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What do you do when your career is over? You find a new one, of course! Starting a business can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some tips to get started in the right direction.

If you want to make lemonade out of the lemons life has given you and start a new business, here’s how:

Both intro paragraphs written so far are factual but not informational. The introduction should help readers understand what they'll learn by reading the blog post. 

Examples of introductions for informative posts: "Let me share with you 10 things that I learned from watching my dad work as an electrician. This will help you become a better electrician.”

Sample introduction of an informative blog post:

"The best way to learn something is to teach it. This enlightening blog post will teach you about some of the most common mistakes that electricians make and how to avoid them. If you ever hope to become an electrician, read this! "

Writing good blogs requires that writers present information in an interesting, easy-to-read way. Good introductions reduce the chance that readers won’t want to continue reading your blog post. As bloggers, we want people to take our advice and share our blogs with others as a valuable resource.

One of the most important aspects of an informative blog post is the introduction, which presents what the reader will learn and how.

For example, a blog post titled "10 things not to do when wiring a new home appliance" would start with "The following is for anyone who has ever wired a new home appliance." 

The purpose of an introduction is usually to sell the blogger's credibility as an expert. Bloggers can use introductions to enhance their credibility or objectivity. A blog post titled “10 things that I found most important when learning how to pole vault” might begin by saying “For those who are interested in becoming pole vaulters, this information will help you achieve your goals.” 

Some examples of introductions that are not informative:

Example 1:“This is my second blog post. I hope you like it. If you do, please share it on Facebook, Twitter and Google +. If not, please email me at and tell me why.” This is an example of an introduction that is written too informally and awkward to be read by anyone but the author. It’s probably better if the blog post doesn’t say anything at all than to say something so poorly written that people don't want to read it.

Example 2:“I am going to show you how to create more time in your life. How? I’ll tell you, soon. Just click here and read my post.” The problem with this introduction is that the blogger doesn’t present anything interesting for the reader to do other than click on a link. It would be better if the blogger said something like “In the following post I will show you how to create more time by doing _____________.”

There may be one or two sentences in a blog post that serve as the conclusion, but they are usually not called a conclusion paragraph because they are not an independent paragraph (one that has its own topic sentence). When a blog post refers back to what the blogger said in several paragraphs, the reader may think that it is the final paragraph. However, this isn’t true because it does not have an independent topic sentence.

If a blog post has two paragraphs that seem like they could be called conclusions, then it probably should be split into two parts. That gives the illusion that each part is an independent paragraph (which shouldn't be split). The introduction and conclusion paragraphs are also called "paragraphs or sections".

For example:

Informative blog posts often have many great intro paragraphs.

Bloggers use introductions to show credibility and objectivity. A good introduction validates the blogger's expertise. Readers want to hear from someone they can trust, so they need to feel that the blogger’s advice is something they should read.

A blog post titled "10 things that I found most important when learning how to pole vault" might start as follows: “For those who are interested in becoming pole vaulters, this information will help you achieve your goals. I have been a pole vaulter for three years now, and I have learned quite a bit along the way. I was lucky enough to attend several training camps, which taught me many great tricks of the trade from some of the best pole vaulters in the world.”

In this introduction, the blogger refers to several previous blog posts so that readers who followed the blog post series will remember what else is discussed in this post. This is a good example of how to use introductions to increase blog posts’ popularity. When you write an introduction about something, it's a good idea to say what your previous posts discussed so your readers know where you stand and have other things to read because they will be interested in them.

Presentation of the whole topic in just one post is usually more valuable than presenting it in three different ones (it would take longer). If each post presents a part of the topic, then the reader can use them as reference materials.

Sometimes bloggers want to include a longer introduction in another post. But, if a blog is short and to-the-point, there's no need to write an introduction at all. 

In addition, there's nothing wrong with leaving the introduction out of one post and writing it for another blog about the same topic. 

Some bloggers do this because they don't have time to write every single post on their blog or because they feel it would be too much work to write every single introduction. It's easier to leave the introduction out if the blog is not well-known yet. 

Some bloggers write an introduction for every post, but others write different introductions for different posts. For example, one blogger might write a general introductory paragraph that applies to almost all of his or her posts. Another blogger might write introductions for every post because he or she wants to inform the reader about something new in this post that was not covered in any of his or her previous ones. 

The purpose of an conclusion paragraph is usually to sum up what the writer discussed in several paragraphs and let readers know that they can stop reading now if they’re satisfied with what they read.

As with introductions, there may be one or two sentences in an article that serve as the conclusion paragraph. But, these are not a conclusion paragraph because they are not independent. If a blog post does refer back to what the blogger said in several paragraphs, then the reader probably thinks that it is the final paragraph.

A blogger might write just one . . .

or he or she can write several . . 

Or he or she can write just one long conclusion paragraph so there’s no need to split it into several parts. 

The only problem with writing just one long conclusion paragraph is that the writer may become redundant, repeating what was already said and leaving readers confused.

Conclusion paragraphs should be brief, but they don't have to be unimportant. 

If a blogger wants to write a few paragraphs of conclusion and then add a new post that talks about the same topic, it’s not uncommon to use the conclusion paragraph as an introduction for the next post.

In most blogs, the introduction and conclusion are usually too short. 

Bloggers often rewrite their blog posts so that the reader can skip over slow material in small paragraphs called “slideshows” or “widgets.” 

