spending a dime. Here are two of most common strategies:
1) Blogging consistently and creating themed content - Finding your niche online and hosting related blog posts will also help you to build up a website presence. No matter what niche you're in, this strategy is sure to work wonders as you create an ever-growing audience for yourself. You can then begin promoting your social media accounts and develop expected website traffic with your content.
2) Making your own content - While writing for other blogs is a great way to start building up a reputation and traffic, it can be quite time consuming. In the meantime, you can also create your own digital product (video course or ebook). You'll definitely have to market it on social media and/or through search engine optimization as you continue to publish more content.
These two strategies are just another way of marketing yourself without spending money on advertising. What else do you do? Let us know in the comments below!
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The GritPost Kickstarter Campaign
GritPost was launched in January of 2016 with the goal of helping people create highly shareable articles, photos and videos. I personally began researching high converting sharing options that were within my budget and found a niche between digital strategy and traditional marketing to be profitable and high-rewards when done correctly. I was determined to make an impact on the metrics of not only the digital world but in the offline world as well. I have a ton of experience with social media platforms, in particular Twitter and Facebook. I even have top 4 ranked facebook page and Twitter's best twitter handle depending on the social issue.I am here to create a new way people can share content that is truly worthy of sharing with their friends, family and community no matter where they are located. The GritPost Kickstarter campaign is about funding a three month project that will allow me to meet our goals for growth and optimization and begin making an impact on how people engage online.
I am GritPost, here's my story on how I went from a virtual nobody to student of the passionate online marketing world. If you're looking for an awesome way to better your digital following and share content people will really want to read, then this is the right campaign for you!
The Kickstarter Campaign
The Kickstarter campaign runs from now until January 20th, 2018.