Using Other Peoples Articles To Increase Your Adsense Cash
The internet is a honey pot of great content that can be leveraged to improve your website's advertising. In fact, one of the easiest ways to earn money from Google is by linking your site to other websites on which you don't carry ads. This article shares tips for using other peoples articles to increase your adsense cash flow!
This blog post will teach you how:
- To get good content
- What are the most effective keywords in an article
- How often you should write articles like this and get paid for them.
However, before we talk about how to use other peoples articles, let's start with what the term means.
Using other peoples articles simply means adding links to your site that link back to content that you don't own. This isn't plagiarism and it doesn't mean you will be penalized by Google. It is perfectly legal as long as you're not taking credit for someone else's hard work.
If you ask any search engine optimization expert, they will tell you that this is an excellent way to build quality backlinks to your site without getting penalized by Google. It is perfectly legal as long as you don't use copyrighted text that you have not written.
There are many ways to use other peoples articles. The way I am going to show you can easily be done with a tool known as Article Marketing Tools . Its a paid tool that lets you download articles from the web, add your own links and submit them to article directories for points and money!
To get started, first head over here and register for an account (The registration process takes about 2 min). When you click register, it will take you to this page so simply choose your username and password and click "Create an Account". Then you'll want to add a new account. The next page will be where you can add your accounts. If you're not sure how to do this, just scroll down to find the link with the text "Add or Remove Accounts".
Now that you have your accounts, it is time to create a new article directory account. To do this click here: and click "Create an Account". Once again, I suggest adding 2 articles that don't use copyrighted text and get points for them before submitting your first submission.
Once you have created an account, go back to the tutorial on Article Marketing Tools .
Create a new post (click here) and upload an article of your choice.
Then scroll down and click to "Add Your Links".
Now simply copy paste the links you want to include in the article, click save and submit. (Be sure to add pertinent info, such as a title, description, keywords and optimize the article for search engines).
That's all there is to it! Now all you have to do is earn those points! Just keep in mind that you don't get paid until you hit $7 worth of points.
Conclusion: If you want to use other peoples articles to increase your adsense cash flow, this is a great way to do it!
The post Using Other Peoples Articles To Increase Your Adsense Cash appeared first on SiteGround Blog .
Marketing and advertising are inseparable because they go hand in hand. If you need any marketing tips and strategies, then you can be sure that SiteGroundBlog will provide them to you. You may get the best bang for your buck by using an article marketing strategy, which reports have shown can rake in between $0 and $10 dollars per article depending on the niche or type of content.