11 Reasons to Submit This Article to an Ezine
When you submit an article to an ezine, you have the opportunity to get your name in front of a wide audience. Ezines are a great way to meet people, keep yourself in the public eye, make connections with other successful professionals in your industry and share your expertise with others who might emulate your success.
Submitting articles can be an excellent way to build a mailing list of quality subscribers eager for your next ezine.
Submitting articles is also a great way to generate additional income, even if you are not able to publish an article in your ezine at least one time per month. You can submit articles once or twice per week and still get a steady stream of income without having to spend hours and hours writing something each week for an ezine that may only be a handful of subscribers.
If you need more help with the steps you should take when submitting an article, read my article "5 Steps to Submitting Articles. You can also use this article as a guide, and when your article is accepted, you will be taken to an article in the Ezine Wizard that contains all of the steps I went through to get my acceptance.
The Ezine Wizard will send you an email with a link and instructions on how to submit your article once it is accepted:
Remember - You can only send one or two articles per month!
Subscribe to the ezine using my email address josh@joshvipond.com : Nothing spammy &anons. ++++++++Josh Vipond+++++++++ "Blogging and making money are not mutually exclusive.