When it comes to writing a blog post, there are two sections that need to be considered: the introduction, and the conclusion. In general, a blog post should have an introduction followed by a conclusion. There's nothing against writing an introduction or conclusion ahead of time and sharing them with your audience; you can publish them on your blog or publication website in text form and share links to each of the posts.

The Introduction: 

As for introductions, they serve as validation for their credibility and objectivity that increase reader engagement. They show expertise with which the blogger is able to provide advice that is beneficial to readers who want it. It also serves as something viewers will remember because they find it credible.

In regard to writing an introduction for a blog post, it's a good idea to have it contain the following elements: 

The Conclusion: 

If you were to type in anything on Google, chances are you might come across a list of blogs that are relevant to your search. Those articles that would be listed are those which come after the conclusion section of your content. The conclusion is what makes people decide whether they want to follow through or not; it is what leaves them wanting more. The conclusion section can conclude with a question and provide further knowledge on the question which leads readers into another article or another search. This is an effective way of engaging viewers as they will want answers. 

And there you have it; you now know the right way to write a blog post. 

The next time you do anything, remember this: Don't be afraid to share your thoughts. Know that every single word counts and will leave an everlasting impression in the minds of your readers. Share knowledge that you believe can help someone out there, and don't forget to make them smile!

<!-- END EXAMPLE -->

Bloggers use all of these expressions to add more life to their writing:

In some cases, bloggers write a blog post about something they didn’t even experience or found out about themselves. Now they want to share their thoughts on it with others who might also be interested in it.

Bloggers can use quotation marks: 

"This is an example of the kind of infotainment that I believe most blogs should avoid."

or sometimes they use italicized quotes: 

"People have told me that the post I wrote about “The 7 Stages of Grief” has resonated with others, but I do not feel that it is possible for people to truly understand “The 7 Stages of Grief” unless they have been there in their own lives. Therefore, I wrote this post hoping to help people understand more about grief and how to deal with it. I know that it will not resonate with everyone, as some people will have experienced different things. Nonetheless, it is my hope that people who wish to give an opinion will remember to be respectful."

Some bloggers enjoy sharing their thoughts on various topics and taking on other perspectives. 

This means they don't just share their own thoughts, they share the thoughts of others AND what they think about them. This can be effective if the blogger feels passionate about a certain topic and he or she feels driven to share it with others who might also want to hear about it.

Bloggers who write opinions on behalf of others are more likely to use verbs and adjectives when describing their posts than if they were writing about something personal. For example:

<!-- EXAMPLE -->

"I think that this is a great idea and it will be a lot of fun!" I am so excited to share this with you guys! I've been working on it for a while and I'm glad that it's finally here.

If a blogger writes about something that he or she has personally experienced, then the writer is more likely to use descriptive words instead of adjectives or verbs. For example:

<!-- EXAMPLE --> 

"I was sitting on my couch and all of the sudden, my laptop screen cracked! It was terrible! If you have ever had anything like this happen to you, you know how frustrating it can be. The laptop got all of the sudden, a loud pop and then it was broken! It broke in two right where the screen connected to the laptop. Everything on my computer was saved and important so I had to buy a new one. I had to struggle with finding a good company that would give me a good price on a new laptop and when I finally found one, it took some time to get it all set up."

Some people consider this method of blogging as spamming because bloggers make their money or do not have anything valuable to share with the world. But sometimes bloggers with genuine thoughts write about things that make them feel alive and not having something stupid like personal stuff would make them sad. 

Sometimes bloggers find their thoughts to be silly and funny, so they think that it's better to write about them so their readers will also have a good time laughing with them. 

Most blog posts are about real-life situations or experiences, but some bloggers keep things simple and talk about something of interest.

Some bloggers try to make us smile again by writing jokes or funny stories, like comics, pictures or gifs. 

By telling a joke first and then telling the story after that is what makes people feel comfortable and amused. These kinds of jokes are very effective when you want people to laugh again.

<!-- EXAMPLE -->

"Would you like to hear a joke? Here is a funny one about someone who is afraid of heights. One day, the man went out on his balcony and he noticed that it was raining very hard. He thought that he would stay safe at his house, so he went into his room and closed all of the doors and windows. He then put on a heavy coat because it was cold.

He continued this throughout the entire night and during the day. The man's friend asked him why he was wearing the large coat and he said, “I don't want to give a reason."

These jokes are very funny and they work in most cases. You just have to try it out and see if your readers like it. 

As we can see from the picture above, there are 2 types of jokes. The 1st type of joke is a regular one where the story is about something simple that makes people laugh; these kinds of jokes usually don’t require an explanation at all because the punchline alone is enough for people to understand. The 2nd type of joke can be extremely funny and it’s considered to be more complicated to analyze. 

These kinds of jokes work very well when the writer is able to provide information about the characters, situation, and setting so the reader will have a better understanding of what's going on in the story.

Some bloggers enjoy writing stories and sharing them with others. 

For example:

<!-- EXAMPLE -->

The story that I am about to tell you happened some time ago. I was working in a bakery making sandwiches for people who went to work early in the morning.


Writing interesting posts is not difficult, but it takes time and effort to do so. Like anything, you have to put in the time and effort to make your blog a success.

There are some very unique methods of blogging that have become popular for specific reasons.

A possible way of blogging is writing about how you do things/experiences or how you think about an issue that you want to discuss or debate with other people. This can be useful if a person has something very controversial he wants to discuss with others who are against him or if he is someone who has something that needs attention from the world and he wants them to take notice of it.

Sometimes bloggers want more time to write more blog posts but they don't want to do any extra work.

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