Understanding the Reverse Funnel System
What is the reverse funnel system and how does it work?
The reverse funnel system is a marketing strategy that focuses on the top tier of your target market. This model usually relies on high-value customers who are likely to purchase your product...BUT, they're not going to buy right away! Instead, they WILL eventually decide in favor of purchasing your product but only after their lower-tier targets have been reached.
Sounds simple enough, but this method can be difficult to master. If you tune out during any step along this "funnel," you will miss out on making more sales.
Let's take a look at the process in action...
How does a reverse funnel work?
The reverse funnel model involves taking your product and identifying the most valuable customers who will purchase it. These customers are your top-tier targets and would be interested in purchasing your brand new, revolutionary product. The problem is, these high-value customers are not going to buy right away...in fact, they won't buy at all until AFTER their lower-tier customers have been reached!
This means you must turn your attention toward the second tier of your target market: the ones who might very well become new customers of yours. Remember, they won't purchase right away, but they'll eventually make that decision.
This process continues until all tiers in your target market have been reached. Once you feel that everyone has a chance to become one of your customers, then you have a chance at hitting your goal amount.
Using the example mentioned above, let's walk through how this process might work for a real company...
Example: the reverse funnel model in action!
Let's say we own a marketing company and we're looking to get new business prospects on board. We'll start off by asking for referrals from our happy customer base and we've come up with a list of four names who are familiar with our work as well as business owners who might have a need for our services.
We'll also be looking to lose the clients who have been with us for a while and are no longer in need of our services. Since these people have already received reliable service, it's unlikely that they'd ever consider switching companies. In other words, we don't think they'll ever become new customers.
On the other hand, we've found that there are plenty of individuals and companies who might be interested in our services but simply don't know what they're missing out on. These people may see us as an alternative to the marketing techniques they currently use but aren't really familiar with what we do or why it would benefit them to use our services.
The first three individuals we contact are the instant buyers of our product, while the rest are more likely to become our customers later on.
The second three people we contact are not going to jump on board with our company but they might be interested in talking with us about our services. This gives us another chance at reaching out to them and hopefully building a relationship.
There's one more tier in this model that we need to consider...the fourth tier of people is not really interested in using a marketing company like ours, but they certainly know others who have made purchases from us.
If we can land on this tier of people, then we'll have our target market complete. This also means that we'll have a lot of potential new customers as well!
What is the Best Way to Use the reverse funnel model?
It may seem like there are several ways to use this model, but it's important to remember that you are only going to want to use it when you know your product has enough value for every tier of your target market in order for them to be interested enough after seeing the benefits. Remember: individuals will purchase for different reasons. If more than one reason is compelling enough, then you'll have more than one tier.
Seeing that our marketing company's product is aimed at business owners, let's say that we want to focus on the most valuable tier of customers. These are the people who use our services for a clear purpose that we can vouch for. Our money-back guarantee will appeal to this tier as well!
How do we get these people in the door?
If you're not sure which target market you should focus on, it never hurts to speak to a few different individuals and ask them what they struggle with the most. This will give you an idea of what they need and why, which is going to help you decide where to direct your resources as well.
The reverse funnel model can prove to be a valuable tool in your marketing efforts. Always remember that you need to have your high-value customers first, but don't forget about the people who are on the verge of buying. This isn't the end of your marketing efforts; it's just another step in the process!
No matter what you sell, targeting this type of model will help you get customers in the door!
For more information on understanding and using the reverse funnel system: Check out my book Marketing With Your Mindset.
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Read more from Ryan Kelly at: http://www.businesswithyourmindset.com/
FREE: Get Your FREE Reverse Funnel Template Here
Before we dive into what a reverse funnel is and how you can use it to help grow your business, I want to thank you for downloading this book!
I've decided to get a little bit "gifty" with this guide and provide you something for free. I want to give you an opportunity to start putting some of these marketing techniques into action ASAP!
Below is the exact reverse funnel template that I use when selling anything online. This template is designed after all the reverse funnel methods that we've talked about in this book and it's designed to help focus your energy on building more relationships with prospective customers.
I strongly believe that in order to have any sort of success with your business, you need to work on strengthening and building relationships with your clients.
But what should you do to make sure that your clients will buy from you in the first place? What should you do once they're interested in what you have to offer? That's where the reverse funnel comes into play.
The reverse funnel is designed for companies who would like to build their businesses through increasing the number of leads coming their way from other potential customers. The better your relationship with your clients, the more likely they'll be to buy from you.
To help you get started with the reverse funnel, I've created a free simple template for you that you can use to promote your business on practically any website.
I'd love it if you would take an extra second to hit the link below and grab this freebie! http://www.businesswithyourmindset.com/reverse-funnel-template/
About The Author
Ryan Kelly is an internet entrepreneur and professional public speaker who has built several successful internet businesses over the past 10+ years.
If you'd like to put the marketing model we've talked about into practice, you'll want to check out my book Marketing With Your Mindset. This is a step-by-step manual that will show you exactly how to go about implementing all the strategies outlined in this book and use them to your advantage.
If you have any questions about this reverse funnel model or anything else at all, please feel free to comment below or contact me directly via email: ryan@businesswithyourmindset.com
Ryan Kelley
I've designed a special strategy for you.