15 Steps On How To Welcome Your New Employees


 15 Steps On How To Welcome Your New Employees

Welcoming your new employees is one for the most important steps in establishing a successful business. It holds the potential of creating a great company culture and also sets you up for success when recruiting new candidates in the future. A lot of research and effort goes into setting up an effective recruitment process, however there are some actions that are taken prior to the event that can make all the difference on how well your team will integrate.
The first point to consider is who will be responsible for the new employee integration process. Majority of companies have a recruitment and HR department, however it is important that you do not leave this in the hands of someone unfamiliar with your company, market and culture. Recruitment departments are often overworked and understaffed and thus, this task should be handed over to someone within the company who has more time to dedicate towards it.  
A good person to take on this role is the owner or manager of your team as they will get first-hand experience when creating a fun and welcoming environment for your new employees. They will also be able to speak to the new candidate on a personal level and hear their perspectives regarding the job role.
Once you have drafted someone who can take on this task, you need to create a guide with key details which will act as a checklist of how to welcome new employees. Create 25 copies of this document or email it to every member of your team, so they are all aware of what is expected from them.
There are some key points that you need to cover in your checklist. Firstly, make sure the candidate is made aware of what the company does and how their role will fit in. Ensure they can see the importance of their role and the KPIs that are being used so they are aware of their performance.
Secondly, tell them about your culture and what makes your company successful. This should be done without pressuring them, giving too much information too early as this can put pressure on them from day one. This should be communicated through videos and pictures, highlighting aspects such as camaraderie, a fun working environment for everyone and a good work life balance for everyone. 
Lastly, talk about all your brands and the benefits of working for them. For example you could tell them a bit about your main clients or how the business treats their employees. If they have any questions, you need to be available to answer these while they are still in your office, so they are not left wondering or confused.
This process should be done in an informal way – via email or during a group meeting which is being held on the first day of employment. This will break the ice with the new employee and make them feel more welcome. You should be offering them drinks and any snacks that can break the ice, however it is important that they are brought in at the right time, so they aren't left talking with someone who will be leaving soon.
Letting them know about your brand and your company culture at this stage will allow you to gauge whether someone is interested in joining you as an employee or if there are other offers on the table. If you have already left a good impression from a previous job, they may want to join you immediately. This could cause problems with your recruitment process through a bad hire which is not ideal.
After a few days, you need to organise a one-on-one meeting with the new employee and address any concerns they have about the position. This is a chance for you to address any potential problems which could arise in the future.
This is also an opportunity to speak to new employees about your products or services (in an informal setting) so they are aware of what they will be working on.  
Remember that people are more likely to stay if they are enjoying their role and if they feel they create a great team alongside their peers. For this reason, make sure each person feels engaged and valued as an individual which can be done through involving them in your company's social activities such as Happy Hours or events after work.
A great way to make new employees feel welcome is by organising a Welcome Party for them. This will give your staff the opportunity to speak to the new employee in a more relaxed environment.
If you are a small team and do not want to organise an event, you can just organise a get together in the office so everyone can meet and speak with the newcomer.
Make sure the tone of all your correspondence is positive and speaks about how excited you are for your new hire to join. Send them details about their upcoming interview and ensure they have everything they need for this on time. Ensuring you have all the documents they will need prior to their interview will help them feel more at ease when they are at their interview. It is also a good idea if you can send someone to pick them up from the airport and make yourself available if they have any questions. Having an office near an airport will also help facilitate this process, as it can be time consuming if your candidate has a long layover.
If you make sure your employees take part in this process and are aware of what is expected from them, then it should be smooth sailing for new employees once they join the team.  
If you want to learn more about how to break into recruitment, or are looking for a career change, then visit http://www.hays.co.za/ or contact Adriana on ariana.shachak@hays.com or 084 496 3113
Article written by Adriana Shachak, Business Management Consultant at HAYS SA  If you are looking for exciting career opportunities with one of South Africa's largest recruitment agencies, then please visit http://www.hays.co.za/  and take the first step to changing your future today!
Posted by Hays Recruitment at 08:00
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The process of hiring new staff is difficult, but it can become harder if you don't make the right impression on your new employee during their interview. By considering all the details which need to be taken into account when you are interviewing someone, you will find that the whole recruitment process becomes less stressful.
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The post How to conduct an Interview with a New Candidate appeared first on Social Media Tips  |  Social Media Pros .

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