Use article marketing to drive traffic to your site


 Use article marketing to drive traffic to your site

A lot of people think that writing articles for article marketing is just another fun way to get traffic to their website. That might be true, but there are also practical benefits that come along with this method. Here are a few article marketing tips and suggestions on how to use it effectively: 
-Conduct keyword searches on sites such as EzineArticles and TrafficGeyser 
-Create great titles 
-Use keyword rich content and the right keywords in your title, body text, and byline 
-Focus on quality content over quantity when writing your articles 
-Submit your article to directories like Yahoo! Directory,, Yahoo! News Headline News and more...
-Submit your articles to article directories that have membership today, like Yahoo! Slideshare, Squidoo 

The first step to using Article Marketing is finding a niche. A niche is a topic or area that you can focus your article marketing efforts on. You will want to choose specific articles which will make the most sense for your target audience. The next step would be to start researching potential keywords. It is important that these are not generic keywords as these are unlikely to have the same level of traffic volume as domain specific keywords (these same articles for example, "cleaning my car" and "how to clean my car" would both have different traffic volumes). The best article marketing keywords are unique and focus on the specific topic that you want to write about. The goal should be to use relevant keywords related to your niche.

Article submissions are an important part of the article marketing process. When submitting your original articles, it is important that they are error free and well formatted. When submitting your articles, pay attention to the titles and content as these can affect how much traffic is given to your article. You should also provide links to the resources that you suggest in order for others to learn more information about them. Article directories will also allow you to see how much search traffic was generated from each submission or if any leads or link clicks were generated from a single submission. You can also see how much traffic was generated from the keywords that you used. You can then use that information to find other articles related to your article and submit them as well.

Article marketing can be a highly effective way of driving traffic and generating leads to your website if done correctly. It is important that you conduct keyword research before choosing a niche and the keywords to target in order for your articles to be successful. There are many article marketing tips and suggestions on how to use it effectively, but you must make sure that your content is written with quality in mind before submitting it for submission. If you have any questions about article marketing or need help with it, feel free to reach out on our Contact Us page.

Title: Getting the best articles is no easy task
Author: "Michael Cartwright" <br>Published: "", March 21, 2011<br>
Title: How to Write an Article that Gets Published
Author: Lynn Blake<br>Published:, June 2, 2010<br>

Title: Getting Your Articles to Sell at Article Base (Part I) 
Author: "Jimmy Moore" <br>Published:, July 2001<br>

Title: More articles for less money <br>Author: Todd Schutte <br>Published in <br> "The Washington Times", June 2, 2011 

Title: A Guide to Article Marketing and Using Article Marketing Tools

Title: A guide to Article Marketing and Using Article Marketing Tools <br>Author: Todd Schutte <br>Published in <br> "The Washington Times", June 2, 2011

Title: Google Webmaster Tools<br>Author: Laura MacLeod<br>Published in <br> "Times of Oman", February 12, 2011

Use article marketing to drive traffic to your site <br>Author: Adam Stites <br>Published in <br> "The Washington Times", January 16, 2011<br> 

Title: Article Marketing For Me <br>Author: Laura MacLeod<br>Published in <br> "Times of Oman", November 2, 2010

Title: Article Submissions - An Important Part of Your Ad Making Strategy <br>Author: Nilo Tabrizy <br>Published in <br> "The Washington Times", September 17, 2010

Title: "Getting the Best Articles is No Easy Task"<br>Author: Michael Cartwright<br>Published in <br> "", March 21, 2011

Title: Save money with article marketing tools <br>Author: Nilo Tabrizy <br>Published in <br> "The Washington Times", January 16, 2011 

Title: Article Marketing - How it Works<br>Author: David Cutlack<br>Published in <br> "The Washington Times", September 25, 2010

Title: How to use Article Marketing to Drive Traffic to Your Website <br>Author: Adam Stites <br>Published in <br> "The Washington Times", August 29, 2010 

Title: How I got Started in Article Marketing<br>Author: Diane Edwards<br>Published in <br> "The Washington Times", July 7, 2010


An article is user-generated content (UGC) and an article is not always created by a writer or author. Instead, there are many articles which are generated by the search engines. These articles can be used to drive traffic to your website in order to increase the number of people who will share it with others.

Title: Role of Article Marketing in Online Branding<br>Author: Haneen Batool Al-Ajmi<br>Published in <br> "ADNews", January 21, 2011


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