Use the Law of Attraction to Build Your Business


 Use the Law of Attraction to Build Your Business

One of the most important things you can do to build your business is to effectively use the law of attraction. This means you should invest in attracting into your life those people that are on your side and will help you achieve your goals, but you should also give others a chance too. If there isn't an opportunity for them, it's not because they don't deserve one, it's just because they haven't identified with what makes them tick yet. Just because someone doesn't 'fit' our vision of success and isn't making immediate progress towards achieving it doesn't mean they aren’t working hard or trying their best.

If you really want to be successful on your own terms, you need to be flexible with your business and the people in it. You may have a very specific vision for your success, but if you aren't adaptable, there will be things that will come up that you won't like and you'll end up fighting a battle that is already lost.

You can learn new things from everyone and anyone, even those who might seem like they have nothing to teach. Don't say no until they give you reason not to. When someone offers an idea or suggestion of what they think may work for your business or even just them personally, listen and absorb as much as possible.

Because you're not a mind reader and your business is too important to be hindered by limitations, don't go taking every nugget of advice that comes your way. What's good for one business isn't necessarily good for another. You have to be selective and filter the information you get so that you only end up with what is useful or beneficial. You can always discard the rest.

The best way to make this happen is to take the time at least once a week in which you list three things you learned about yourself or about others in your business that helped push it forward this week. When you do this, you start to see patterns emerge in your business that may have seem random before. There is a formula at work here and it's beginning to become crystal clear.

If you haven't already, get yourself a copy of the "Law of Attraction" by Esther and Jerry Hicks (Great book! You must read this book!). It will be one of the best investments you'll ever make in yourself or your business. In reading it, your business will come alive and develop ways to help build it. You'll enjoy every step along the way.

If you want to make better money as a coach, invest in yourself and your coaching abilities .

If you want to earn more money as a consultant, invest in yourself and your consulting abilities.

If you want to make more money in real estate, invest in yourself and your real estate abilities.

If you want to make more money as a trader, invest in yourself and your trading abilities.

The list goes on...
If you want to make more money as a doctor, invest in yourself and your doctor abilities.

If you want to make more money as a lawyer, invest in yourself and your law abilities.

You get the point. If you want to make more money as a salesperson, investor or any other type of business person for that matter, don't wait for others to tell you what to do; take steps towards learning everything you can about yourself so that the path you walk determines where and how much money is being generated within your business. You'll be amazed at what happens when you invest in yourself first by learning all there is to know about your profession or area of expertise.

When you develop an understanding of your purpose, learn how to use "The Law of Attraction" and invest in yourself, the results can be amazing!

Article: The Law Of Attraction: Why Now? by Esther Hicks.
Video: Why You Aren't Rich Yet - Ben Greenfield [Startup Grind]
How you can build your business with the Law of Attraction by Rich Kinsman at Article link: Video article link:
Article: You Are What You Attract by Esther Hicks
Video: Positive Attitude for Positive Changes – Rich Kinsman [Startup Grind] Article link: Video article link: Article content: "Shift your focus from any pain you're in to a place of joy and abundance and you will create everything that you want. It's just a matter of believing in yourself and the ability to do it."
Article: How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Build Your Business (The Millionaire Investor) by Fraser Cain.
Video: Wealth Affirmer: How You Can Get Rich Working 9-5 (Rich Kinsman, MKM Partners) Article link: Video article link: Article excerpt: “I used to have a job that I didn't like. I sat in front of a computer all day, writing the same code over and over. It was very boring, and there wasn't much room for creativity. But I did it well enough to get promoted into management.”
Article: The Law Of Attraction And Business: How You Can Use It To Build Your Financial Future by Ben Greenfield at
Article: The Law of Attraction - How To Use It To Build Your Business (The Millionaire Investor) by Fraser Cain at Forbes Blogs  (published originally on Quora).

To succeed in business, you need to be flexible, adaptable and open to change. If you're willing to learn everything there is to know about yourself, your business and the people within it can only get better.
Article: The Law of Attraction – How To Use It To Build Your Business (The Millionaire Investor) by Fraser Cain at Forbes Blogs (published originally on Quora).
Article: Why You Should Use The Law Of Attraction To Build Your Business by Ben Greenfield at 

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